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All posts for VALORANT
Crosshair lost
valorant not launching and crashing for months
help me fix error 3d11
How long was the hardware ban?
Riot gun buddy
cant login
Unable to Open the game
Are there any CPUs that can bring out 300+ fps with a GTX 1050
issues with premier
Crosshairs get deleted everytime I get off the game
Is this even possible?
everytime i zoom in it keeps getting spammed.
issue loading into games
change region
Getting high ping on servers that was low ping before
pls answer?
can someone rate my rank?
High ping on nearby servers
I have a malware would I get banned?
why do my crosshairs keep reseting?
why is my account suspended?
Not found error in Valorant
can anyone help
wont lemme launch/install
game will die
How do u jump peak?
Compromised Account
VAN 84
valorant changing resolution and hz
help me
When I play a game of valorant my ethernet disconnects completely and this is only a problem in val.
Issue with comp i had
My valorant isnt loading stuck on loading screen
Refund policy
support problem
cant submit ticket to recover account
High ping on close servers
i am dying
Does riot email you about your acc email being changed?
Do i get unbanned if i login on another device?
Valorant crashing
stutters every 10 seconds
does anyone know how to change my region
need help cant start my game
"having trouble to signing you in" riot client problem I NEED HELP
Network Rtt + processing delay randomly peaking to 272+ ms for full games
Long loading times
Game is crashing before it even opens
how do I play ranked
Mastercard gift card issue
is there a bug report?
hi my account its scammed and i need help
Vanguard Problem
Riot Support
not loading in
Is it possible to appeal for 2 accounts if they both have the same email?
I got False Ban, how to fix this? T-T
I cant open my valorant tab
Stuck on map loading screen after agent picking when entering match
crosshair settings resetting
I can't play without tpm 2.0 because the game kicks me out
Valorant please add agent skins
Abnormal high ping when there is target
Wrist aiming
error 1067 😭😭
Keybinds cs2 to valo
should i use streched res???
all of my crossair profiles are gone
Tips for a hardstuck gold.
blue screen
how can i connect admins hurry
Can anyone tell me why my valorant wont open?? Literally just yesterday I still can play it
i love the quick support ticket reaction
Chat am i cooked?
Exp boost stack?
this game has a problem
cant buy vp with paypal?
Character stops when reloading?
how do yall combat anger during valorant games?
How do I prove legitimacy of ownership to them, when I've showed essentially everything?
is this normal?
Why do my crosshair profiles keep getting wiped every time i launch the game?
Locked account
Hey y’all, question
free coaching rn one radiant one asendant dm to be coached
Clove’s tactical map not showing up when spectating
fps drops, massive lags
stutter help plzzzzz
why do my crosshairs keep getting deleted??
Error code Van -1
How to get ultra wide??
Boost server
Why me banned
exetremely low framerate since late 2023
cant hear my team
Matchmaking question
crosshairs reset
Game closing/crashing (?) when I tab out
How do I jump back update-versions?
TPM2.0 and SecureBoot
Riot Prepaid Cards
Disable text-chat entirely?
valorant is not updating "we couldnt install a required dependecy" ive restarted a million times
I got in the game and all my crosshairs were deleted
Cant buy vp or anything, whats going on i need help
Lost email and can no longer log in
cant hear voice chat?
i need friends
lobby ping issue
monitor reccomendations
fps stuck at 57
remember when the valorant discord server made a Decoration event, you would take a personality test
Not Responding After A Match/Stuck at loading Screen Wallpaper.
game lag
Valorant blackscreens entire PC during gameplay
I just lost all my crosshairs and im trying to get my main crosshair back, can somone help me makeit
account suspended after i asked for region transfer
VAL 5 error
Is true stretched bannable?
valorant not opening
Uninstall Valorant PBE
ERROR val 5
About Premier
I need a TPM 2.0 Bypasser or smth
valorant launch problems
About Premier...
secure boot problem..
does valorant codes work cross region??
crosshair disappearence
High ping in-game
everytime i go fullscreen mode and press windows screen freezes
Error starting valorant
VAN- 1067
crosshair deletion
Valorant removed all of my crosshairs?
Black Screen on Full Screen Mode
Not actively displaying screen
I got 14 days ban and I dont really know why
I cant open my acc
My valorant doesn't go above 60 FPS when it was above 90 easy, help me please
help me
i swear this is the last one
donnt see my mouse on screen
valorant points
Valorant not loading and staying stuck on loading screenWhen entering match
My hidden MMR is off.
Couldn't update (launching)
is Mouse and Keyboard Center by microsoft bannable?
This Build of Vanguard is out of Compliance
I need Settings HELP
i have secure boot on but val still telling me to turn it on?
Valorant not loading and staying stuck on loading screen (When opening game not match)
can i somehow check my mmr
Valorant points error
Crosshair issue
Whenever I open the game, I can move my mouse and hear sound. But it doesnt show anything
I can't login and I'm certain I got hacked
can you report people for buying their account
TMP 2.0 in windows 10
launcher issues
vanguard out of compliance error
Paypal not working when buying Valorant Points
my game just wont start
Got hardware banned for no reason
Crosshairs deleted??
I cant get into the game
are the "cheap vp" discord servers legit?
why do my crosshairs keep getting deleted
support response time
Finding a new sens
Favourite skin randomizer
valorant directx issue
any tips for fps boost:Specs rtx 3050 16gb 4gb vram i5 11400HF
Game keeps tabbing out.
valorant launching so slow
i have a question i moved countries how do you switch server cus i have 200 ping
pls help me out
account locked
Vanguard is not work Its out of compliant bla bla with system settings but I did everything correct
Valorant Error: TPM , Secure Boot
error code : van:1067
Crosshairs gone
mouse lags when moves too fast
i cant sign in my account how to fix error?
cant enter valorant support it says unable to connect
Crosshair list disappeared
First time loading in issue
is this info true?
valorant secure boot issue
broooo my lobby ping is 680ms but ingame its only 20ms how to fix this bug pls someone tell me
I need help
will having nezur get me banned
best valorant points gift card shops
cross hair disappearing/never saving any new ones
valorant staff listen to me
valorant tracker bannable?
Error when launching game
Network RTT
Error at launching
Valorant Update
Crosshair disappearing
Does anyone know how to enable TPM on an older BIOS?
technical issue
playing with friend in different region
Can a permenant ban be appealed
its saying im dodging when my screen freezes
resolution changing
valorant problème (screen freeze)
secure boot verification failure van restriction
Val Rank Gun Buddy
viper or harbor
Custom Resolution
I can’t delete Valorant to reinstall it. It is glitching me when games are over and no menu pops up
This fake website which is concerning.
crosshair disappered
My valorant wont open
My valorant won't boot up
Been playing for about half a year now. I was asking on help abt the val stats such as KAST and ACS.
i cant play?
I need to find someone
Uhh what happened? Locked out of my account
what does this mean
SUPPORT site not working after verifying
Stacking with irons while being diamond 2
FPS Instable HELPP!!
my acc got hacked what sould i do?
