Crash in Long Reach when looking at drop pod coming back

21 Replies
GrahamKrackerOP3w ago
@Epp (AutoLink et al) cannot reproduce
Epp3w ago
Thanks for the report... that's fishy. I've been playing with it all day, including using some Drop Pods and it hasn't crashed, but that's definitely a crash in the mod's code. Are you playing on a server?
GrahamKrackerOP3w ago
Epp3w ago
And what did you mean by "coming back"?
GrahamKrackerOP3w ago
flying down after completing a tier autosave had it coming down again though and i couldnt get it to crash again
Epp3w ago
Interesting. Well, that crash is in some debugging code that I was pretty sure I had disabled. I need to make another minor bugfix so I'll double check that and make sure it's disabled for the next release.
GrahamKrackerOP3w ago
weird that it crashed here though
No description
Epp3w ago
Yeah, exactly. I can't explain how it got there in a single player game... haven't seen that. Oops, that's an #ifdef and it's supposed to be an #if. Will fix that too Just pushed v0.2.1. It fixes a minor bug with conveyor lifts and also fixes that inappropriate debug dump call, which was leading to the crash. I still don't know why it hit that code path but it definitely shouldn't crash (like that) anymore. And if there's a real problem there, it will show itself eventually.
GrahamKrackerOP3w ago
thanks! @Epp (AutoLink et al) the mod seems to break when you die as well? i had been having some issues and i narrowed it down to respawning breaking it restarting the game or rejoining a save from the main menu fixes it >debug
FICSIT-Fred3w ago
We need more information to help you. Before launching the game again, open the Mod Manager and use the "Generate debug info" option, then send the zip file produced in #help-using-mods. This ensures that your help request won't get buried and forgotten in other, non-help channels! If you need to access older log files, see
GrahamKrackerOP3w ago
oop >log
Epp3w ago
Huh, it didn't occur to me to test out dying! That log file doesn't seem to have the crash in it, though. There should be older game logs right next to it and one of the recent ones should have the stack trace - can you look for it? I'll test on my end, too.
GrahamKrackerOP3w ago
oh the log was not from a crash it was from about 2 minutes after i died and the longer reach stopped working should have specified mb the LogGame: Error: UFGOutlineComponent::ShowOutline - Trying to copy Custom Primitive Data from invalid index. (Index: 0, Num: 0) logs seemed to appear after everything broke
Epp3w ago
Oh, I see, sorry. For some reason I assumed a crash but you were just saying it stops working altogether. I think the fact that this is still the crash thread led me to believe there was another crash. In any case, I've reproduced and am hunting it down. Ok, I just uploaded v0.3.0 that should fix the issue.
GrahamKrackerOP3w ago
will test it out thank you!
Epp2w ago
If the issues are all fixed for you, would you mind marking the thread as solved so it closes?
GrahamKrackerOP2w ago
No description
GrahamKrackerOP2w ago
will try again tomorrow
Acxd2w ago
I got the same response, so I've added the tag manually

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