Cant figure out how No clearance works

Im trying to clip a building into another with NoClearance mod, but itlooks like it wont, I still have the red hologram and the game wont let me do it Did I do something wrong ? Thx
21 Replies
TweeXOPβ€’5mo ago
No description
TweeXOPβ€’5mo ago
Oh and also, whenever I use a mod command, like /ci off to turn on collectible beacons, nothing happens :/
RaveWolf πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦
If I recall correctly there where hotkeys to switch it on or off. It's been a while so can't recall. I'm not a Satisfactory Modder but still testing various mods myself and trying to help others where I can. I'm just busy with something else and will see if I can use it as I do have it installed.
TweeXOPβ€’5mo ago
Would be nice, but nothing is written on the mod page :/ In fact it looks like no command works for me Even with SML cheats enabled
RaveWolf πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦
Okay, doesn't seem to working for me either. FYI, I could be wrong about the hotkey, but I did try a few keys and still nothing. Oh Wait, never mind, it did work. It still says clipping may occur, but it still placed it anyway. Try press 'H' to Hold it in place first.
TweeXOPβ€’5mo ago
So it was red like me, but you still were able to place it ?
RaveWolf πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦
It went orange/yellow once I pressed 'H' to Hold it. I then just nudged it into place and it was fine.
Limasβ€’5mo ago
when the no clearance isnt working for me, i save and reload my save and it starts to work again
TweeXOPβ€’5mo ago
It is red on my side :/ You did no command ? Like it just worked the 1st time you installed it ?
RaveWolf πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦
Perhaps there is a key that needs to be pressed. Mine works though, so it's possible that I did press the right key... I searched messages and I don't see anything related to any keys being pressed to activate it, so I coud be wrong about that as it could have been for something else.
TweeXOPβ€’5mo ago
Alright, I cannot use any command and never heard about a key to activate, so ill try again without doing anything to see if something happens
RaveWolf πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦
Okay, so line it up as close as possible just outside the red zone, then press H to lock it in place and then nudge it to it's final position. You won't be able to place it if it's red, so it must be placed outside the red zone first.
AndreAquilaβ€’5mo ago
Is it multiplayer? I think its bugged in Dedi Servers
TweeXOPβ€’5mo ago
Oh yep its on a DS I thought I verified on ficsit site if it was compatible It is not ? Same with CollectibleIndicators ? ( dont remember if thats one of your mods )
Limasβ€’5mo ago
no commands multiplayer non dedi
AndreAquilaβ€’5mo ago
It doesnt show the indicators in dedi serv? Yes Limas, unfortunatelly none of Modded Chat Commands using SML works in multiplayer 😦
TweeXOPβ€’5mo ago
Nope Just tested in solo and everything works looks like the issue is DS I wanted to ask something else about your daisy chain mod Is there a way to unable the smart input feature ? I like to have a little bit of item overflows into my machines
AndreAquilaβ€’5mo ago
Hey TweeX, not yet . 😦 in that case is better to use the vanilla machines with that mod:
Daisy Chain Everything - SMR
Increases the number of power connections on all buildings, both vanilla and modded
TweeXOPβ€’5mo ago
Ok! But im scared, if I uninstall your mod to install this one, will I loose every already done connection ?
AndreAquilaβ€’5mo ago
The added connections will remain in the Vanilla buildings, the modded buildings will vanish. You can use the two mods without problem too.
TweeXOPβ€’5mo ago
So my whole map is going to vanish xD ill try both mods instead haha

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