Anyone got a way of getting 3rd person mod into 1.0 - my partner can only play 3rd
- Basically its an accessability thing (really should be built in)
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there are some mods that add third person support, but you will have to wait until 1.0 mod support is ready
3 Replies
there are some mods that add third person support, but you will have to wait until 1.0 mod support is ready
unless you can find some game-agnostic generic unreal solution, but you'd have to look that up
>mod third person
Fred Mod Search™
Third Person View
Customize the way you want to see the game. You can change from first person to third person, and change your scale.
EA: :no_entry_sign:
Note: Broken by 1.0
EXP: :no_entry_sign:
Note: Broken by 1.0
Last Updated <t:1725716717:R>
Created by Andre Aquila
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.