Does anyone know why I cant see any text channels in the lfg
stuck on loading screen
ping issue in Frankfurt
Valorant points screen stuck!
crosshair issue
van 136 and van-92
Vc problem
can't ticket contact on website
Extreme fps crash
TPM 2.0
Logged out, cant log in
Account credentials dont match an account in our system
help my account has been hacked
crosshairs problem
Packet loss in games
are the servers dead in the philippines
stuck on loading screen
FPS drops
My crosshairs keep getting wiped.
help me please
VAN errors
The act/season-rank?
cant buy valorant points??
um some issue with updating valorant (it wont let me cuz of some random reason)
How Fix TPM 2.0 ( My Windows : 10 )
why cant i delete valorant + ALSO WHY IS IT 950 GB???
I got hacked and banned
Login Problem
erm val wont load
primordium melee
Do I deserve gold
do i talk to val support?
All my crosshairs suddenly gond
banned for what reason?? i had mouse accel and valorant tracker open
My ping keeps spiking anyone know how to stop it?
game freezing after winning a rank game pls help ;-;
crosshairs deleting
riot games problem
Version Mismatch?
wasnt there an event i could get stuff from?
So since the update couple days ago (at the start of new act) my account deletes all crosshairs
cant buy new bundle
how do i get back my account i got hacked and they changed the gmail
was there new patch
Please help. When i open val it wont open it turns grey then it turns red.
They took my animations for primordium
I really need some help with pre match freezing
I need help I can’t play the game without it crashing
skin variants gone?
game not showing up even though running in background
valorant upgrades
Crosshairs Disappeared
Problem with new Mystbloom Phantom
Mistybloom Knife
Primordial Gun Upgrades
whats this bs?
Imperium vandal
mistybloom bundle
new bug in valorant
Variants going missing???
my crosshairs keep getting deleted whenever i leave the game
Lost because of some server issue (?)
Can someone help me to found back my skin ?
batte pass issue
Imperium skin
Need help: weird error
Imperium Operator lost its color variants?
how fo i fix this error
crosshairs missing
mystbloom kunai
Battle pass thing
cant log into my account
which eu giftcard should i pick for albania
Crosshair just dissappeared
elo boosting report
Anyone know how to fix this?
Is super boosting with raze bannable if you don't use a macro?
isnt there a special solution for this situation ?
Can anyone help me, recently for about 2-3 hours a day my “network RTT + processing delays” spikes a
Knife animation and variants not showing for some reason
Removed imperium color variations?
cross and animation gone
what happened to the mystbloom kunai?
Platform Status?
Error 43 failed to connect to the platform
HELP please
Val error 43???
TPM 2.0 issue
my acc doesnt exists anymore
audio error
Weird error which is stopping me from loading into the game
Mystbloom Bug??
help rn pls
can y'all help me
game crashes mid match and ihave to restart pc to get back in/corrupted files after 1day of reinstal
I cant login using my email that i have been using for 2 year.
drop fps and High ping
magepunk vadal having no finisher and no edit styles
skin finisher bug
High ping in Frankfurt Servers
Val not launching
Play valorant from china
Crosshair Went Poof
Riot Support not understanding
very small dot crosshair please
Fps Drop issue
hi, please any1 help me!!
paypal payment
error 1067
uhm when do I get my avatar decoration
all of my saved crosshairs got deleted
help im going insane.
Vanguard blocking a driver
All my crosshair profiles got deleted.
lost email
313 hour ban
Account lock
Someone help me, the game does not open, it gives error 0xc0000005
install vanguard, we couldn't install dependency...
low fps after update
my internet has been really slow these 2 days
Valorant thinks my monitor is 4k when its 1080p
Hacked acc
Game freezes after every comp game since 8.08 update.
VAN -92 or VAN -1
Not letting me log in
stuck at loading screen
acc got third party ban for submittin ticket for secure boot and tpm error
Hwid Ban
Riot VAnguard YELLOW icon
Pack Mystbloom
Random Midgame Disconnects, VAN 84.
stuck in loading screen after agent selection and it comes back after the first few rounds
valorant loading is slow
Help needed with agent pool
mouse buttons not working in valorant
what the .. is that and why it takin resources
someone do the math
this version of vanguard requires tpm 2.0 to play valorant
help pls
can someone help me figure out why i got chat bannedmy id is batman #yeee
Virginia server has 70+ ping
Crosshairs reset on all of my accounts
sinatraa team deathmatch?
Got banned for a year
help fix it pls
error site
Main was banned one year, played 2 months on it, banned, yet my alt hasnt been banned for 2 years...
Every single time i exit out the game all my crosshairs get deleted
Stuck in loading screen when i start the match
yo does any1 know why whenver i close the game all ym crosshairs get deleted and when i open it they
perm suspension?
not a promotion but why/how is a streamer allowed to play on multiple accounts at once and troll
i have been blocked by riot??
"Your game requires a system restart" keeps on showing up after restarting many times.
Valorant won't boot up
Virginia server has 70+ ping
all crosshairs disappeared
shit lag movement
valorant not starting
All of my crosshairs were randomly deleted??
Will I get banned at this point?
purchase history
i can't submit a ticket!
error code 57
Valorant wont download
black screen when clicking valorant
secure boot
i got banned for 1 hour and 30 minutes for lagging
Can't access support page
Crosshairs all gone
tpm 2.0 initualization failed
Both val and the client wont open
stuck on loading screen
Valorant decorations?
How to fix error code val 29
no items in shop for many MONTHS!
my crosshair disappeared
account got deleted?
Crosshairs dissapeared
D3DD11 error code
Someone Help!
I need help I am getting a d311 compatible gpu feature level 11.0 shader model 5.0 error code
vgc error
a luncher error
My ACC hacked
Game is loading too much time
game black screened when open???
tryna buy vp but error keeps happening
Queue leaving penalty when screen was stuck on the map load screen
We got the same map pool
Crosshairs all gone
Hello i want learn neon movement
valorant dont starting
Pls help
game is not launching for me pls help
payment method down?
Missing less than 100 VP
I got ranked after 1 game and i got a 25/18/2 and i won and i got ranked to i1 with 25 rr??
game not launching
help me fix yellow icon riot vanguard + error code VAL 5 + vgc error + vgc error incorrect function
Windows Not Updating (I cant play valorant :sob:)
low quality
What GPU should I get for Valorant?
Uhhh... Riot? You might not like this...
Competitive Restriction
VAL 46
Anyone know how to fix these issues?
i am new to valo
All crosshair profiles gone
hi im new to game can i have tips on breach
Trying to get valorant on school computer
is automatic voice the same as open mic?
Does the mystbloom gunbuddy color change? or does it stay pink?
anyone have a good aim routine for a beginner?
Ping high and Valorant keeps crashing
buddy rank
Graphic driver crashed
this build of vanguard is out of compliance with current system settings
I need help 😫
Edating is an L or an W?
When is the new battlepass coming out ?
