Alternate Modular Load Balancers unable to be painted?

Cannot get a regular swatch or finish to apply.
65 Replies
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP5d ago
Doesnt work on the standard MLB either. I do have Extra Finishes loaded.
Acxd5d ago
cc @Bababooie
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
Bababooie4d ago
Sorry was sleepies, aight, um, could I get your mod list as well cos this isn't happening on mine nor have I heard of anyone else with this issue as of yet oops ping
Muppet Burrito
My gut says there must be another mod conflict there somewhere as well, have been using both MLB alternates & extra finishes since they dropped & haven't had any issues with painting them
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
which is the easiest way to send the mod list?
Acxd4d ago
FICSIT-Fred4d ago
We need more information to help you. Before launching the game again, open the Mod Manager and use the "Generate debug info" option, then send the zip file produced here in this channel. If you need to access older log files, see
Bababooie4d ago
ty legend
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
Here we go...
FICSIT-Fred4d ago
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.10.0
Installed Mods: 57
Game: WindowsClient CL 395236 from steam
Path: `d:\Steam\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY -NoMultiplayer
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.10.0
Installed Mods: 57
Game: WindowsClient CL 395236 from steam
Path: `d:\Steam\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY -NoMultiplayer
-# Responding to Key Details for triggered by @Deaddruid II
Bababooie4d ago
Do the 'copy mod list' one please n__n That general message shows the thing to help with crashes mainly It will still help as well but the mod list is also important ah they're in the metadata file anyways actually that doesnt keep track of version number so yeah mod list as well, paste that here too sorry, am relatively new to this process myself
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
i am also new to
Bababooie4d ago
Sweet; am about to go get dinner/breakfast so I'll pour over this while I'm munchin when I get back
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
Bababooie4d ago
@Deaddruid II Did you have a time when MLB were paintable, and which mods have you gotten since they become unpaintable if so/you remember?
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
Sadly dont remember. but I dont always paint them so it has been a while since. could it be that i am in experimental?
Bababooie4d ago
Are all unpaintable? I'm not sure, possibly but I wouldn't have a clue why
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
yes cannot put a lik of paint on anyone
Bababooie4d ago
and other buildables added by mods work fine ?
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
floors, walls and buildings seem ok. was thinking of reducing the mod list by halves until i can paint again.
Bababooie4d ago
Safe bet, small list to get through anyways and that's always the quickest method
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
will let you know after sleep time.
Bababooie4d ago
I have a lot of the same mods though, and the only one that sticks out to me is persistent paintables but that's also a digby mod so doubt it wouldn't be compatible Yokie doke, 2ez Sleep well friendo, hope we can get this sorted for ya @Deaddruid II So, I just started a new game with the same mods as you listed with everything unlocked, and I'm able to paint MLBs of both kinds just fine So maybe it does have something to do with Exp I'll try going on to Exp myself now and see if it still happens From Exp patch notes " CUSTOMIZER New optimizations to the Customizer to address heavy performance hitches Mostly noticeable when hovering a customizer hologram over buildables, please note that there might still be other hitches in this situation unrelated to the Customizer improvements Fixed performance issues when editing swatches in the Customizer Menu Fixed changes made to swatches in the Customizer Menu not applying to the session until saving and reloading or rejoining the server Fixed multiple crashes related to the Customizer" Cc @SirDigby {Mod Name} can't say for certain until mine updates but there's a chance a slight rewrite to the MLB code to account for new customizer stuff will be in order So my game kept crashing when I tried to load into exp with Circuitry Logic Gates installed, so I don't know how you're getting yours to work with it, but the save file I made prior to updating, the one with everything unlocked and a bunch of painted MLBs placed, just got stuck infinitely loading; about to try making a new game Okay nope not loading a new game either; very strange Gonna try restarting my computer Nope, game keeps hanging on load wild; how is yours even running with that modlist on exp nope I can't even get a game to load with the same mods listed as you have on exp, so I'ma roll back to stable
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
mmm dunno about any of that but I did notice that when I try to paint the AMLB or MLB it does say invalid customization target. maybe that indicates something!
Bababooie4d ago
Did you have Satisfactory installed before you updated to Experimental, or did you fresh download it on the experimental branch? Only difference I can think of I can't get a game to load on experimental with that modlist to check if the same thing would happen on my computer so I am not sure what else I'm going to be able to do to help.
