move pickable, how do i select an item to move?

@Almine im assuming "set target", but i've tried pressing every button listed in the movepickable section of keybindings and nothing seems to wrok. i have the item built, and am holding it.
6 Replies
Almine3mo ago
You just need to press Numpad+ key to set target. Did you highlight the dropped item on ground? You will see the three arrows
snaakebiitesOP3mo ago
nothing happened when i pressed that key. highlight it, like with dismantle? if so, i did try that. i hope im not misunderstanding to purpose of the mod. i can move buildables ive placed already, right?
Almine3mo ago
Nope. It’s for the dropped items from inventory. You need to use other mods for buildables.
snaakebiitesOP3mo ago
ohhhh like putting it on display ?
Almine3mo ago
yeah. Drag and drop the item from inventory. You can move them around wherever you want For buildables you can use Infinite Nudge mod.
snaakebiitesOP3mo ago
but i can't nudge things that are placed already. that's what i thought this mod did. i think micromanage is the only mod that does what im looking for. but it hasnt been maintained in a while

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