Unable to open SMM; mods not loading

Had an issue with my game and SMM not being able to open (or run). I’ve found out how to fix the game itself so now it is able to run, but none of my mods are loaded or loading. Whenever I try to open SMM I get this message (attached)(excuse poor quality. My screenshot key has been throwing a tantrum) and it will not open. I am playing on a private single player world. Any help is welcome, thanks!
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Yeah, that profiles file is corrupted, you'll have to delete it
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16 Replies
Mircea2w ago
failed to unmarshal profiles: invalid character "\x00" looking for beginning of value.
FICSIT-Fred2w ago
Something has caused your profile file to become corrupted. Please send the files you have in your Mod Manager profiles folder here so we can try to find out what went wrong. It may be possible to recover your profiles, but if not, you will have to delete them. You can try to find out what mods the profile used to have in a few ways: - Your save file keeps track of the mods you were using. Loading it while missing mods will produce a warning message and messages in the game's log files. - Mod manager log files may mention the names of mods you were downloading -# Rule logic: https://regex101.com/r/p5abZJ -# Responding to failedtoinitializeprofiles triggered by @Mircea (Area Actions)
FICSIT-Fred2w ago
Something has caused your profile file to become corrupted. Please send the files you have in your Mod Manager profiles folder here so we can try to find out what went wrong. It may be possible to recover your profiles, but if not, you will have to delete them. You can try to find out what mods the profile used to have in a few ways: - Your save file keeps track of the mods you were using. Loading it while missing mods will produce a warning message and messages in the game's log files. - Mod manager log files may mention the names of mods you were downloading -# Rule logic: https://regex101.com/r/p5abZJ -# Responding to failedtoinitializeprofiles triggered by @jess
jessOP2w ago
Is that not included in what I just sent?
Mircea2w ago
No, those are just logs. The profiles file (in %appdata%\ficsit) is the corrupted file
jessOP2w ago
this one? the folders in my appdata/ficsit do not seem to include anything titled 'logs', just some registries and a download cache
Mircea2w ago
That's AppData\Local, which is %localappdata%, you need to go to AppData\Roaming, which is %appdata%
jessOP2w ago
ah okay. here's whats in that. thanks for your patience I have no idea what i'm doing with this lol
Mircea2w ago
Yeah, that profiles file is corrupted, you'll have to delete it
jessOP2w ago
okay, that's the one in roaming?
Mircea2w ago
jessOP2w ago
oh fantastic it is able to open now. do i just readd the mods I had before and go on my way?
Mircea2w ago
jessOP2w ago
awesome thanks sm 💙
Mircea2w ago
No worries

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