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
I just switched from Stable to experimental, and then added all my fav mods. It isnt an issue with the colouring as i tend to efficiency rather than appearance, but it can help. Thanks for your help, I hope this gets fixed (if it is a problem for anyone else) before stable.
Bababooie4d ago
We'll keep this thread open in case anyone else comes by with the same issue, I might try backing up my game and redownloading it fresh and try that modlist again, there might be something from old stuffs in my folders interfering somehow so yeah I'll keep at it could you send a copy of your mod profile through to make it easier to set it up exactly as yours is in case I missed something there
Bababooie4d ago
No description
Bababooie4d ago
name of the profile might not be the same and doesn't matter anyways ahhh keep forgetting to hit reply mb mb
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
hang on, cant do it while running...
Bababooie4d ago
Fair enough, when you're ready
Bababooie4d ago
cheers legend
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
could you use the saved game? if possible.
Bababooie4d ago
Yeah, that's a brilliant idea ty ty
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
Bababooie4d ago
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
I know the directory structure... and can find the save how do i send it?
Bababooie4d ago
right here through discord should be fine
Bababooie4d ago
ty ty
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
Bababooie4d ago
I set up the mod profile I used that wasn't working before I had updated to Exp, I only thought about it because when I tried importing your it specifically said it was set up for a newer version of the game So hopefully if I update and use yours it should work this time
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
updating experimental v1.0.1.6 just started....wonder what happens next
Bababooie4d ago
Okay, so you hadn't updated to the latest patch of exp?
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
i had not realized that there was a pathch avail.
Bababooie4d ago
Right, well hopefully your doesn't suddenly break 🤞
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
well than i will play another satisfactory configuration/save/profile .....whatever error trying to find ficsitwiremod. aka Circuitry. bugger . I like using that
Bababooie4d ago
Okay, yup, you might be about to face the same problem I did Cos I had that issue Let me know if your game hangs infinitely if you try getting rid of circuitry
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
unloading/loading it from the mod list effect. ok if it isnt in the list
Bababooie4d ago
yeah no seems circuitry is broken as of this latest exp patch, I'll have to let the dev know
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
certainly. I use it mostly for buffer flushing.
Bababooie4d ago
Are you able to load into the save?
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
seems to have hung. killed it.
Bababooie4d ago
Okie doke, well at least it wasn't just a bug on my end which means I'm gonna revert back to stable branch once more since seems I'd just meet the same fate regardless I don't know how safe it is do load a save from exp on an older stable branch, but I believe there could be unforeseen consequences. All those mods seemed to at least still all work fine on stable. I don't know want you to lose that save though, so I'm gonna give it a think for a minute
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
the problem is that as much as eee2 was an enjoyable run, time for a new game in exp. or maybe leave exp .
Bababooie4d ago
Safe bet I might still try to figure out which mod is causing the hang
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
let me know if i could help. i have switched to stable.
Bababooie4d ago
Nah that's all good, don't let this take up any more of your time, get into that new save and have fun my good dude ❤️
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
cheers just loaded the save with the same mods into the Stable config. and everything seems fine.🆒 and swatches work. so the devs broke the mods.
Bababooie4d ago
Yeah methinks the customization changes they made in exp broke MLBs painting ability But hopefully it won't be too difficult to reimplement Circuitry and whichever other one is causing the infinite hang though, that may another story
Deaddruid II
Deaddruid IIOP4d ago
so do you write c++/c# to do your modding or something else?
Bababooie4d ago
I have only used Blueprint for all my mods so far, but I know Digby uses a lot of cpp and I've gone through a bit of the code for the MLBs; I was actually only going back through it today to look at how it implements the customizing to see if I could glint anything to help me with a blueprint problem I was having but ended up working it out a different way any ways But is why I am pretty confident that the MLB code will just need a minor touch up to work with whatever the new system is I learnt c# at University, using Unity, but haven't touched it much in ages, but c based languages are all easy enough to pick up if you've learnt at least one so I've been able to touch up a couple pieces of code here and there in cpp I'ma get back to sifting through these mods to see which one's causing the hang; so far none of the largest suspects, but hopefully I'll find it

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