Experimental branch (v1.0.1.6 - Build 399795) broke several mods, report them here
Confirmed mods:
* Industrial Evolution
* Structural Solutions
* Small Storage Containers
* Early Dimensional Depot
* Extra Milestones
* 10 Inventory Slots
* Inventory Slots 50
* Additional 300 Inventory Slots
* Research Cheat
* Weapon Upgrades
* Fix Reliable Buffer Overflow
* Digital Storage
* Ficsit Farming
* Refined Power
* Difficulty Tuner
* Magic Dimensional Depot
* Blocks
* Portable Miner Collector
* Simple Conveyor
* Timelapse Cameras
20 Replies
Out of the other mods ending in "-CL", these are also broken
Multiply - CL
Build Menu Organiser - CL
Instant Craft Bench - CL
Liquify and Solidify All - CL
Beltfed Biomass Burner
Wireless Lights
Unlock All Alternate Recipes
Automatic Instant Smelters
3D Text
Advanced Personal Storage
Alien Artifact Points
All Minable
Archipelago Randomizer (module won't load, game doesn't even start; Circuitry is the same)
Assault Soldier
Just gonna post these now before I work through the list further; I am noticing a pattern that basically any mod that "automatically" gives recipes to the player is causing this hanging issue
Might not be the only thing going wrong but it is certainly one of the things
Can confirm, thanks
Auto Foundations Under Railways
Auto Upload to Dimensional Depot
Auto and Free Power Shards
Automatic Biofuel Processor
Automatic Pipeline Color
Back To Hub
Back to Production Line
Belt to HUB
Belt to Player Inventory
Board Games
Buildable Locker and Toilet
Buildable Sounds
Buildable Space Skybox
Buildable Static Meshes (plugin/module issue like Circuitry and Archipelago)
CCTV Monitoring Camera
I've seen enough to say that guaranteed any mod that is automatically adding recipes instead of having them unlocked at the hub or in the awesome shop is hanging
That's why I'm hopeful that a simple rebuild will suffice
Here's hoping.
Smiles a little as my mod is not on the list š
It's been checked, it's safe.
if all the - CL mods are broken i guess contentlib itzelf is broken
One of the problems is this node: (300 mods has it š¦ )
Yeah, I don't think ContentLib is the culprit. Andre has other mods that make much more use of ContentLib, but it's working fine on Exp
I am inclined to suspect recipes.
Once I commented out that function I was able to load one of my mods. So yeah, gimme new headers :fongo:
Does just having GiveAccessToSchematic in the graph break the mod? SS does have one in the GameModule, but it's not hooked up to anything.
No D4rk , i disconnected it in the game module and it works.
If we connect it with a delay, only breaks when it runs the function.
Then it must be something else that broke SS. I'll wait for an updated project.
PAK utilities seems to break when we "!unlockall"
The way the customization system is handled has been changed apparently, and with SS installed on exp I noticed that it would always hang right after attempting to do something with customisations on game start, seems to happen before anything else
Then its probably the custom default swatch I added.
It'll get fixed
I thought it might be that yea