Mods not working on dedicated server
I have a dedicated server running the latest version of the game. I have used the mod manager to create a profile with several mods that are applied to both the dedicated server and my game install.
It shows installed mods in the bottom left corner when I load in. When I browse the dedicated server directory, it shows the mod files in the mods folder. When I launch the game, the escape menu shows the mods listed. But none of the mods are actually doing what they are supposed to do. For example:
-No Fall Damage 2 isn't eliminating fall damage.
-"Fluid Sink and more" shows as a Tier 3 milestone in the hub, but when I select it, it doesn't let me upload the items to unlock it.
What can I try at this point?
18 Replies
Ping the authors and report the issues
We have the same problem and had to insert them manually
Hey Observer... Hmm
Fluid sink things aren't automatically unlocked? Let me see here
Oh no, it was tier 3 .. right..

It should cost some copper sheets and rotors
I think NoFallDamage will have to "persist" putting players at no fall damage. Let me try something
The server is not allowing to put items like this, right?
That is correct.
I'll see if I can do a quick screen cap video showing everything, stand by
Nice.. thanks!! 🙂
i upload a new version to NoFallDamage try again every 30 seconds... Maybe when you start will still have some fall damage, but in some seconds it should completely stops
Uploading now, let me know if there is something else I can show to help troubleshoot.
I'll try the fall damage again
I think it uploaded my screen record correctly? Maybe
Definitely still taking fall damage after the update
Just to be sure you're restarting the server after updating mods?
Yup, I shut down the server, run the updates, start the server. Should I have the server (a docker on my unraid server) actually ON when I do the installs?
Well, are you rebuilding the docker image each time?
And if so, does your dockercompose file include the mods as part of its builds?
Wouldn't the mods folder disappear if that were the case? It remains. In unraid I right click, stop, run my mod install through mod manager, then right click and start the image. I believe it doesn't rebuild from that but I could be wrong on that...
It doesn't. But that likely means the image is not getting updated.
You only need to restart the SF server, not the entire setup.
I don't 100% know how SMM keeps updates to severs going, but my guess is that they aren't getting updated unless the volume attached to the docker is accessible by SMM without the unraid running. I have no idea if it is or isn't
But you shouldn't need to do all that just to restar the server.
I would start up your server, go to your server manager in SF and select quit. Then Quit your local copy of SF. Go to mod manager and hit the check for updates button on both your local client install and your dedicated install, then either exec into the docker to start the server up again, use steamcmd or whatever else you have been, or just restart the container\pod
Thank you for the step-by-step suggestion; it's much appreciated. I have done all of that, but unfortunately, the problems remain.
So I pulled the save from the server, spun up a dedicated server from within Steam on my desktop, imported the save, and it all just worked. So there is definitely something with the other server; I'm just not sure what.
yeah sounds like the mods are not getting updated properly in the volume attached to it. I am not certain what to do in regards to that - but since its your own servers, if theyre both the same OS, i guess you could grab the mod folder from the steam one that worked and copy it over?
that is a hack workaround tho, maybe @Mircea (Area Actions) can chime in with more about making sure the mods properly update?
What exactly is the setup for the container?
I.e. is there a bind mount for the whole container filesystem, or just where the saves are?
If you check the container's filesystem while it's running, are the mods there (