Why my freind cannot join my satisfactory moded world?

me and my freind has made a satisfactory multiplayer world but cannot join. he got all the mod dowloaded but when he join the wold he stay in a waiting menu with the ada jokes. Can somone help me please.
24 Replies
McCovican2mo ago
FICSIT-Fred2mo ago
We need more information to help you. Before launching the game again, open the Mod Manager and use the "Generate debug info" option, then send the zip file produced in #help-using-mods. This ensures that your help request won't get buried and forgotten in other, non-help channels! If you need to access older log files, see https://docs.ficsit.app/satisfactory-modding/latest/faq.html#Files_Logs
schweppes2mo ago
i did too. cause we use the mp sync i had to host for it to wirk for me debug doesnt shoiw anything with theese issues, kindof is annoying
FICSIT-Fred2mo ago
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.9.0
Installed Mods: 21
Game: WindowsClient CL 385279 from steam
Path: `c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.9.0
Installed Mods: 21
Game: WindowsClient CL 385279 from steam
Path: `c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY
-# Responding to Key Details for SMMDebug-2025-01-19-18-11-04.zip triggered by @Sacha
McCovican2mo ago
Well, for a start, if you two are playing together, you aren't actually playing with the same modlist.
SachaOP2mo ago
hu? i don't understand we got the same mods download
McCovican2mo ago
Mhmm, apologies, I confused schweppes with the OP from the surprisingly-similar thread below this one. In that case, it would help to have schweppes' debug output as well.
SachaOP2mo ago
this are my from my freind not mine
schweppes2mo ago
I had no issues with mods or game side
McCovican2mo ago
So the logs you uploaded were from schweppes? 😐
schweppes2mo ago
No Those are his Just ignore me
McCovican2mo ago
...are you actually involved in Sacha's issue in any way?
schweppes2mo ago
in entirely no. was just saying debug doesnt help when both have the same exact mods
McCovican2mo ago
That is... both unhelpful and extremely incorrect. 😐
schweppes2mo ago
i wont msg here then sorry @Sacha
SachaOP2mo ago
no problrms don't worry
McCovican2mo ago
Could you please upload your debug file as well? Thanks. Their game does appear to be crashing, but after they've already triggered an exit.
SachaOP2mo ago
FICSIT-Fred2mo ago
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.9.0
Installed Mods: 21
Game: WindowsClient CL 385279 from steam
Path: `d:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.9.0
Installed Mods: 21
Game: WindowsClient CL 385279 from steam
Path: `d:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY
-# Responding to Key Details for SMMDebug-2025-01-19-18-39-28.zip triggered by @Sacha
SachaOP2mo ago
What should I do now please.
McCovican2mo ago
So, those two logs are not from the same session. The timestamps do not match, despite being set in the same timezone. Your friend's log shows them connecting, and staying connected, right up until they quit the game. Your log shows no multiplayer activity at all. As such, it's next to impossible to diagnose the specific issue you're having. (Your friend's log does show a crash, but since it was after they'd already selected to quit the game, I'm inclined to believe it was just an unclean shutdown of the application, and isn't directly relevant.) To have a chance of offering any clear diagnosis, we would need logs from both of you which are from the session where you were encountering multiplayer connection issues (ie: try to play multiplayer together again, quit the game if it fails, and then both of you immediately export the Debug dump from SMM). However, as an interim troubleshooting method you could try yourself: >debugmods
FICSIT-Fred2mo ago
Follow this flowchart to troubleshoot issues caused by mods (crashes, unexpected behavior, etc.). More information can be found on the docs: https://docs.ficsit.app/satisfactory-modding/latest/faq.html#_how_can_i_troubleshoot_crash_issues

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