Missing Plugin DI Transportation

Installed the Mod today and now get a missing plugin message when starting the game (see screenshot).
Okay, it seems to work now - at least the message does not appear again and the game recognizes "DI Common Lib" and "DI Transportation Darkplate". I used the nightly version from your post above @Mircea (Area Actions) (thanks) and deleted both folder in the stated directory. Then I enabled the mod again and now error message has disappeared and the folders appeared in the directory. Thanks for the support @Lynkfox [Vanilla Recipes Ext] ....
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8 Replies
FICSIT-Fred5mo ago
SMM Version: 3.0.0
SML Version: 3.8.0
Installed Mods: 19
Game: WindowsClient CL 368883 from Steam
Path: `/home/chris/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Satisfactory`
Command Line: steam steam://rungameid/526870
SMM Version: 3.0.0
SML Version: 3.8.0
Installed Mods: 19
Game: WindowsClient CL 368883 from Steam
Path: `/home/chris/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Satisfactory`
Command Line: steam steam://rungameid/526870
-# Responding to Key Details for SMMDebug-2024-10-15-08-32-39.zip triggered by @Rintarou
Lynkfox5mo ago
hmm in SMM, pull down the filter on the mod list to Enabled and send a screen shot
RintarouOP5mo ago
No description
No description
Lynkfox5mo ago
huh. go to Steam/steamapps/common/Satisfactory/FactoryGame/Mods and check if you see DI_Transportation_Darkplate or DI_Common folders in there
RintarouOP5mo ago
DI_Transportation_Darkplate is missing. DI_Common is there
Lynkfox5mo ago
@Mircea (Area Actions) couldnt remove DI_Common it seems: relevant log:
{"type":"enable","item":"DI_Transportation_Darkplate"},"install":"/home/chris/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Satisfactory","profile":"Default","error":"failed to install mods: failed to install [email protected]: could not extract DI_Common: failed to remove directory: /home/chris/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Satisfactory/FactoryGame/Mods/DI_Common: unlinkat /home/chris/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Satisfactory/FactoryGame/Mods/DI_Common: directory not empty"} {"time":"2024-10-15T10:17:38.694541763+02:00","level":"INFO","msg":"action failed","action":{"type":"enable","item":"DI_Transportation_Darkplate"}} {"time":"2024-10-15T10:18:55.112744501+02:00","level":"IN
@Rintarou delete that folder and see if you can launch - but do be aware, the patch that droped juste a bit ago broke other mods so...
Mircea5mo ago
Steam has a symlink which makes SMM find the same install twice, but with different paths Use this prerelease of SMM https://nightly.link/satisfactorymodding/SatisfactoryModManager/actions/runs/11345461980/build-linux.zip
Rintarou5mo ago
Okay, it seems to work now - at least the message does not appear again and the game recognizes "DI Common Lib" and "DI Transportation Darkplate". I used the nightly version from your post above @Mircea (Area Actions) (thanks) and deleted both folder in the stated directory. Then I enabled the mod again and now error message has disappeared and the folders appeared in the directory. Thanks for the support @Lynkfox [Vanilla Recipes Ext] .

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