Digital Storage Crashing

I'm trying to setup crafting for digital storage on single player. Whenever it attempts to pull an item out of a machine the game crashes. I've tried multiple recipes and replacing everything digital storage related with no luck. Mod Name Mod Reference Version Build Gun Utilities BuildGunUtilities 1.9.6 Cartograph Cartograph 0.9.0 Conveyor Wall Hole WallHoleConveyor 2.0.10 Crash Site Beacons CrashSiteBeacons 3.0.11 Curve Builder CurveBuilder 1.0.4 Digital Storage DigitalStorage 1.2.9 Ficsit Farming FicsitFarming 4.2.29 Flex Splines - Longer Belts FlexSplines 1.0.25 Fluid Extras AB_FluidExtras 1.0.9 Gateways Extension GatewaysExtension 1.6.0 Infinite Nudge InfiniteNudge 2.3.3 Infinite Zoop InfiniteZoop 1.8.22 Linear Motion LinearMotion 2.0.34 Modular Stations ModularStations 1.0.3 Refined Power RefinedPower 4.0.32 SnapOn DirectToSplitter 1.2.3 Structural Solutions SS_Mod 1.1.38 Super Pioneer SuperPioneer 2.1.5 Throughput Counter and Limiter CounterLimiter 1.2.16 Vanilla Green House VanillaGreenHouse 1.4.9 Wall Conveyor Supports WallConveyorSupports 1.3.2 Wall Pipe Supports WallPipeSupports 2.3.2
If you have any bugs, suggestions or need help with any of Refined R&D's mods you will probably get more help on their dedicated discord server.
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3 Replies
FICSIT-Fred3d ago
Automated responses for greenwald1818 (174059542068461580)
Key Details for
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.9.1
Installed Mods: 30
Game: WindowsClient CL 385279 from steam
Path: `c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.9.1
Installed Mods: 30
Game: WindowsClient CL 385279 from steam
Path: `c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY
Crash found in FactoryGame.log
It has been attached to this message.
Crash found in FactoryGame_be28b253_Local_Stable_WindowsClient.log
It has been attached to this message.
Acxd3d ago
FICSIT-Fred3d ago
If you have any bugs, suggestions or need help with any of Refined R&D's mods you will probably get more help on their dedicated discord server.

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