Unlocked Parts for Awesome Shop Not Showing Up on Dedicated
I've tried making a generic mod that simply adds Mercer Spheres and Somersloops to the Awesome Shop after the first research for them is done
The Entry simply does not show up when playing on a dedicated server, but the exact same save File works fine for Single Player.
I'm wondering if there is a way to Replicate the information properly, or if there's just something i missed that needs to be done for it to work as intended.

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@Robb (Mods don't work on 1.0) am I remembering correctly that we had an issue about some type of content not being registered on the client?
40 Replies
Did not mean to delete the whole message... oh Well i'll write it again:
I have a Game World Root with both Schematics Linked to it (First image)
The Artifacts are both set up the same way, assigned to a new category and work properly only when the whole thing runs on the Client, on Dedicated it simply does not appear

There is a bug in SML that awsome shop schematics arent properly regisrered on dedicated servers, i face a simular issue with my Archipelago mod
Got it, i tried searching for it in here but discord is not well layes out for Abigious searches (Shop? Awesome Shop? Resource Shop? Parts Shop? Hard to filter that down and find it)
I should have looked at the issues though oops.
Thank you, i may also look at if i can figure out how to fix that in SML
oh nice, i was half considering fixing it myzelf but i hardly got time for that 😄
I think the root of the problem is that the content registry stuff doesn't run on clients so it never gets a chance to register shop things. So there is the bigger issue to solve of how content registry should behave on client side. You will definitely want to talk about it with Mircea, possibly also Arch to ensure that all the moving pieces are kept in mind
Yeah... it seems like this will take quite a big overhaul, and i don't think i'm qualified for it
well maybe not a big overhaul, but somehow it needs to send the relevant content registration over the network, and i do not know how that would work at all
I mean if you have a mod on client and server, the client should also register it on a world load of their own, but it seems for the Awesome Shop the list of available schematics is reloaded every world, which makes sense
Player needs to receive a call to RegisterDefaultContent or something of the sort
But this should already be happening
@Mircea (Area Actions) your insight would be appreciated
Yeah RegisterDefaultContent should be called almost certainly
it has an authority check and everything too. the question is then, why does it not actually register on the client
Can confirm it is registering the schematics on client... not sure where to go from here and i unfortunatelz have stuff to do for the rest of the daz...
ahhh the good ol' qwerty/qwertz
yeah the game and UE always switch my keyboard layout to US when they launch for no to me clear reason...
only since the engine upgrade though
it does not even switch down in the bottom right in the keyboard selector 😦
Afaik in 1.0 none of the schematic manager internals are replicated anymore, so SML shouldn't replicate anything either
It used to be that mAllSchematics wasn't populated on the client at all iirc, or that it was populated in a different place that didn't trigger SML's delegate, idk if that's still the case or not
Can look into it maybe today or tomorrow
And did you look at it?
No, studied for a midterm I had today, looking at it now
Hope the mid term went well
i hope your midterm went well, stuff hectic here too
Considering yesterday was the only day I actually studied for it, it went great xD
i did the same week on a midterm a week ago too xD
not advisable, but that also went well for the fact that i also spent only 1 day learning
I did not expect getting the awesome shop would be the hard part of testing this
AGS end up in a reliable buffer overflow
The cheatboard kicks me with some other error
And then gets stuck on the screen forever

wait AGS does a buffer overflow? How is that happening lol
Unlocking all tiers
want a save with an awesome sink and shop just plopped down?
Too many changes to replicate at once I guess
Nah, the AGS worked, this time, just had to rejoin
Ahhh yeah that makes sense
Unreliable buffer has a size limit which is not being respected there at all yeah
Relibale buffer has a limit, unreliable just get dropped if the reliable buffer is full
And properties are reliable replicated, so yeah
Never tried setting tier to max at runtime on MP, always did so on creation do it's my first time hearing of this one... Might make sense to report to QA but it's pretty small and probably will get ignored for a while...
I didn't even know if this was an option after the save was created, I remember some AGS being only available then
Ok, looks like the schematic manager delegate is called, but the content registry waits until BeginPlay (but before actors BeginPlay) because mod content gets registered after the delegate is called
The comment there references mAvailableSchematics as the reason it needs to happen before actors BeginPlay, but that's no longer used, so it's probably time to find another world lifecycle event to bind to
doesn't seem to be called on clients for some reason
Nvm, it is called, but before the subsystem delegate
Easier fix then
Surely they can't be triggered on different threads and end up with a race condition...... right?
Seems like both world travel and network happen on the game engine tick, so it should ™️ be fineSolution
@Robb (Mods don't work on 1.0) am I remembering correctly that we had an issue about some type of content not being registered on the client?
Because this was it
It's always been broken
Just the schematicmanager happened to still mostly work because the available schematics were replicated
Yeah it was that modded awesome ship content was not visible to clients, pretty sure we have a gh issue for it
Wow, glad that it worked...
I meant before this, before 1.0
That awesome shop issue has been around forever as far as I know
The github issue was made after 1.0
Maybe we never had an issue ticket for it
But I think kyrium reported it and then I encountered it and so did Jarno
yeah when i added the Archipelago stuff for MP, the awsome shop didnt work and robb told me it was a known problem
So basically, it was broken before 1.0, but not broken enough to actually make everything cease working until 1.0? Awesome that you manages to find it that quick
Past me wrote comments, so current me figured it out immediately
Can confirm that it works in MP 👍
Thank you 🙂