Magic Machine custom

Hello Hello ! First of all glad to meet you all, I am Tam :AA_Ghost_Wave: I'm coming here with a bit of a weird question that would be oriented toward @Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial> ! To pitch you quickly the idea, we are trying to build up a server for a special adventure with friends, but we want to block some crafting for being available, is there any way to add a command or something that would disable the crafts ? We tried to add your mod into unreal engine to tweak it ourselves but well... either we are too dumb or it's just not possible x') @πŸ¦„ Elydan πŸ¦„ is the one in charge of this little project of ours :3 Thanks you and see you soon Tam, your local French man πŸ˜„
21 Replies
πŸ¦„  Elydan  πŸ¦„
Hello !!! To explain a little more, we want to be able to create shared spaces using this mod before the party launch, BUT we don't want players use it when we'll play
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
Hey Tam and Elydan, hmmm, interesting. Maybe using contentlib, or extracting the files with YouMod, and removing the buildables or making them impossible to "buy" will be one way. Build menu organizer could help but i dont think it works on servers. 😦
πŸ¦„  Elydan  πŸ¦„
Hello ! Well i had an idea this night : make it obtainable like T10 could be a cheat way to hide it on players. And this morning i've found YouMod, we will study it ! (Btw you've made like 2/3 mods on satis, it's incredible ! awsome job dude !)
TamOPβ€’4mo ago
@Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial> We tried to do stuff on our own, do you think we could ask for some of your help in a vc ? not much but just to understand the rules & principles of how to make mods work, it would be really helpfull !
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
Hey Tam, i really no good in vc because im not very good on English ehehhe ... but i can try to help here. You want to hide all magic machine stuff from the build menu right? I can try something here
πŸ¦„  Elydan  πŸ¦„
Hello Andre, what's your native language ? (if you're french, on galère pour rien avec l'anglais depuis le début tous les trois XD) And for the mod, our first try was to link magic stuff to a milestone (hub T10) and specify that to unlock you need to use 999 somersloop (so, it's imposible). I think the first problem we have is on usage of YouMod. I've create a mod with it, modify some file, create some others, and remove all not modifys files. And i've disabled magic machine mod (to be sure that all magic machine in game come from my new mod). But when i lauch game with my mod and without magic machine, i don't see magic machines, and i don't see T10 milestone either.
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
Hmm, You would have to maintain the Magic Machine mod for the machines to exist in the game. And use your mod in conjunction with Magic Machines.
πŸ¦„  Elydan  πŸ¦„
Oh, ok, i will try to now, wait a sec
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
Oh! and i cant speak french 😦 im Brazilian hehehe, i speak Portuguese and very little english hehehe
πŸ¦„  Elydan  πŸ¦„
Ah shit, don't speak portuguese here ^^ well google trad will be enough ^^ Ok maybe i've found something. I see NewExempleSchematic on T 0. maybe i've failed my saves ^^'
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
Hmm... let me see what you wrote in those files.
RegiByteβ€’4mo ago
Heeey @Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial> it's awesome to know you're brazilian man your work is awesome ❀️
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
Thanks RegiByte!! πŸ™‚ Im glad you like the mods ❀️ ❀️ <
RegiByteβ€’4mo ago
I do! I am a web dev with 10 years xp but I know absolutely nothing about modding and I'm Brazilian too! so it's really nice to see that one of the biggest contributors to satisfactory mods is another BR keep up the good work! and maybe share some articles about your work, I'm sure lots of people would benefit from your knowledge
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
Awesome! !!
πŸ¦„  Elydan  πŸ¦„
SOOOOOOOOOO Sorry @Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial> my work take my attention and i don't answer when i want ^^' So here the tree of files (don't pay attention on the mod name, we've made many tests, and the last one was created without any brain cell ^^)
No description
πŸ¦„  Elydan  πŸ¦„
Wih contentinspector, i see some stuff, but for our mod, i see anything in "pak" menu ... what file content do you want to see ? (oh and the "NewExempleSchematic" i've seen previously come from another try, i'm checkin differences between the two) (Well, when i re-enable the other test who show this NewExempleSchematic, i even see nothing in ContentInspector, so, it doesn't help me ^^')
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
Hmm, i think creating a patch to Schem_Magic to remove all "unlocks" supposed to work, but i tested one time and "machines" that was already unlocked in the savegame, still unlocked. But worth a try Other way should make all of these recipes, be impossible to make /Script/Engine.Blueprint'/MagicMachine/_CHEAT/Rec_CHEATCONTAINER.Rec_CHEATCONTAINER' /Script/Engine.Blueprint'/MagicMachine/FluidSpawner/Rec_FluidSpawner.Rec_FluidSpawner' /Script/Engine.Blueprint'/MagicMachine/MagicEnergy/Rec_MagicEnergy.Rec_MagicEnergy' /Script/Engine.Blueprint'/MagicMachine/Random/Rec_Random.Rec_Random' /Script/Engine.Blueprint'/MagicMachine/Rec_Magic.Rec_Magic' /Script/Engine.Blueprint'/MagicMachine/Stackable/NormalMagic/Rec_Magic.Rec_Magic' /Script/Engine.Blueprint'/MagicMachine/Stackable/NormalMagic/Rec_Magic_2.Rec_Magic_2' /Script/Engine.Blueprint'/MagicMachine/Stackable/Rec_StackWIP.Rec_StackWIP' /Script/Engine.Blueprint'/MagicMachine/Stackable/Rec_StackWIP_2.Rec_StackWIP_2'
πŸ¦„  Elydan  πŸ¦„
You mean removing those files from the magicmachine mod ?
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
i mean creating a ContentLib json, that adds ingredients that causes the impossibility to create
πŸ¦„  Elydan  πŸ¦„
Oh ! Like see the build in the menu but need like 999 somersloop to construct !

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