Opening Tool Error

So I just downloaded the modding tool and when i open it it tells me to, well do what im doing. Error 2 Satisfactory installs were found, but all of them point to folders that don't exist. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Satisfactory" "c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Satisfactory" Seems wrong? Generate debug info and send it together with this error message over on the modding discord in #help-using-mods
-# (Known issue TargetRename1.0 / smmsteam1.0 / Temp1.0PluginFailedToLoad / DisableMods1.0 ) You cant play with mods on 1.0 yet! Learn more: If you're trying to launch the game without mods: 1.0 has renamed the game target, preventing SMM from being able to automatically uninstall mods for you....
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10 Replies
FICSIT-Fred7mo ago
-# (Known issue TargetRename1.0 / smmsteam1.0 / Temp1.0PluginFailedToLoad / DisableMods1.0 ) You cant play with mods on 1.0 yet! Learn more: If you're trying to launch the game without mods: 1.0 has renamed the game target, preventing SMM from being able to automatically uninstall mods for you. 1. To manually turn off mods, delete the FactoryGame/Mods folder from your game install directory manually. Here's how to find the game install directory: - Even after you do this, SMM still won't work, and you will still get the "folder that does not exist" error message! You have to launch the game from Epic/Steam for now. Close SMM and don't use it again until we announce that mods are updated. - If you have issues launching the game after this, also delete the FactoryGame/Plugins folder, then verify your game files to restore it: - If you're still having issues, post the next error you get! -# Responding to smm1.0 triggered by @AchillesVail
Thunder554@4477mo ago
you are not the only one the 1.0 update changed some critical things and it does not recognize it, we will have to wait for the SML update
Vector7mo ago
and when is the update, ?
Estomago7mo ago
When the devs finish it...
N3wman6mo ago
for someone who is :pepega: what is SML
ViolentSweed6mo ago
Uneducated guess, but Satisfactory Mod Launcher.
Robb6mo ago
Borketh6mo ago
FICSIT-Fred6mo ago
SMM is the app that you download and interact with. It downloads files (mods and SML) to where they should go, so that you don't need to deal with them, nor with the mods' dependencies. SML is the mod loader (it used to load mods, now the engine does it thanks to the way mods are packaged) which provides APIs that mods use to cleanly interact with the game. You don't need to launch the game from SMM - if you launch from Steam or Epic, your mods will still be loaded. More info here:
ViolentSweed6mo ago
Mod Loader makes a lot more sense.

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