SMM keeps crashing when I attempt to open it

As the title says, the satisfactory mod manager fails to load when I try to open it. It spits an error: Failed to initialize ficsit-cli: failed to initialize profiles: failed to unmartial profiles: invalid character "\x00" looking for beginning of value." I've tried clearing the mods in the game folder, clearing configs, verifying integrity of game files, and uninstalling and reinstalling smm, even on a differen drive. Error still persists.
Yeah, it's all corrupt, nothing can be saved from it. You'll have to use the other methods in the bot's message to restore your mod list
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22 Replies
Mircea3mo ago
failed to unmarshal profiles: invalid character "\x00" looking for beginning of value.
FICSIT-Fred3mo ago
Something has caused your profile file to become corrupted. Please send the files you have in your Mod Manager profiles folder here so we can try to find out what went wrong. It may be possible to recover your profiles, but if not, you will have to delete them. You can try to find out what mods the profile used to have in a few ways: - Your save file keeps track of the mods you were using. Loading it while missing mods will produce a warning message and messages in the game's log files. - Mod manager log files may mention the names of mods you were downloading -# Rule logic: -# Responding to failedtoinitializeprofiles triggered by @Mircea
Mircea3mo ago
The profile path in that bot message is not updated yet, the correct profile path is %appdata%\ficsit\profiles.json, but the rest still applies
Offensivepeas3mo ago
I'm also getting this same issue. I just installed Satisfactory and SMM onto a new computer and cant get SMM to open due to the same message.
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Mircea3mo ago
The same thing still applies
unreasonably epic
i have a post above this one but im having the same issue and this solution isnt applicable
Offensivepeas3mo ago
Would i even have mod manager profiles to provide if the app hasnt been able to start at all?
Mircea3mo ago
Yes, that profiles.json is the profiles But it's quite likely that it's all corrupt, I've only seen a non fully corrupt one with a different error message, just once
Offensivepeas3mo ago
ok, because i dont see it, unless im looking in the wrong location?
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Mircea3mo ago
That's %localappdata%, not %appdata%
Offensivepeas3mo ago
so its suppose to be here?
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Mircea3mo ago
Offensivepeas3mo ago
ahh got it! ta
Mircea3mo ago
In the future, you can paste the path in the bot's message in the windows search bar, or in the file explorer navbar, or by pressing windows+R, and it will get you in the correct place
Mircea3mo ago
Yeah, it's all corrupt, nothing can be saved from it. You'll have to use the other methods in the bot's message to restore your mod list
Offensivepeas3mo ago
would copy/pasting the same file from the working computer potentially work?
Mircea3mo ago
Assuming it wasn't already corrupt, yeah Worth a shot
Offensivepeas3mo ago
yeah that one works just fine, i just havent been able to get the app to open on this one
Mircea3mo ago
Ah, I assumed you cloned the old PC to the new one
Offensivepeas3mo ago
coolio, that worked. ta for the help
Mircea3mo ago
No worries

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