Secure boot enabled not allowing me to play
change region problem
Valorant Freezing
cards and title
my cross hairs got reset
Very Low Fps
Gun Skin concept
popping up these errors but I try to get secur boot going but I think I messed it up but idk
Blue screen, can't launch game contacted Riot. More questions
Crosshair deletion
Mouse and keyboard input problem
cant play no more
valorant doesnt run
i made an accidental VP purchase
My Valorant keeps randomly crashing
guys please tell me who you think is the best aimer in valorant
all saved crosshairs gone
Error van 9003
Is there a way to report people directly to agents here?
Valorant not detecting my mouse
valorant not launching
Crosshair settings getting deleted upon opening the game
failed launch
Failed to launch
TPM 2.0 issue
guys why does it say this?
Suspended for nothing
High ping when multiple people play on the same internet
where my update
[Solved] vanguard not initialized ?
Help please
tpm 2.0
idk how to fix this i got it yesterday and i need help
You do not have access to the specified device, path, or file.
2 years ban
fix the fucking map pool
VAN 1067
vanguard installation
change region
How to level up my account in fastet way possible
Cant start valorant
map pool
Error code 57
how deban my account
How to solve the VAN 1067 error?
valorant offline
I updated my game but its not letting me play?
when is comp coming back
whats the meta agents today?
cant contact riot support
Internet problem(maybe not)
client fps shows 4
VAN: Restriction - Enable SC and TPM2.0
leave match has a lock
Is Haven and Fracture coming back in the new act?
anyone got a good aim routine or tips for a beginner?
How can I find my discord ID?
iCue and Valorant Bug Help
Can a VCT Game Changers team compete in their own respective challengers?
Error code D://RiotGames...
Valorant not running on windows 11
help me fix yellow icon riot vanguard + error code VAL 5 + vgc error + vgc error incorrect function
help me please wit the error 9003 please
I am trying to buy VP but it keeps kicking me from the game
help error code Van -92
Riot Client wont update
Valorant requires secure boot
unfairly banned
Error VAN 1067
I got banned for saying "did u get detain"...
i can't see the name of the dropped weapon skins
please someone help me regarding this 1067 error
val wont launch
is there any legitamite way of buying a giftcard for someone overseas?
when will competitive servers be back up ?
when is val gonna fix this shit
Error Update Please help i am new
Fps Drops
Problem with refunding
What agent should i buy
I dont have TPM 2.0
vgc not running
afk penalties
Low Frames and Stutter
WHat is Deadzoning
raw accel
everytime someone dodges on agent select my game always get stuck until the next queued is dodged
Couldn't install a required dependency
Ticket just disappeared
False Ban
TPM 2.0
my valorant is broken
no play game
Client Broken
Account Hacked Email changed
buddy after epi reset
RR issue
Slow loading
error code val 29
Error Code Val 29
fps drops after patch
so much loading time recently
big problem, need help asap
Do you get an EXP boost if you buy the BP?
Everytime i close valorant i get bluescreen
Vanguard ERROR 128
javascript error
optimising valorant
FPS lower then ever since latest update
valo not starting
Im new please help
i cant play
qui five stack bronze ??
valo has always been running fps below expectations for my hardware, any potential fixes?
error 57
I can't log into my account
I can't log into my account.
Hello, my account was taken over by someone else and Riot still hasn't contacted me, what can I do?
If I delete a Riot account will the in-game-name, username and email be deleted from their database?
"This Device ran into a problem, Needs to restart"
anyone can help with the "you have encountered an error. Please try again later." im trying to buy
I can't join back turkish Valorant discord because of a bug.
Vanguard not initialized problem.
Update not working
valorant caused one bsod (vgk.sys was the culprit after windbg analysis)
secure boot
dodge queue issue
If I delete a Riot account will the in-game-name, username and email be deleted from their database?
Why am I getting banned ?
since when does valo take 500gb
how to fix
neverending lags without any reason
anisotropic filtering not working
Regions help
Laptop Vibrant Colors
Error Matching send me out of game Network error
Val 5
voice chat not working
Mouse Buttons not working in-game only
I need urgent help by someone working at Riot please.
team deathmatch
VC randomly stops working mid-game
my pc bsod when i turn off valorant
#bonus vp
game crash/ loading screen bug
VAN 84
weird error on valorant
Error Match
360safe summary union 1 file
Cant play valorant i just got it now this keeps showing up after valorant loads and valorant crashes
Op Skin
How do I fix it I can't even play valo bru
main got fucking hacked, hacker is straight up cheating on it
Van 1067 , Vgc just stop automatically
Epic Games ban
Permanent Suspend | I already stopped using val tracker in a past few months
help fix Connection Error VAN 1607 :(
Is the map pool change this upcoming act or next episode?
Range Eliminate 50 Not counting Time?
Update server down
Connectivity issues - Val 5
Help Asap this us my main account
i can't play valorant
Why is this message showing?
My friends account lost all progress
Ping in matches and practice range.
Crash when ALT TAB
Secure boot
I get the following message on my vanguard
when i try to submit a ticket , this shows up !
error code 57
not letting me uninstall
error code
need smaller crosshair then this one
are valorant servers today?
guys i changed my valorant account region from php to india and then my in game shard got changed EU
Why do I make a fixed dial at 128 and what is the solution?
Banned due to 3rd party software
account perma band?
Game doesnt feel smooth at high fps
Rank Gun Buddy
ping issue
Bann after Mute?
Network Problem/Low Client FPS issue despite good ping and 0 (or rare) packet loss
Has anyone here got an issue about lagging ?
i keep getting the "your gam requires a system restart to play" message even after restarting 5 time
Something unusual .
Loading screens last too long despite facing absolutely no lag in the menu or matches
safe boot problem
Issue with Premier
enabling safe boot
Please help solve problem- Van restruction
my voice chat says it smuted eventhough its not
vgk.sys bsod randomly while using pc, pc also bsods 'clock watchdog timeout' when playing valo
Refund pls help
Discord dropping VAL fps
Everytime i close valorant my whole pc crashes
email changed to unknown email
Why is my riot launcher not opening?
Pregame Glitch?
Pc crashes while loading into game
game problem
van 68+van84
i cant download valorant
my website is down
asia server
riot client won't open
Help with recording valorant using OBS
packet loss is ruining my game
"system" process high cpu usage when playing valorant
connection lost
Secure boot on but still not letting me run valorant
Van 1067
vanguard not initialised - error code 57
Why does my game constantly crash.
how to get rid of this
how to fix error code val 5
how does the premier pickban work without split?
what do i buy?
When is the next champions bundle?
Match Error
Valorant failed to launch
I was blocked for no reason. Is there a problem?
problem on trying to enter the game
System restart issue 😭😭
When are we getting the replay system
Van : restriction Please help.
how to buy vandal xerofang;-;
Stretched resolution 1280x960
My friend just downloaded val and cant get past the tutorial without the game crashing
severe FPS drops
1 minute bans
In game lag
Curious about Hidden MMR.
Account locked
how do u level agents these days?
can someone please help me on this?
