Advanced logistics corrupting BP
So with my own testing and from other issues from other people it looks like advanced logistics is corrupting BP designs if you set the ratios in the BP designer and then save the BP but this is not noticeable until you have saved your game and then reload
If the mod could be fixed so this doesn’t happen would be great. Also, if the ability to copy and paste the ratio settings would be a big help too.
22 Replies
>mod advanced logistics
Fred Mod Search™
Advanced Logistics
Adds a ratio adjustable splitter and merger
EA: :white_check_mark:
EXP: :white_check_mark:
Last Updated <t:1729541620:R>
Created by mircearoata
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
@Mircea (Area Actions)
I hope I can take a look at it this weekend, after exams. No idea how it's happening though, the buildings are just the regular splitter and merger, just with different code for when to take/output items
It’s happened ever since 1.0 update as far as I can remember pal, I go into detail in another help with mods topic lol.
But yes again even if maybe fixing the bp corruption isn’t easily done, the ability to copy and paste ratio settings after placement would be a welcome addition.
Released a new version that should fix the issue
Also added copy paste support
I will be testing this evening probably but thank you man. You devs are all legends. CSS should take you onboard to integrate native mod support.
@Mircea oh wow, i'll check it out now. Copy and paste is also an amazing addition. THANK YOU!!!
What we have now is 99.999% of the way to what CSS could provide as official mod support. The only thing that's missing is the ability to test in the editor
Ah ok I was saying just due to recent update to hogwarts legacy which has introduced native mod support but has broken 3rd party mods lol.
Im downloading the update now and plan to play for a few hours. I'll let you know if I run into the issue again but I'm super excited this was fixed so quickly.
I’m buzzing off it as well, I don’t take drugs but I imagine this is what it feels like lol, do you have the recipe settings copied mod installed?
>mod settings
Fred Mod Search™
Settings Copier
Copy various settings from a building into another by pointing and clicking!
EA: :white_check_mark:
EXP: :white_check_mark:
Last Updated <t:1732854163:R>
Created by MarcioHuser
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
No, not sure what that one does let me look at it
Oh, I guess I didn't get it because I can already copy and paste natively once the building is placed but mostly I set the settings in the BP and then they are build the way I want them already
It’s a lifesaver of a mod, I know you can just look at buildings and press the ctrl+c/v to copy and paste but I like that tool as it shows the recipe for the building your pointing at
Does it allow you to use it from further away than the normal copy and paste? I hate that the native makes you get to close to the buildings
Well I have another mod that changes interact distance so I think it’s that that helps
oooo how well does that work? I'd be interested in that for sure
I’m not currently at home to get my mod list but I know there’s a new mod that I think will do similar
>mod long
Fred Mod Search™
Long Reach
Extend your reach!
EA: :white_check_mark:
EXP: :white_check_mark:
Last Updated <t:1738435615:R>
Created by Epp
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.