2 Satisfactory installs were found, but all of them point to folders that don't exist.
Hello, how can I correct this error?
Solution:Jump to solution
-# (Known issue
/ smmsteam1.0
/ Temp1.0PluginFailedToLoad
/ DisableMods1.0
Read all of the directions here to fix the problem!
---> https://discord.com/channels/555424930502541343/1283153147015204915 <---
Still having trouble? Post in #help-using-mods
-# Responding to smm1.0
triggered by @Baby Jack...5 Replies
-# (Known issue
/ smmsteam1.0
/ Temp1.0PluginFailedToLoad
/ DisableMods1.0
Read all of the directions here to fix the problem!
---> https://discord.com/channels/555424930502541343/1283153147015204915 <---
Still having trouble? Post in #help-using-mods
-# Responding to smm1.0
triggered by @Baby Jack???
The team is working on getting the tools updated for 1.0. There is no ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival), nor will there be. See https://github.com/orgs/satisfactorymodding/projects/15/?pane=info for an overview of tasks with an overall status message. Watch https://discord.com/channels/555424930502541343/708384236159107129 for live progress updates.
We will ping everyone in https://discord.com/channels/555424930502541343/555428529903239178 when mods are ready.