I think I was falsely reported
constant ping spikes
tpm 2.0 initualization failed
Placement question
Anyone know how to get my fps better, with these 2 particular gpu and cpu
Game Language
Fps is weird
FPS drops
game crash
How do I put my tpm to 2.0?
Honest question, why do i always get less rr than my duo even tho i am playing better?
How many refunds allowed per acc?
is that normal 😭
my game is apparently taking up to 2.5 terabytes on my pc
Can someone pls give me good settings to see my enemy more clear
My game is apparently taking 2.5 Terabytes of my hard-drive
Account is locked?
Account help
cannot buy a skin
required dependency?
is there any place to report valorant scam sites?
how to fix this secure boot xdd
van restriction
Connection lost
TPM 2.0 needs to be enabled
help please i reinstalled it and still not working
how to fix
Recon Phantom vs New Vandal
Why is my valorant fps just capped at 60
severe FPS drops Please Help
Give back Bundle 2024
Error VAL 5 when starting matchmaking
Im stuck in Loading screen
VAN 1067
unable to login
Neo Frontier
raw accel
How to get the lost account without first email
why is my riot games file 46 gigabytes
Banned on VALORANT for reporting some guy for text abuse
erm , the servers not working
Is True Stretched Res Bannable?
Vanguard 9003
Windows cannot access the specific device
MY RIOT CLIENT and VALORANT will not work
help ping Val bad ping consistent
Valorant Crashing
fps drop issue
is anyone else getting random ping spikes?
yall know why i got lag spikes on my computeronly when i got vanguard installed
secure boot
smurf elo boosting
Stretched res
FPS Spikes
how do u change the username
How much fps should I have?
mr mmr is fucked plz help
No ingame sounds
Valorant Match
No secure boot or T.P.M 2.0
Valo not loading after updating the client.
Ping spikes and fps drops
im stuck at the Update Screen, my game won’t update
Is there a famine going on?
ping spikes and fps drops
Blue Screen after closing Valorant
valorant crashing frequently lately
Keyboard Input Delay
Riot shortcuts stopped working
Afk ban
Pls help
ping spikes and fps drops for no reason
Hacked Account! PLS HELP!
how do i fix this paypal issue
fps drops and ping spikes
Error: van 68
Question abt changing regions
can't reinstall valorant
Vanguard problem ( Same as @aryan)
VAN 1067
need suggestions
i can not join any game
False ban
how to get better
fps drops and ping spikes
I found a bug
just looking for this banner..
Account hacked
my valorant asked me for tpm 2.0 and stoped asking me for 1 month but sudently it asked me for it
anyone else been getting ping spikes?
I got banned falsely??
Insanely high packet loss
I keep having ping spikes and lagging bad
valorant error?
Each time I tab out of valorant whilst in game my game will close, how do I fix that?
Opening valorant point shop leads to black screen?
login problem
charity donation
Lag issue
error code val 5
anyone know why paypals not working for vp
Audio issue
Are maps like Fracture, Haven, Pearl, and Split still in game?
Falsely banned.
how to fix
Im stuck at didacticiel (restart didn’t helping)
I can't see any emails from riot.
screen freezes after sm1 dodges queue
how i do move on?
error van9005
I Have Trouble When Alt Tabbing.
i keep getting afk warnings for leaving the practice hub, does anyone know why
"game required to run"
i used to run the game normal until it showed this error
Need Help :(
not even able to load into the game
Mouse randomly disconnects then stops working
Entity That Seems Out Of Place
Stuck in loading screen
Critical error
"required dependency couldn't be installed..."
Very high ping in Lobby
Need Help To Get My Account Unbanned!
i got the error 7 3 times
I cant solve VAN9005...
Secure boot failure
When launch valorant and close it my PC bsods
5$ help
why does it say my vanguard isnt initialized.
Region Change
general jett tips?
Play Valorant
lag/stutter/freezing issue
Network Problem
some map stuff
start valorant
game problem
vip problem
neon movements
Missing Account Country/Region
does valo need TPM 2.0 on windows 10?
Am I able to use a hotspot from my phone for valorant? Or will they think I'm acc sharing or sum of
is that normal?
whole pc freezes when tabbing out
Reboot needed
random high ping spikes
secure boot
BSOD on launch ever since updating to the recent patch
Support Problem
Vanguard Problem
HI riot my extreme apology i beg u guys please unban me
The game eats my scrollwheel down imputs.
I need a Smurf Im hard stuck silver 2
shpuld i buy
yo can someone help me please, whenever i walk it delays like crazy and its not my fps or my ping
got a suspension because Valorant crash and blackscreen cause of the new update
Game loads so slow, I keep getting penalty
Valorant stuck on start-up loading screen, no error, I've waited half an hour for it to load
Van 68 error
error val 7 and val 43
blue screen
Installed the game to be banned
pc blue screens or restarts after quitting game
anything i said wrong besides calling out someone's rank?
fps constantly dropping in match
valorant is freezing
i cant sign in nor open valo (im always signed in on riot btw)
Valorant keeps crashing
Freeze problem
error when launching valorant
How To Make An Team Premier?
"graphics driver" is crashing
Every time I join a match for valorant it says connection lost
why is my valorant 1tb
Can anyone help me fix the vanguard 9003 text?
Stuck Screen
High ping jump
GeForce Driver Crash Message
Help witht the FPS
driver crashing after 10 min
Error code van -92
VAN 1067
anybody val not loading up wheun u press play in launcher?
how do i fix my valorant when it says i need to enable TPM 2.0 when I don’t have a TPM chip
handedness preferance
Vanguard Help
Graphics drivers crashed! Make sure your drivers are up to date
help with charger
I bottled my pc up this morning and this came up valorant
Everytime I get into match it says connection lost and i have to exit out valorant.
error 1067 disconnecting
keeps saying graphics driver crashed
Agent not available
This Build of Vanguard is out of Compliance
Valorant crashing after 10 minutes playing
nvidia driver problems
RGX Phantom Kill sound not working...
1 year suspension
can someone help me? i have been recently getting high ping on frankfurt
Valorant Wont Let Me Q
van 1067
game feels diffrent in diffrent accs
How do I get the VCT Game Changer title after competing in GC2 OQ2 Open Qualifier?
Aim sensitivity
Whole party ping issue
Update problem
play button grayed out
does everyone knw why the game is so laggy bc im come across lots of people suffering same situation
Valorant wont launch
Low end pc problems
ping issue
opening riot caps my wifi
pc cable management
Cant load game
ping in SG and HK are INSANELY unstable at night after the new patch
omggg i just got banned why
cant run the game
why is my val ping high the first time logging in. I had to relog to make my ping back to normal
Im at a dilemma
Stretched resolution
need help with secure boot
"Something unusual has happened while trying to launch VALORANT"
Please Give us Heaven or Pearl or Fracture map. Don't leave 3 maps for whole season.
mouse stuttering
stretched res
ban them riot
Is Jettstrike legit and safe
Help im getting this error when launching either the riot client and even valorant.
haven’t been able to play valo becuz of vgc error 1
Heavy FPS drops
Cant login in valorant
Suspension expire
what does !b2c do?
