Help with Connect to Revision Control

So, I am working through the online documentation to learn modding Satisfactory. The breadcrumb I am on is: Satisfactory Modding Documentation / Development / Git and Modding / Creating a Mod Git Repo #_option_a_have_github_create_the_repo_for_you_via_cloning It says, "Launch the editor and package your mod to make sure everything is still working." I pressed the 'Alphakit!' button in the Alphakit dev window and it pops up a failed dialog with an exit code of 12. I decided to continue, figuring it might not matter, and got to #_enable_ue_vcs_integration It says to 'Select Git from the dropdown, then click "Accept Settings".' It doesn't like that, so I point the 'Git Path' to ...AppData/Local/GitHubDesktop/GitHubDesktop.exe and it loads GitDesktop but pops up a dialog that says, 'Revision Control: Connection Error: Failed to enable Git revision Control. You need to install Git and specify a valid path to git executeable. The documentation doesn't cover any of these eventualities anywhere that I could find and I feel like I am stuck because I would really like to use Git.
11 Replies
NashtyOP5mo ago
Is no one looking at this? I guess this community isn't looking for new ideas or talent...
Borketh5mo ago
Hi. Since these forums are new, people aren't into the habit of checking every post. Your problem can be solved by installing git as the error tells you to.
Vanzin5mo ago
This was the one that I installed + the Github Desktop
Borketh5mo ago
so I point the 'Git Path' to ...AppData/Local/GitHubDesktop/GitHubDesktop.exe
this is the problem this is not the path to git this is the path to github desktop find the path to git's executable I don't know if which is a thing on windows, but which git in a terminal should tell you where that is (if git is installed)
NashtyOP5mo ago
Thanks, I will try that as soon as I get home!
AngryBeaver5mo ago
GIT is a protocol and program which multiple apps and website can interface with. Github is just a website and or program using the protocol. UE wants the protocol so it can use it not some random app it doesn't udnerstand and would try to do its job.
Borketh5mo ago
according to le interwebz the correct command would be where.exe git or Get-Command git in powershell
NashtyOP5mo ago
Rodger, will do! Thanks peeps! Ok, the output...
NashtyOP5mo ago
Rex5mo ago
Invalid game directory specified for CopyToGameDirectory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Satisfactory\FactoryGame\Mods
Remove the FactoryGame\Mods part
NashtyOP5mo ago
Huh...ok. Sec. Well, I'll be a... Thank you. I need to find that in the log too.

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