Game crash on start up with SML file error
The whole error is, Fatal error: [File:C:\SML\SML\Mods\SML\Source\SML\Private\Patching\NativeHookManager.cpp] [Line: 61] Hooking function AFGBuildableResourceExtractorBase::BeginPlay failed: funchook failed: Failed to execute VirtualQuery (addr=00007FFFFFFF0000, error=87(The parameter is incorrect.))

10 Replies
Automated responses for (921931957896613959)
It appears your crash was generated from a copy of the game that does not have mods installed. We likely can't help with it. Please use the Unreal crash reporter dialog to report the error the game developers and/or report it on the official discord and QA site.
Hooking issues can probably be solved by a restart of your computer or a verification of game files. Also make sure your mods are all up to date.
its giving me a file error with the SML files
its saying it cant excute the files in one of the mods, but I dont know which one
I think you bot is wrong
Have you tried restarting your computer?
That crash image says something about allFluidsAreGases, so it's likely that one
It's incredibly rare for hooking issues to be due to a specific mod, they can just cause issues in strange places. Verifying and rebooting will fix 99+% of them
Verifying the the files did nothing but uninstalling the mod worked
if you install the mod again does it work now, or break with the same crash?