Aimlabs playlists?
VALORANT NOT launching After pressed "Play"
what do i do when my account gets hacked
van 1067 Error won't stop at all - fix please ?
Valorant stuck on loading screen on new PC after first download
guys i cant load into games
Changing Regions
is it worth it
i m getting this issue help me
fix yo game pls
game crashing and i got banned
my valorant account is locked even though I didn't do anything
Voice chat issues
stuck on sign in page
how to fix error 9003
can you please see my token anyone
account blocked and I can't appeal it
Game won't open AGAIN
error 57
payment error please try again later
My account just got hacked
how to fix that
VAN 136
How do you get 200vp
this looks interesting..
Question on Kingdom Credits
Im trying to launch valorant but get this error code
High Ping but only valorant
Client Freeze/Game Dodges
Valorant doesn't open
What's the best clipping software that doesn't make my fps low or have random drops
bsod twice already after exiting val
Valorant not loading, saying vanguard hasn't been loaded, even though it is in my startup apps
Vanguard update is canceled instantly.
valorant freezing my pc
Valorant 'Unable to find game'
what can I do?
so confused about this??
Idek what to call this
Valorant System Restart Required
Van 68?
any riot service hinders my wifi
Mouse stops working when i open val?
mouse cursor stops working when playing
my game freezes when i put it o fullscreen
cant launch val
Not able to access the game Error Code 46
Couldn;t install a required dependency
Missing components Direct x
Valrorant crash
account locked because hacked
Has anyone seen this buddy in their accessories store??
changed text language and now i cant hear any voiceline
make replay system
Random ah Valo quiz 💀
cant hear or talk
van9005 error
2 premades whos account is not even level 20 managed to get into a game of competitive lost us RR
game crashes
Account locked
VAN 1067 Error Won’t Stop
Fps drops and crashing
Does valorant support ultrawide monitors?
Help me out with this please
need help with VAN9005 ERROR
im usually a frankfurt server player but it been 20 days ish i play on 40 but im getting 110 now
EU What server do I enter to find some english people?
New Mic?
TPM 2.0 Unavailable on P.C Motherboard
I can't rset my Riot password.
englishing not good helping me
PING problems
Random FPS Drops
Valorant Account suspended
Main hand in valorant
Val STuck on loading screen then closes
Ping in a particular server is high
Valorant is corrupting my ssd
My friend's having these issues and im not a software guy so i have no clue what to do
game crash van 1067 somone help
FPS Drops
why do I keep getting the val 5 and temp ban for some hours ?
Is this a PC problem? If so please send recommendations.
cant play.
my game freeze and crushing too much.
My first willingly annoying question.
good movement settings?
random crashing
Stacking issue
Gift card code not working who should I contact
thinking of a new mouse not over 35 bucks
ryzen 5 5600 + rx 6600
What crosshair colour works?
secure boot verification failure
riot banned me when I never used anything, I need help
how do i make my enemys like full yellow like this
what is val 5
help me.
I love Valorant
My game has not opened since last week, giving an error saying that Windows does not have permission
Valorant Error. Have tried many things to fix and nothing seems to work
How do i fix valorant from freezing my pc
server ping virginia
Question about false 3rd party ban.
stuck on loading page
valorant is crashing a lot
Game Crashing
game keeps crashing
Just Started Playing Valorant
can somone help me it just says i need safeboot everytime i open val
It says im in pregame and wont let me play a game.
Valorant is stuck in launch screen
VAn 84
hello, do i have complete week missions today or they will not delete?
TPM 2.0 secure boot
update server down
Idk what to do but my account is getting hacked....
val support denying me refund
Valorant tabbing out
what is this problem?? help
My val is completely broken
bro i just got back 💀 i didin't even play for 10days
I can't log in.
Problem in game
"restart pc to launch game"
what is this problem?? help
Cant uninstall valorant
cannot sign into riot client and valo not opening
No Internet found error
Buying turkish vp
hello i need help
connection error, van: -1
valorant error van84 help
van 1067
Client down?
language problems
Gameplay settings. (basically all the settings that affect gameplay)
my loading times for games and start up are really long
Too many french people in frankfurt appearing
Game freezes after a few mins
when i open the game i stuck here
Secure boot mode turned on but still comes up with the Secure boot error
FPS game is unstable
Discord Overlay Showing Emotes in Valorant
Does anyone know what software they use to capture their screens in tournaments?
Riot games unable to log in support site.
Valorant van 1067 error
can someone help me fix the loading screen bag i have it for a year now
caught in a different server matchmaking
how to vod review
Random FPS drops
My email and password got changed
Game Crash When Alt Tabbing
Getting strike on YouTube
Looking for Client
Got Suspended, Didn't even log on lol
error 5
rate my freinds shop
Good pc, Good wifi but valorant still lags
Accessibility Apps for Hearing Impaired
Valorant error
60 FPS cap
why i can't log in to my acc
my email got changed
My friend keeps getting detected as a cheater
acc regions
error 1067
Ping error and server switched
random Suspension
the never ending load
Support error page
Some Payment Options are currently unavailable
Comms in Iron?
How to get reaver vandal
valorant points store not working
software question
lfg discord is full
Tpm not saving
False ban for illegal game modification
account locked out
got banned for life for doing nothing?
username suggestions
Getting kicked everyone 5 minutes for Connection error. error code: van - 1067
Van 84 error
game chat won’t mute
Valorant - Secure Boot
Has anyone purchased a valorant gift card from amazon?
can i get unbanned i had to feed brother
how do i recover a hacked acc?
TPM 2.0
secure boot
This randomly happened mid game
when im in game valo errors
Not too comfortable, playing incosistent
Ranking up from iron 1 with 0 rr
Since when did riot start banning challenge accounts
Val 69
range timer stuck
good specs bad fps
game broke I think with update version
secure boot state
Error 128 "Vanguard not initiallized"
is voice mod bannable
I am a skilled Video editor
Multi threaded rendering
Technical Issues
ban related question
fastest way to get level 20?
i need help because when i log in it dosent send me the code
my valorant won't load at all
what is account compromised ??
My game keep crashing when I’m start queuing
aint fun anymore
whats wrong with me
What does this mean?
How much Ford the kuronami bundle
unjust ban !
Riot Games Email Scam
valorant vanguard eroorrrr
Valorant Size
is there a way toreport smurfs in game, do you just classify them as cheating?
Glitch Enemy on minimap without recons
How long do I have to wait to get VP from my drawing submission?
Valorant ADS glitch
I got warned about this being a link in #general?
