Assertion failed: mInventoryStacks.Num() > 0
I'm having this error, can't load my save file.
Here is my SMM Debug
Tried Save Editors, deleting mods, repair corrupted files with Steam, no luck yet.
14 Replies

-# Responding to
Key Details for
triggered by @Caillou la Chèvre
-# Responding to Key Details for
triggered by @Caillou la ChèvreLooks like a drone port has gone wrong somehow - are you using any related mods?
IE for Drone Port MK2. And for enhanced mines ofc.
Try disabling it and see if you can open the save
(don't resave or it'll remove everything from the mod permanently)
Working without IE
@Acxd (IE, HFO, SR)
Did you change drones inventory?
What you did before the crash
I filled a drone's cargo with uranium
Was the drones working fine before? If possible, can you DM your save file
Drone port was online but the drone had not yet made its first flight
Thanks for the save, I will try to reproduce the issue