getting error when friend connects

[2024.12.07-01.41.24:665][707]LogNetPartialBunch: Warning: OutgoingBunches.Num (265) exceeds reliable threashold (8) but this would overflow the reliable buffer! Consider sending less stuff. Channel: [UActorChannel] Actor: FGConveyorChainSubsystem /Game/FactoryGame/Map/GameLevel01/Persistent_Level.Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.ConveyorChainSubsystem, Role: 3, RemoteRole: 1 [UChannel] ChIndex: 1556, Closing: 0 [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr: steam.76561198396455782:7777, Name: SteamSocketsNetConnection_2147432085, Driver: GameNetDriver SteamSocketsNetDriver_2147477723, IsServer: YES, PC: BP_PlayerController_C_2147431451, Owner: BP_PlayerController_C_2147431451, UniqueId: Steam:9 (76561198396455782) [2024.12.07-01.41.24:665][707]LogNetPartialBunch: Warning: SendBunch: Reliable partial bunch overflows reliable buffer! [UActorChannel] Actor: FGConveyorChainSubsystem /Game/FactoryGame/Map/GameLevel01/Persistent_Level.Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.ConveyorChainSubsystem, Role: 3, RemoteRole: 1 [UChannel] ChIndex: 1556, Closing: 0 [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr: steam.76561198396455782:7777, Name: SteamSocketsNetConnection_2147432085, Driver: GameNetDriver SteamSocketsNetDriver_2147477723, IsServer: YES, PC: BP_PlayerController_C_2147431451, Owner: BP_PlayerController_C_2147431451, UniqueId: Steam:9 (76561198396455782)
Something is causing the replication reliable buffer of [UActorChannel] Actor: FGConveyorChainSubsystem /Game/FactoryGame/Map/GameLevel01/Persistent_Level.Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.ConveyorChainSubsystem to be overburdened! The limit is 8 but there were 265 items. This crash tends to happen when joining a multiplayer game with a lot of content. Try removing mods that introduce lots of recipes or schematics (HUB/MAM/shop unlocks) or Mod Savegame Settings. It can sometimes take a while, ex. a certain number of buildings placed or schematics to be unlocked, for the problem to actually appear. FICSMAS recently added a lot more schematics which can make the problem threshold easier to hit. The SML team is trying to find a long-term fix but it's a very complex issue to solve. -# Rule logic: -# Responding to reliablebufferoverflow triggered by @Aleis...
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4 Replies
FICSIT-Fred3mo ago
Something is causing the replication reliable buffer of [UActorChannel] Actor: FGConveyorChainSubsystem /Game/FactoryGame/Map/GameLevel01/Persistent_Level.Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.ConveyorChainSubsystem to be overburdened! The limit is 8 but there were 265 items. This crash tends to happen when joining a multiplayer game with a lot of content. Try removing mods that introduce lots of recipes or schematics (HUB/MAM/shop unlocks) or Mod Savegame Settings. It can sometimes take a while, ex. a certain number of buildings placed or schematics to be unlocked, for the problem to actually appear. FICSMAS recently added a lot more schematics which can make the problem threshold easier to hit. The SML team is trying to find a long-term fix but it's a very complex issue to solve. -# Rule logic: -# Responding to reliablebufferoverflow triggered by @Aleis
AleisOP3mo ago
i always get an ada message realted to awesome shop when loading the save, is it possible something is being duplicated? and thus generating this error :RemThink:
Acxd3mo ago
Fred already said what's causing it.
AleisOP3mo ago
and id agree but this only happened after 1.0.1 have even removed stuff like refined power to see if he could join but still couldnt..

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