Need help with contentlib json mod
what i did so far:
"Class": "/Game/FactoryGame/Buildable/Factory/GeneratorFuel/Build_GeneratorFuel.Build_GeneratorFuel_C",
"Edits": [
"Property": "mDescription",
"Value": "Verbrennt Treibstoff um Elektrizität in das Stromnetz einzuspeisen.\nDurch den Pipeline-Eingang kann der Treibstoff automatisiert befüllt werden.\n\nAchtung: Erzeugt stets Strom mit der eingestellten Taktrate. Schaltet sich ab, wenn nicht genug Treibstoff vorhanden ist."
"Property": "mPowerProduction",
"Value": 5000.0
its working, but also the fuel consumption gone up x20. can i change the used amount of fuel too?
7 Replies
@Robb (Now™) ? maybe you?
1. why did you modify the description property? (I don't know what that says in english)
2. to my knowledge: the way that generator fuel consumption is handled is: it scales its burn rate based on how much power the machine makes and how much energy the fuel has. I don't know if there is a way to modify adjust that separately
Sounds like you may need a new fuel item with a higher energy content, but don't know if CL can do that
CL can easily define new items and recipes yeah
dont mind 1) ^^ was just a test.
so i would need to create a new fluid with more energy yield than ionized fluid to compensate
does anyone have a ContenLib json file for a new fluid by any chance?
I'm pretty sure the docs have one as an example because of the considerations involved. If not, look at the RePan source code
>mod repan
Fred Mod Search™
RePan - Oil
Addes a bunch of Recipes related to mostly Oil Products. Requires ContentLib Recipes
EA: :no_entry_sign:
Note: Broken by 1.0
EXP: :no_entry_sign:
Note: Broken by 1.0
Last Updated <t:1702582507:R>
Created by McGalleon
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.