SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by hypozeuxis on 11/7/2024 in #help-using-mods
Recipe Copier not pasting Fuel Generator settings
My Recipe Copier will "save" a 150% overclocked Fuel Generator "recipe" but I can't apply it to any other Fuel Generators.
Is this a known limitation under Satisfactory 1.0?
11 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by hypozeuxis on 10/29/2024 in #help-using-mods
Power Checker seems to reset overclock to 100% on pause/resume
I had a set of Fuel Generators each overclocked to 150%. When my supply got disrupted, I used the Power Checker to pause all of the generators in the group so they, and all the pipes leading to them, could refill.
After un-pausing the group, they were back to 100% (power shards still inserted).
If it makes a difference, this was as the client in a hosted Steam game (not dedicated server)
15 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by hypozeuxis on 10/26/2024 in #help-using-mods
Remove Empty Dimensional Stacks buggy in multiplayer
After several hours of playing and stacks in the Dimensional Depot getting emptied, there was a de-sync between client and host.
Client taking out a stack of something would decrement the count of the next item in the Depot, and frequently the counts on many items were different between client and host. Persisted across save/exit/restart/load, but cleared up immediately when disabling the mod.
5 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by hypozeuxis on 10/21/2024 in #help-using-mods
Fluid Extras immediately crashes local MP
When trying to join a "local" (Steam, but other player in same room) multiplayer game with Fluid Extras enabled, immediately crashed with the attached stack trace.
First mod I tried disabling, because of the mention of the Smart Packager.
FactoryGameSteam_FactoryGame_Win64_Shipping!AFGRecipeManager::FilterRecipesByProducer() [C:\BuildAgent\work\b731a33f2a691e17\UE4\FactoryGame\Source\FactoryGame\Private\FGRecipeManager.cpp:246]
FactoryGameSteam_AB_FluidExtras_Win64_Shipping!AABSmartPacker::execUpdateCache() [C:\SatisfactoryModding\SatisfactoryModLoader\Mods\AB_FluidExtras\Intermediate\Build\Win64\FactoryGameSteam\Inc\AB_FluidExtras\UHT\ABSmartPacker.gen.cpp:37]
Perhaps split the other extras from the new junctions, into their own mod?10 replies