Recipe Copier not pasting Fuel Generator settings

My Recipe Copier will "save" a 150% overclocked Fuel Generator "recipe" but I can't apply it to any other Fuel Generators. Is this a known limitation under Satisfactory 1.0?
4 Replies
Marcio Neves
Marcio Neves•5mo ago
Do you have the power shards in your inventory to be able to apply it?
hypozeuxisOP•5mo ago
There were already shards in the generator. This seems to be due to a general problem where I (client in a hosted MP game) am having a very hard time to get the Recipe Copier to actually paste (sometimes 20+ clicks before it "takes") and frequently 5+ tries to copy something in with Ctrl-click. green highlighting for viable targets, and showing the currently installed recipes is still effectively instant - it's only the interactions which are super dodgy in my game Power generators was probably just not actually applying - it took many many tries to set up two sets of 4 assemblers, with one recipe for each set being assigned via the Settings Copier
Marcio Neves
Marcio Neves•5mo ago
hypozeuxisOP•4mo ago
Just now, anywhere between 5 and 40+ clicks to apply a recipe to the rest of a bank of 8 Manufacturers And a couple hours of playing later, a crash which mentioned Recipe Copier. I suspect MP client timing issues, because I never had any problems single-player or hosting That crash was while trying to paste a sign in a Blueprint designer Just repeated the crash - like 8 clicks failing to paste, then boom. I am trying to update a blueprint I made earlier, but that time I was doing vanilla copy/paste because I hadn't gotten around to unlocking Recipe Copier yet A note on the "multiple clicks to apply recipe" - seems to only be as a client in a player-hosted game, works perfectly in single-player

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