Recipe Copier not pasting Fuel Generator settings
My Recipe Copier will "save" a 150% overclocked Fuel Generator "recipe" but I can't apply it to any other Fuel Generators.
Is this a known limitation under Satisfactory 1.0?
4 Replies
Do you have the power shards in your inventory to be able to apply it?
There were already shards in the generator.
This seems to be due to a general problem where I (client in a hosted MP game) am having a very hard time to get the Recipe Copier to actually paste (sometimes 20+ clicks before it "takes") and frequently 5+ tries to copy something in with Ctrl-click.
green highlighting for viable targets, and showing the currently installed recipes is still effectively instant - it's only the interactions which are super dodgy in my game
Power generators was probably just not actually applying - it took many many tries to set up two sets of 4 assemblers, with one recipe for each set being assigned via the Settings Copier
Just now, anywhere between 5 and 40+ clicks to apply a recipe to the rest of a bank of 8 Manufacturers
And a couple hours of playing later, a crash which mentioned Recipe Copier. I suspect MP client timing issues, because I never had any problems single-player or hosting
That crash was while trying to paste a sign in a Blueprint designer
Just repeated the crash - like 8 clicks failing to paste, then boom.
I am trying to update a blueprint I made earlier, but that time I was doing vanilla copy/paste because I hadn't gotten around to unlocking Recipe Copier yet
A note on the "multiple clicks to apply recipe" - seems to only be as a client in a player-hosted game, works perfectly in single-player