whay does it say this

i dont know why it says it
2 Replies
FICSIT-Fred3w ago
Automated responses for Peli (794625180835774464)
Key Details for SMMDebug-2025-01-07-19-52-24.zip
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.9.0
Installed Mods: 6
Game: WindowsClient CL 385279 from Epic Games
Path: `c:\Program Files\Epic Games\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start com.epicgames.launcher://apps/CrabEA?action=launch&silent=true -epicapp=CrabEA -epicenv=Prod -EpicPortal -epicusername=Peli75 -epicuserid=10d44b015ad1453783494882ddb016ac -epiclocale=en -epicsandboxid=crab
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.9.0
Installed Mods: 6
Game: WindowsClient CL 385279 from Epic Games
Path: `c:\Program Files\Epic Games\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start com.epicgames.launcher://apps/CrabEA?action=launch&silent=true -epicapp=CrabEA -epicenv=Prod -EpicPortal -epicusername=Peli75 -epicuserid=10d44b015ad1453783494882ddb016ac -epiclocale=en -epicsandboxid=crab
(Known error ClientMissingMod) You are trying to connect to a server but missing one of the required mods. At least one of the mods has the Mod Reference: SimplePipeTeleporter. Its ficsit.app page is https://ficsit.app/mod/SimplePipeTeleporter
OnyxGuardian3w ago
based on what the bot says you seem to be missing mod requirements? a local amdin/mod will be able to verify this a lot better than me, but from what i see thats what my best guess is and also i think the mods says theres no definitive way atm to see what sed requirements are

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