Skin help
question abt viper smoke screen
Audio files
input lag , desync , hitreg .. moving slow in high end pc with fiber 1 gb internet
I have forgotten my password and want to know it
why do i keep getting kicked out of the game for no reason
Ban for no reason
refund weapon skin
I’m getting a new budget laptop this week. Help me decide? (stats wise)
valo crashing
Are there ways to get gun skins just by playing the game? (without spending money)
Secure boost on but still wont work
Is vibranceGui bannable 2024?
true stretched
Fullscreen bug
issue with my account can't login
Valorant loading screen stuck ONLY at deathmatch
Permanent suspension
Valorant/Riot Client not launching
lost phone premiere number
hey my acount just got hacked what should i do
bro i have no guis or anything
secure boot
riot client is broken? long loading + no option to log in through socials
it swaps my window everytime i try to take a screenshot in valorant
how can i get Vct buddy
I have hella wifi problems in Valorant 400 ms ping every 1-20 seconds, wifi is fine everywhere else
i can't open valorant
Valorant Rank System
issues with payment when trying to buy valorant points...
can US giftcards be redeemed in Canada?
bruh aint no way i got banned any fix?
VAL 5 Error Code Mid-Game
Hacked account
i keep getting this then unbanned in 3 minutes
in suspend
my valorant is logging me out saying it detected actions on my account (user rules section 7), does
saving instead retake
I want to try winexp for stretched res
Keep getting this error code when trying to queue for any sort of gamemode
Will we be able to play a qualifier game on Sunday? (Premier Playoff day)
Bought a new PC and i got permabanned on my main account - VAN 152
VAL 5 Code
hello, i rlly need the new battlepass
Hello i have a problem with Secure Boot
My riot launcher wont work
Valorant bugs in load Screan
Riot Support
Mic Problem
chat ban
what's this? I write the correct information when entering the account, but why does it say this?
How long does Riot take to reply to tickets ;(
whenever i click play on riot client, it says enable server boot and TPM or TMP 2.0. PLEASE HELP
Cant log in :(
keep getting logged off game and account suspension
Valorant Loading screen issue
Should i ask riot about how many days left before I receive my requested data becuz i forgot
screen going black
Failed to open
VALORANT failed to launch message
Frankfurt server ping
I cant download valorant
valorant isnt launching
I was banned from Valorant Türkiye server and I did nothing. Who can I contact, please help.
Can Someone Help Me Regarding Getting Banned
cant open my valorant
can someone convert the sensitivity idkidk
riot support
Does Behavior warnings / mutes stack even after a long time?
Weird ace sound?
Turkish account in EU
can riot shorten hardware ban?
I can't open Valorant
8200 vp
valorant help
Banned from competititve
accuracy 3%
ping spikes
Raw accell
lagging issue
Hacked account?
is raw accel safe and will i get banned if i use it?
VAL 62 error + endless loading screen
Playback error
need a good duelist to help me hit gold
Val restriction account something
valorant points issue
loading time
Issue with riot client
valorant points not received
my friend bought a skin at my house while I was at the restroom
false ban
Headphones recommandation
van 59 error
ban for one day for no reason kindly read details carefully
Error : Van 1067
vc issue
someone ban it
What is the current comp map pool?
my friends pc cant play val it says he need tpm 2.0 pls help
Alt tabbing when I shoot :( helppp
what is this?
tpm 2.0 and secure boot issue
am I cooked??
valorant pinging, not even letting me reinstall it cause it doesnt delete
Voice chat not working even after restarting multiple times
Problem starting the game
why do i always get the bad team?
why is this?
need help
my issue is still not resolved
val 59 error
Endless loading screen
hello, is possible fix the VAN 1067 problem? or we wait for an update?
What to do with VAN 84 error?
can i get un ip banned
Got Suspended for No Reason help
my val is not launching/loading can someone help?
Is having pro team names infront of your name allowed like SEN NAME
weird neon ring
Real quick question
Reset Files
Ping Issue N virginia?
I realized that my Valorant started became laggy this morning after warming up at the range
Does anyone else have ping issue with frankfurt servers?
I keep getting Error code VAL 5
Game crashing everytime I open
While Playing Game+PC freeze completely
Direct X Runtime
Connection Error
how do i check my shard i play on ?
looking for a valorant caster.
how do i change the currency in the valorant points shop?
riot client
cant post file
bad ping
Long Loading Screens
error -92
game issue #community-help
Are glitch spots on valorant bannable?
What is wrong with my PC?
why do I have constant 55+ ping for 3 days now I was always on 26-33 I cant play like this tf
high ping after update
Question about being a designer for Riot
Whats the best res ?
fps drop
Need help please
Anyone wanna trade account looking for an account with reaver karambit
Someone pls help, my ping is acting sussy
video editor looking to edit your content for free. 6 years experience
Can't recover my account
val tourney commentator
valorant randomly crashes my game mid comp and lost 33rr can someone tell me how to fix this
How do I get out of bronze
Ping Issue (APAC)
Should i reset my pc to fix VAN 1067?
i cant open my account
130ms Ping
Is there anywhere to submit agent ideas?
10$ giftcard bought in Us but from other country so cant use it.Any tips?
pls help decide
Neo Frontier
I cant sign in
How do i dodge from being afk
Network problems without reason
My sens
Network lag when moving mouse
My ping randomly rocked sky high after playing with a usually normal ping (30ms)
i am in SWE servers but it is not my servers how can i change that
Higher than usual ping on North Virginia Servers
Valorant not working
How do i open voice chat
Pc won’t boot up when i enable secure boot
cannot be opened and run
version of vangaurd error
can a person in us gift me valorant vp? I'm in Asia and if yes how?
Got A Copyright Strike From Riot Games!
does anyone have fix for voice chat push too talk buttonn dont work and temates volume automatically
“Sorry, we’re having trouble signing you in right now. Please try again later.”
Username in Riot Games (to log in to Valorant)
je suis bronze et j'ai besoin de maites
did val change their bahrain servers from 1-2years ago
Is there any other option to contact with riot support besides support ticket?
Ability audio not properly playing
how to fix
Singapore server ??? ping
valo ofc
I just launched the game for the first time and this appeared.
How do i stop losing
Ping issues
Connection issues with Singapore/Philippines?
give back bundle 2024
what is singularity doing?
hey uh does anyone know what this means?
Valorant not uninstalling
Riot games not launching properly
Server ping isue
Get a copyright strike on my YouTube Channel form Riot Games, Inc. what I need to do?
Valorant points.
I need help my game keeps starting without me even joining
My game always crashes while i play and then i get penalties for it
is VALORANT down or something?
bug valorant crash in the game menu
I can't delete valorant pls help
when I queue it takes a while to show that queue started ..
How to make the valorant enemy highlight color stronger?
Stuck on the start
Why do people have so many SKINS?!
So , i play in frankfurt always , used to play on 52~ ping since the last patch it went up to 65~70
Account Restriction Something.. Enable secure boot
When is the Give Back Bundle 2024 coming out in store?
