Micro Manager Update?
The micro manager mod will be updated at some point to reflect the latest version of the game? Unfortunately, since update 8 you can no longer use the mod. (Micro Manager from TwoTwoEleven)
21 Replies
I'm afraid you'll just have to be patient. :)
In the mean-time, you can use:
>mod Infinite Nudge
Fred Mod Search™
Infinite Nudge
Nudge forever, vertically, in smaller increments, scale, and rotate on any axis. Also nudge extractors!
EA: :white_check_mark:
EXP: :white_check_mark:
Last Updated <t:1738159373:R>
Created by SirDigby
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
Yes, we already have them, but they can't give us what we want in terms of construction, but thank you. Then we will continue to be patient. We can't play at the moment anyway because we have problems with two mods that prevent us from being on the server
What issues are you having with your server mods?
Since the Christmas event we haven't been able to access the server anymore. Two mods prevent that. Once the NTM mod and another I think it was the More beams but I'm not sure about the mod. I'll have to take another look tomorrow. Before the event we were able to play with the mods really well, but since the ficsit event nothing works. We tried all the mods individually and gradually uploaded them all again, but the two mods no longer allow us to use the server.
I would be happy to describe again tomorrow exactly which two mods they are, which error message comes up and what the dedicated server does.
Hm. Interesting that ficsmas caused issues with them. But indeed, drop you logs here tomorrow and we'll take a look.
the update for ficsmas massively increased the prevalence of Reliable Buffer Overflow issues, so it's probably that, and there's a good chance this will resolve it:
>mod fix reliable buffer
Fred Mod Search™
Fix Reliable Buffer Overflow
Fixes the Reliable Buffer Overflow caused by the conveyor belt chain subsystem when there are too many items
EA: :white_check_mark:
EXP: :white_check_mark:
Last Updated <t:1737584712:R>
Created by mircearoata
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
@McCovican So now I had time and peace. So there are 5 mods (Blocks, C Buildings, Curve Builder, More Beams and the SS_Mod. I tested them all individually, no matter which of the mods prevented the server from starting up again. Before the last update of satisfactory, they all ran without problems. Where exactly can I find the report where you can see why the server can no longer start up? (dedicated server)
We need more information to help you. Before launching the game again, open the Mod Manager and use the "Generate debug info" option, then send the zip file produced here in this channel.
If you need to access older log files, see https://docs.ficsit.app/satisfactory-modding/latest/faq.html#Files_Logs
This is the report from the provider
All mods work in the solo game without any problems
Hm, firstly, who is your provider?
G Portal
You just mentioned the name of a hosting provider (G Portal) that either does NOT support or has incomplete support for modded Satisfactory dedicated servers! Check the list here to learn more. https://docs.ficsit.app/satisfactory-modding/latest/ForUsers/DedicatedServerSetup.html#UnsupportedHosting
-# Rule logic: https://regex101.com/r/rKL6oV/
-# Responding to
triggered by @NashraAaaand that's why mods don't work, heh.
super. As I said before the last update, everything went great without any problems. but thanks for the help
Sorry we couldn't get it working, but the setup of their environment just doesn't seem to support what is necessary to run SML. That error log you gave is crashing waaay before any mods are actually even loaded into the game, so it's no one mod that's the cause there either.
If I take the 4 mods out of the mod folder, the server boots up without any problems
Well, yes, because SML is not having to load any mods anymore. You're running a stock Satisfactory server at that point.