Infinite spline long belt bug

When placing long belts in front of a set of machines, then placing meregers/splters on said belt snaped to the input/output of the machine, it causes very weird behavor. See photos below.
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I FINALLY fix it! Please update it. Please let me know if you encounter any new bugs, thanks. 😊
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55 Replies
chaousOP•5mo ago
in the first you can see how it is supposed to be when placing mergers onto a belt, in the 2nd, you can see the odd behavior where it thinks it not only connects to the next merger, but the merger after that
chaousOP•5mo ago
video as well
chaousOP•5mo ago
PiggyChu620•5mo ago
I'm not at home atm, I'll look into it when I get home. Sorry for the inconvenience.
chaousOP•5mo ago
ok! If you need more examples, i can try and recreate the really bad one i redid before i reported this.
PiggyChu620•5mo ago
Yes plz, more examples is always better, it'll be even better if you could record a short video, much appreciated.
chaousOP•5mo ago
sorry if i rambeled, but i wanted to make the issue very apparent
PiggyChu620•5mo ago
Thanks for the video, I'll look into it the moment I get home. Looks like the extra length is messing up the game's Split operation, I probably need to rewrite the whole algorithm, not sure if it works, still learning it.
chaousOP•5mo ago
okie dokie, for manifolds then ill go back to the way i was doing it, placing spliters/manifolds first then placing the belts. Hopefully you are eventually able to get it to work, but if not, thanks for trying!
PiggyChu620•5mo ago
No problem, sorry for the inconvenience!
PiggyChu620•5mo ago
I think I have successfully reconstructed the splines, but haven't figured out how to redraw the belts to fit the new spline yet, so resulting in this weird (and somehow amazing) behaviours. 😅 I'll keep trying tho, hopefully it could fix the problem. 😊
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chaousOP•5mo ago
haha, that is hilarious. it is quite the interesting bug for sure
PiggyChu620•5mo ago
I FINALLY fix it! Please update it. Please let me know if you encounter any new bugs, thanks. 😊
chaousOP•5mo ago
will update and try and do the same thing i did last time. Will let you know if i run into anything else 🙂 Will the fix be retroactive to existing infinite splines, or do i need to rerun them all?
PiggyChu620•5mo ago
Sorry, wdym by the second sentense? Oh! I'm not sure, haven't tried it, but it SHOULDâ„¢ worked right away, as long as the game starts the way as I expected.
chaousOP•5mo ago
say i have other intinite spline created belts, when i install the update will it cause problems with those existing belts or do i need to delete them and re run them ok cool, ill let you kno!
PiggyChu620•5mo ago
OK, thanks. 😊
chaousOP•5mo ago
ayyy! Issue fixed as far as i can tell after testing
chaousOP•5mo ago
UH, nvm issue still happening
chaousOP•5mo ago
chaousOP•5mo ago
new recording showing the bug still persists @BOOrketh anyway to unmark this as answered? the update initially worked which is why i marked it answered, but sadly the bug has reared its ugly head again
Borketh•5mo ago
chaousOP•5mo ago
thank you!
PiggyChu620•5mo ago
@chaous Still not fixed!? Same problem? 😫
chaousOP•5mo ago
yup, same problem. if you look at the newest mp4 i uploaded youll see the problem persists it worked when i initially tested it, but then i went to do it again and it just did not work
PiggyChu620•5mo ago
Weird, but it does have some "improvement", right?
chaousOP•5mo ago
no, belts still get weird creases in them if they are too long (this doesnt affect the belt as far as i can tell and seems to be just cosmetic), and when you snap splitters or mergers onto a long belt it still causes them to splice into really weird lengths just as before. seems my initial test of the new version may have just been dumb luck that it worked right i can try going to the version that fixed just this issue and see if the newest update borked it
PiggyChu620•5mo ago
You mean the game update, or Infinite Spline update?
chaousOP•5mo ago
infinite spline update. game hasnt been updated in a whiiiile i could go to the update before 1.4 which is the update that fixed this issue. If that version works, we know something in 1.4 borked it
PiggyChu620•5mo ago
Then it should be the problem, from what I can tell, must be the "fix" is not actually fixing. But still test it for me, please, if you don't mind.
chaousOP•5mo ago
testing now
chaousOP•5mo ago
nope. 1.31 doesnt work either
PiggyChu620•5mo ago
OK, thanks, I'll look into it.
