Miners not visible in game after installing mod "Miner Status on MAP"

Hi! I installed the Satisfactory Mod Manager and in this manager installed the mod "Miner Status on MAP". The installation was successful, mods are switched on in the manager but I can´t see the miners on my map in game. Are there some additional steps that have to be done before this mod will work? Best regards
12 Replies
McCovican2mo ago
If the extractor/miner is stuck, will show on map as a marker.
ie: it will only show the miners on the map if they are in an error status. If they're all working fine, they won't show up. If you're looking to show your miners on the map permanently, perhaps: >mod Cartography
FICSIT-Fred2mo ago
Fred Mod Search™
Display your buildings on the map! EA: :white_check_mark: EXP: :white_check_mark: Last Updated <t:1736485284:R> Created by yeshjho
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
heusmichOP2mo ago
Yes I read that and I already tried to cut a miner from power but even then the miner will not show up on the map. Question is what exactly is meant with "error status". I also already tried the Cartography mod but there I can´t see the status as it seems, I only can see where on the map a miner is. Would be good to have a mod that shows the miners, power cables and so on like it is on the Satisfactory calculator site on the interactive map. So when I hover over the miner for example I can see how much it mines and so on...
McCovican2mo ago
I've found that this mod has quite a low refresh rate for the map icons, it can take some time for them to show up (and to clear). Error status is mainly to do with unintended issues ― manual stoppage and completely disconnected miners won't show. But if their connected power feed fails, or if their material input falls below a certain threshold (I forget what exactly), it should show up. Would indeed be nice to get a SCIM-like map in-game, but I think the overhead for that kinda thing could be problematic. Another couple of mods that I've found useful for non-map factory stats management: >mod Remote Factory
FICSIT-Fred2mo ago
Fred Mod Search™
Remote Factory
A Factory Remote Control and Stats! EA: :white_check_mark: EXP: :white_check_mark: Last Updated <t:1728603626:R> Created by Andre Aquila and deantendo
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
McCovican2mo ago
>mod Factory Statistics
FICSIT-Fred2mo ago
Fred Mod Search™
Factory Statistics
Lists Factory Producers with production details and several filters, and all your inventory contents. EA: :white_check_mark: Note: Might have issues. EXP: :white_check_mark: Note: Might have issues. Last Updated <t:1729699274:R> Created by SifVerT
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
heusmichOP2mo ago
OK, thanks for the info. I will check the mods later Hi! I checked both mods but that´s not what I´m looking for. Do you still have any other mod tips for this? The Remote Factory mod is good, but not interactive. So I can see the miners and everything on the map, but I don´t see how many they produce and so on like on the calculator site.
McCovican2mo ago
As far as I am aware, there are no 1.0-compatible mods which make the miners interactable directly from the map interface. That said, Cartograph currently has a request for this feature in the list, and the dev is looking to implement it (though they admit it could be problematic).
heusmichOP2mo ago
Yes, I saw it. Factory Statistics is also not bad, but there is a bug when you mark the miner on the map and then deactivate it again, it´s not possible to do this again. And it´s not compatible for dedicated servers, this is also not good because we play on a dedi. But OK, then it is not possible at the moment, so maybe in the future... 🙂
McCovican2mo ago
The only other relevant mod I've used for stats that I've found helpful is https://ficsit.app/mod/Stats ― it doesn't do what you're looking for specifically here (the /stats interface only shows total production/consumption across your entire factory ― example interface in the second video on the modpage), but figured I'd drop a link in case it's useful to you at all. Between the 3 of these stats mods, it usually gives me at least enough information to figure stuff out (and, btw, the Remote Factory mod does let you access the base-game management interface for each miner, which will of course show you how much they're producing ― click on the text in the /rf list. The only problem with that mod is just figuring out which miner is actually which, given it only shows the game-engine actor ID for each miner ― I've left a request with Andre for us to at least be able to rename them in the /rf interface).
Production Stats - SMR
See production and consumption statistics.
heusmichOP2mo ago
You are right, the problem that you don´t know which miner is which is a big problem. If the Factory Statistics mod would work correctly and would support dedis, it would be enough for me. Do you know if there is a possibility to contact the developers of mods? I found him here on the DC, will contact him

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