How to change facebook login into a riot login?
anyone know why im running 100+ ping on all servers but im running 30 ping in diff games?
how to fix fps drops down to 1-19 when i play a agent/use a gun that I haven't used in awhile
audio error
invalid access to memory location
I've been perma suspended because apparenlty I have third-party use, I don't even know what that is
??? ping
My account is hacked and I'm logged out what should i do to recover it?
my game freezes and crashes alot
please unban my id
What happened, and how to fix this?
plz remove compy ban
cant buy skin
Help, My valorant account is locked 😭
Low FPS, good specs
error code 57
i bought a new pc and now i'm permabanned
Timer frozen in range
Can't play in comp
my riot client just keep loading
Premier banned
anybody else’s valking gg store checker is not working?
i can refund a upgraded skin? i'm really sad bc i have the kuronami vandal on my store
Game stuck
server issue
Voice Chat not working, Voice chat is active see them talking-see my self talking
How to fix matchmaking stuck
anyone know how to fix this?
ping tripled since new update
ping issue
How can i play with TPM 2.0 disabled (i cant turn it on whatsoever)
can anyone help i just normaly playing
is 1600 dpi really better then lower dpi´s?
ping issue
Help with visual issue
My ping today is unbearable (from 40ms to 120ms same server)
please help
suspended with incorrect time?
ping issue
window 11 valorant only work on window full screen or window
VALORANT shutdowns
My acc got banned while i play on cafe game
where do i submit my form?
VP doesn't appeared in my account after purchase
i have just pur
helppppp plz
texture dont load
voice bug
I purchased VP through UPI but it didn’t credited in my account and money was debited from bank
not receiving email
i get queue dodge automatically
blur skins
Buying 2nd Monitor/Mouse/Keyboard
i got banned for using some shady skin changer thing
Secure boot problem on laptop (lenovo LQO IRH8)
How do i post in the media section
Valorant Blue Screen
Does valorant no longer do one time exception refunds?
my account got suspended for no reason
VP points not added and money got deducted
American account being Brazilian
help me pls Does it not progress
why wont valorant let me use the one time refund on my upgraded recon balisong?
Can someone Explain?
Secure boot problem on desktop
help me pls Does it not progress anh does it not finish so slow
help my valorant dont uodate
freshly installed and doesnt launch. Stuck in the loading screen for 30+ mins
why does my val close down when i tab out
i cant open valorant
valorant freeze/crash
Why isn't my secure boot working even though I already enabled it??
cant buy val points
pls helppp
Van 7, ban temporary
Vanguard cpu usage
Haven and Icebox
Card Error
anti-cheat written on a potato
when come please the Bundle back in shop ?
what is happening
Is there a way to Suggest things to Valorant?
Can someone please check if im handling my economy right
Can anyone give me fps optimizations
fps decreased in half after patch
ERROR 68 ??
Did RGX kill banners get variants?
Sadly i got banned from exiting mid game too much
Van restriction
cant play val :c
Keyboard problems
NXT File ?
Is there any way to reduce ping and RTT spikes?
Purchased VP but didn't get + No response
good names for a chamber main
what do you guys think about astra in lower elo
I purchased VP through UPI but it didn’t credited in my game
Little (or not) problem
secure boot on but not working?
Account Region Log In
valorant isnt loading
Can I Take Legal Action Against Riot?
Valorant down ?
3 Minute Valorant Suspension
Valorant help
Mute issue
Need help finding what rank need to be the sub for my premier team
wrong HZ in game
I got banned for something I didn’t know was bannable anyone could reach out?
this guy was threatening to me and my family and throwing the game
Won't startup
Letterbox stuck
problem with anticheat ?
BLACK SCREEN on stretch res
singularity broken? rp
help i cant run val
144hz monitor only 120hz in game
secure boot
Gift Card
Account Recover
Not finding a match
why is my code not sending it to my gmail
I can't open Valorant
sprays in accessory shop
Blades of Primordia
PC overheating on val
Banned account for no reason.
I can't play premier
clove ulti
Cant signin
hardstuck plat asia skill issue
true streched
how do i change crosshair?
Cypher is too op
valorant since new update wont let me play
Muted in chat for no reason!
loading time to get ingame is awfully slow that i get afk warning
i cant play always freezes so annoying
i cant open valo and sign in
payment issues with paypal,when will it be fixed
paypal not working
how to fix drop fps and frame skip?
Is true stretched and raw accel bannable?
skin refund
New Onimaru Kitsuna image
packet loss???
whats the update?
i stuck here for more than 30 mins
Xbox gamepass not working
agents not working?
How to get ranked
my account got locked and it wont let me even send a support ticket because of this.
Stupidly High Ping
My riot account is having problems with gamepass
Primordium knives animation change??????
banned for no reason
Can't Select Agent
cant hear my val audio at all. Can hear everything else but not val.
changed my language to japanese but my text to english now i cant hear any of the agents voice
agent bug
Flagged as queue dodger, can't queue anymore
When I press lock in on an agent it doesn't lock in?
How do I change my (All) chat keybind? No clue what it is. Enter is my (Team) chat keybind
Not being able to lock in agents even though i have the xbox game pass benefit
chamber trap bug
Can someone please tell my my facecam is in the bottom right corner??? How do I turn it off??
val wont let me play because i dont have secure boot on when i do
VAL 1067
OCE Server
Looking for help with IEM and AMP
help cant lock in people
im on windows 10 without tmp 2.0 and secure boot
Servers down
get banned for nothing today
Suspension of hacked account?
How To Not Get Penalties When You Have To Go
can someone explain how my game wont load into a match and then i get a 30 minute ban
Valorant can't find my headphones & Mic is not working aswell?
secure boot
help me
Help wifi symbol not showing
Update Server Down
hello i have question about currency in shop region
"Couldn't update" error when trying to install the riot client
it says i can change my riot id today but its not giving me the option to do so
Letterbox stuck
Stolen account
VCT Classic Bundles
help me
Help me Fix this
Error code val 5 please help
Change in region
help me fix this, its stuck here
singularity broken?
looking for combos for duo or trio
valorant 8.07 upd bug
definitive suspension
game wont start
Riot Client suspended in task manager
can’t play premier
Insane ping only in valorant
My wifi isn’t appearing on my laptop
My Riot Client is broken
VAN Error Code 84
I got banned because someone stole my account
vc down?
Cant access my account because its locked can you fix pls?
invaild access to memory location
Issues with Secure Boot & TPM 2.0
Agent tier list for every role?
how do i get this skin
Game not launching
Is anyone else getting banned for no reason like me?
Prohibited game modification
Agent Select Freeze (again)
when I click on Valorant, something like this pops up
packet loss again?
Account recovery Issue (name change)
Server Ping...
why when i try to open valo it says invalid access to memory and how do i fix it
need help with new pc cuz i have a work laptop that sucks
chat what should i buy
HWID Ban on a 2nd hand pc
A valorant Issue
SG Valorant Gift card use in India?
unusual high ping (just for valorant)
Slow Loading On "Decent" PC
Not Loading
asking a
Can someone give me an advice
Cannot download the game client
Valorant Points paypal
performance issues
ping spike
cant downlaod val
how does rr work?
PBE Takes up 45 GB?
