Making a fleshed out, custom map

I'm learning how to mod in my freetime, but my end goal is to make an entire custom map. Essentially making this post to wonder if anyone would be interested in trying this out?
7 Replies
Phenakist4mo ago
I've been interested to do this as well, just a big undertaking solo so not started anything
AngryBeaver4mo ago
There's an example level in SML and Rex is doing a lot of work reverse engineering several of the map elements like sloops
MatthewThe69erOP4mo ago
does he have a contact? Would you like to dm me?
Rex4mo ago
They are here on this very Discord server :pipeeyes: I am mostly looking into the technical aspects of custom maps and trying to dump the knowledge into ExampleLevel got merged recently to the dev branch
MatthewThe69erOP4mo ago
could I DM you to ask about some stuff?
Rex4mo ago
No, unless it is absolutely necessary. But feel free to ask here, where others can also answer.
FionaDanger3mo ago
Im also looking into this from a want to do so, mostly just putting my name in.

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