The game is crashing
Despite the poor title of this thread, I don't understand what's going on. I already have a discussion related to BAM, but as I understand it, the problem is not modification. Today, the game crashed on the first attempt to load a save. I was able to load from previous saves, but then the error reappeared.
3 Replies
Bad pointer in code for a conveyor belt. The interesting part is the way it's 0x8 which seems like something offset a null pointer. If it happens without mods then you need to replace the conveyor causing the problem.
I have the "Fasten Belts Rebalance - CLT" mod installed. Maybe it's him. I'll try to turn it off and see what happens to the game
Result: crashed again after 5 minutes
A small note: the belt along which the screws were moving suddenly became empty.
Moreover, I had a similar situation before when I installed a Screw maker from the BAM mod, connected it to the production of rotors, flew off a few meters, and the screws stopped moving along the belt
Sometimes we have to consider alternative mods