Recipe Randomizer 2.0.11 (Andre Aquila): Bauxite milestone breaks existing recipes

In this mod: Satisfactory Researching the Bauxite Refinement Milestone overrides existing recipes with new randomized ones, breaking all production lines built around the recipes. The ones that I confirmed are * Silica * Quartz Crystal I'm able to load a save file before that milestone, click the big red button, and see that the recipes have changed.
Recipe Randomizer - CL - SMR
Feeling Lucky? Every milestone you unlock will bring recipes with randomic ingredients.
Perfect Fash, testing with your save i realize the problem. It was randomizing 2 times the same recipe, but i put a skip on recipe already randomized now. I think this new version will fix it. Thank you very much for reporting it 🙂 Let me know if it works...
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6 Replies
fashOP•4mo ago
No other mods are installed: The only mods listed in Satisfactory Mod Manager v3.0.3 are: * Recipe Randomizer 2.0.11 * ContentLib 1.5.0 * Satisfactory Mod Loader 3.8.0
AndreAquila•4mo ago
Hey Fash!!! Hmmm, im look into it now. Do you have the savegame for me to reproduce it? This happened right after the game going to the new version?
fashOP•4mo ago
No, the entire playthrough has been on &, and the recipe change happens right when researching Bauxite Refinement. I will try to DM the save.
AndreAquila•4mo ago
Perfect Fash, testing with your save i realize the problem. It was randomizing 2 times the same recipe, but i put a skip on recipe already randomized now. I think this new version will fix it. Thank you very much for reporting it 🙂 Let me know if it works
fashOP•4mo ago
Awesome! Root cause makes sense. Thanks for looking at it so fast. I'll have to look through the wiki and try to find all the recipes this might have happened on, maybe I can override them to their old values In Windows I built a list of all the things that are unlocked more than once, so maybe those are all the affected recipes in vanilla. I did it with a jq filter like
.[] | select (.NativeClass == "/Script/CoreUObject.Class'/Script/FactoryGame.FGSchematic'").Classes[].mUnlocks[].mRecipes[1:-1] // empty | split(",") | .[]
.[] | select (.NativeClass == "/Script/CoreUObject.Class'/Script/FactoryGame.FGSchematic'").Classes[].mUnlocks[].mRecipes[1:-1] // empty | split(",") | .[]
invoked like (PowerShell)
gc "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Satisfactory\CommunityResources\Docs\en-US.json" | .\jq-windows-amd64.exe -r -f jq-filter.txt | Group-Object | Select-Object -Property Count, Name | Where-Object -Property Count -GT 1
gc "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Satisfactory\CommunityResources\Docs\en-US.json" | .\jq-windows-amd64.exe -r -f jq-filter.txt | Group-Object | Select-Object -Property Count, Name | Where-Object -Property Count -GT 1
fashOP•4mo ago
Apologies. Here is the output

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