chaousOP•5mo ago
any time
stasgrin•5mo ago
The same happens with pipes. every time you put a pipe junction, it then makes weird pipes that run through multiple segments. so in the end I had to uninstall the mod and remove all these long pipes... 😦 I reported this bug on GitHub but got no feedback so far 🙂 Seems this thread is much more active P.S. as long as there were no exact bug name, seems like a f**d up and put misleading comments about the other mod... my apologies 🙂 but worth checking pipes for this mod if it supports it, sees common thing to duplicate on putting mergers\splitters 😛
chaousOP•5mo ago
if the issue you are having is due to flex spline, you can always make a new thread and document the problem, unless you are sure it is due to infinite spline
PiggyChu620•5mo ago
Sorry I haven't checked there OK, I'll look into it, thanks for your report.
chaousOP•4mo ago
@PiggyChu620 for now ive uninstall the mod untill you find a fix for this issue. An FYI if you didnt know, but it doesnt remove already created super long splines, so disabeling it didnt delete a ton of my rail network or belts haha
PiggyChu620•4mo ago
I'm truly for the inconvenience! Currently it's beyond my scope of skills, I was thinking if I should just take it down for now.
chaousOP•4mo ago
the splines themselves work fine on their own id just add warning text that you cant splice on mergers, splitters, or junctions onto pipes
PiggyChu620•4mo ago
OK, I'll add it later today, thanks.
chaousOP•4mo ago
ofc, if you need a tester for this mod later on, feel free to ping me or DM me, im here for the long haul if it makes you feel any better @PiggyChu620 , the exact issue i have with your mod happens with flex splines as well when making lonmg belts and splicing mergers/splitters onto them. sso it may just not be possible.
PiggyChu620•4mo ago
Is it? Actually, I kind of guessed, because my mod literally only modify the spline's max length, haven't touched any other parts at all, Flex Splines even creates new belts/pipes/etc with modified values already build in, theoritically shouldn't create so many bugs at all. But I don't like to blame somebody else for the fault, and unfortunately I don't have the skill to find the source of the problem, so all I can do is find a way to work around it.
chaousOP•4mo ago
yeah, i tried flex spline to see if it could be a temp replacement and it had the exact same problem as your mod when splicing mergers/splitters onto a long belt. Maybe splicing onto long belts just isnt possiblee.
Lynkfox•4mo ago
how long are we talking here? for your bugged belts. i suspect the issue is because the renderer that generates the visuals on belts runs out of ... space?.... slots?.... overflows?... something like, and it may just be a hard limit in the game. but if we could find out what that is, at least these mods could set a higher limit than vanilla, but not so much that it crashes the game i wonder also... if its belts crossing chunks into multiple unloaded/loaded chunks?
chaousOP•4mo ago
i ran a couple of experiemtns and sometimes the issue reared its uggly head at 1.5x the max vanila length of a belt, and sometimes 2x. it wasnt consistent so honestly, not that long a belt sadly but the issue isnt just visual, when splicing it will not just split the belt, but split it it really weird ways and actually make more belt lengths. in the first video i posted here you can watch the items actually double back on itself i can record more test footage if it will help.
Lynkfox•4mo ago
well i say the renderer, but the render is like... some black magic that Ben did - it does a lot more than just render the items on the belt, its also partially responsible for throughput and other actions. its crazy. If you want to - feel free to!
chaousOP•4mo ago
ahhh ok, im partial to black magic myself haha ill record more test footage with different lengths, one vanilla max length, and others going beyond max length with labels so you can see exactly where it breaks
PiggyChu620•4mo ago
From what I've found out during my efforts to find the solution, the belt's FSplinePointData went all haywire after the Split operation (under AFGBuildableConveyorBelt), the arrive and leave tangents are calculated wrong (the location is right), so if I reassign them and update it, the tangents will be recalculated and fix themself. But one thing I don't understand is that when I was testing it myself, everything worked well, but when somebody else used it, it didn't work, baffled me for at least 3 days now.
chaousOP•4mo ago
i have a new video uploading now with more testing. it seems the distance between the mergers spliced onto the belt determins how buggy a belt gets.
chaousOP•4mo ago
Since i used flex splines for this test (infinite spline was marked red for i will be including @Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial> in this ping message. Hopefully this video helps, if theres anything else i can do please do not hesitate to ping me. @PiggyChu620 @Lynkfox [Vanilla Recipes Ext]
PiggyChu620•4mo ago
Yes, rendered my mod completely useless, need some time to figure out how to make it work again, sorry.
chaousOP•4mo ago
nono, youre good. flexspline has the exact same issue so i was still able to test and provide a video showing different testing on different length belts. it seems the problem is shared between infinite splines and flexsplines, so the more heads that come together the better

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