The game crashes again

Yesterday my game crashed, after reading the possible options in the comments I decided that the "Infinite Splines" mod was to blame. Disabling it gave a result. The game launched without any complaints. But today, when I tried to launch the game, it crashed again. I don't know what it is connected with, either the update that came today or some mod is incompatible again. By the way, the game crashes differently today, yesterday the crash happened almost immediately and now when loading saves.
2 Replies
sjhoward5mo ago
The crash seems to come from your rendering thread, but does seem to have mod involvement. Does it load without mods enabled? There's also a chance it might work if you change your rendering engine >rhiborked
FICSIT-Fred5mo ago
There are a few things to try if your RHI is causing crashes. 1) Try switching your RHI. If you're using DX11 or DX12, switch to the other. If you're using Vulkan, try DX12 before DX11 2) Try verifying your game files. 3) Update/reinstall your graphics drivers 4) Try disabling hierarchal Z-buffer occlusion in the game's graphics settings. 5) Try tuning your graphics card's clock down, especially if has been overclocked (by you or the vendor) For more info, run one of the following bot commands by sending it as a chat message: >dx11 >dx12 >vulkan >verifyepic >verifysteam

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