Why is my login basically trying to make me make a new account
how to make screen bright on valorant
Wont Let me load into a game
what type of shit gets u banned for 20 hours???
plz help valorant say i need directx runtime i download it it still say it
Biggest fps drops i get 165fps and now i get 90 fps idk why
Troll giving comms to enemies
Client Issues while trying to sign in ...
Somebody changed email of my val account
missing shortcut
I can't uninstall the game
Is the Varox website actually real or is it just a scam site?
cant play the game for some reason
300MS In my own server!??!
Looking for a recording-app.
Champions 2024 when?
It's not my fault I keep dodging my games
WHo is right
Need TPM 2.0 out of nowhere
Valorant WIN 10 Secure boot verfication failure
payment options
Account Email Changed
Does anyone know what size the default minimap is
Best maps for neon?
Problem with signing in
Locked account
Anyone here from UK could tell me what internet provider they have and they dont have issues in game
Ping spikes
How much does competitive restriction work on premier?
how to fix that?
what is this pls help
is running some other game while playing valorant a bad idea?
window 11 vanguard not initializing
Fps drops
Pls help plsls
VAN 84 error disconnect
voice chat delay
ERROR:VAN9001This version of Vanguard requires TPM version 2.0 to be enabled in order to play.
Secure boot verification failed
My game keeps saying error
Valorant wont open
Game don't launch.
Combat report glitch.
need a new game to play give suggestions
problem in valo i cant join
Valorant issues and internet
Accessing Riot account without email verification.
Pls help
hwid ban
I'm Moroccan, can I redeem EU gift cards?
plss help
can i use a 10 euro valorant card in the uk?
match doesnt load
infinite load
Is it bad when I have to pick up my mouse a bit to turn?
Ive tried every "fix" on youtube and still not working. Can anyone help?
Riot Client not opening or taking forever to open
My game keeps getting stuck on loading screen
wont launch
FPS Help
my ticket was solved and they asked me for conformation about something how can i reply?
Low FPS on an RTX Card
vgk.sys failed
Valorant account
i keep disconecting after i try to play a game
Ping issues
Trying to change my region
So my account got locked
Valorant volume is so quiet
EU maintenance problem
What would happen if all 5 people on a team go afk/disconnected
oes anyone know how to solve the problem of (the game connection was lost. Restart the client to res
can someone help me in val
this is not my email
Van9003, even tho i have it enabled
The requirement to run Valorant in laptop
Account recovery, In NEED of help. Someone keeps account recoverying my account.
Someone hacked my account
awhile ago it was stuck in update so i reinstalled it now its stuck in install any fixes?
TPM 2.0 error on windows 10
Riot es una puta mierda
Can't create a ticket on Riot Games website
VP gift card
help me pls
valorant keeps dc me mid comp game even tho my internet is running fine
Cap Town servers
help me
i found the fix to error 1067
Looking for a good mousepad
Valorant Vanguard not downloading
vct pacific w/o a korean number?
roles? how to get?
My valorant store goes black when i open it what do i do?
loading Issue(?)
2 bullets hit, 1 bullet registered? no network issues
Help with my ban
Game keeps crashing on launch
Payment issue EU
riot explain wth is this matchmaking?(Kj)
"Cannot Install Required Dependancy" Error while Installing the Game. Plz Help
VAN 1067
someone help me
setup rating
Secure boot verification failure help
fps drop while selecting agent
Secure Boot Verification Failiure
Secure Boot Verification Failiure
Please help my ban
Secure Boot Verification Failiure How do I fix
Please help my ban
Can't play Val w ethernet but can w/o it.
when i click on valorant my windows crashes and shows error kernel security failure Please help
Raw Accel
cheater is in my game
TPM 2.0 and Secure Boot
Valo crashing
Van error code -83
What if we could play Valorant with controller
is raw accell banable
TPM Initialization Failure
Issue with Frame Skips
Does anyone know how to fix it? Please help me
long error message on launch
my valorant keeps crashing every time i go into agent selection
Valorant account got comprimized
Jett Dash not working
cant buy anything
My problem, help me pls
I have forsaken vandal in my shop, Cop or drop chat?
Tutorial just keeps resetting
keybinds being weird
Gift Card Redeemable in Morocco?
valorant takes a long time to launch
This is my problem with the game.
I need assistance!!!
I’m hardstuck bronze and I need help on ranking up
Secure boot
Good/decent clove smokes
How To Get Un Suspended after Tabbing Out Of The Game With The Game Open
crashing first game
voice chat problem
I got false HWID and perma banned please help me
my valorant keeps crashing every time i go into agent selection
tmp and secure boot
valorant bundles
My game keeps getting stuck whenever someone dodges
Can someone help me fix always stuck at loading when game start
anyone help pls
how to convert a medal clip into a video png
Sutck here for a while
Black screen on Val Point shop (need help Im tryna buy bp)
Riot points in Valorant
constant lag spikes at set intervals
can someone help me
I cant download valorant
Secure verification failure
3 more VP for a eSports skin
False 152 ban
1440x1080 wont work for me anymore (someone can help?)
need one
no acces to email
Gekko Tips
Valorant low fps and ping issue??!!
Temporary Suspension
VAN 152
valorant payment is dont working eu
val bullies me
I can’t buy any vp
My problem
Random Crash
why do i get this error? i even reinstalled windows"Valorant failed to Launch"
Low FPS on laptop (not even stable 75) especially when taking gun fights (mouse movement) and
need help not 100% what it is
Visa gift card
Random Crash
Packet loss
Trolls, what happens to them?
Valorant account can't login on windows 10 pc after logging in on windows 11 pc
Wondering about smt in advance
scammed by valorant
yooooooo my nightmarket still like this 3 day why ? what the time when refreash pls ?
account suspended
Guys what would you rate this night market out of 10 (sadly i am broke so i cant buy any of them )
Should I have high DPI and Low Sens or Low DPI and Higher Sens?
Text chat / voice chat delay
Input Issues
Why am I playing against higher ranks?
community tournaments
Refresh Rate Problems With New Card + Fps Drops
Pls Help
Valorant BSOD on launch
I was banned from comp and premier
Account hacked they stole Mozilla session
Crash dump
skin refund
Banned for account sharing
valorant and riot client aren't opening up
Banned from Premier
VAlorant FPS issues
VAL61 Error
Valorant Randomly uninstalled.
Val bugged?
This version on vanguard requires a secure boot to be enabled to play (How to fix)
Why can't I open Valorant?
paypal not working
bring back haven man. one of the best maps there was.
Issues with directx 12
High hertz monitor for comp gaming in general?
d3d11 error
obs high brightness
fucking rtt jitter shite AGAIN, games unplayable
permanent ban
Weird glitch where i cant see skins before buying them only in some skins not all of them
when i ever try and go into a game its says error 5 or 8 any help ?
Colour of Tenz
Weird resolution, can't click anything
Error Code 57 cant launch
help me please
best equalizer settings (steelseries sonar) ??
how to access riot support from russia?
VAL 152 Error !
some scroll things appeared
cant launch ?
I was scammed by Valorant
1 year ban
connection error
Gesperrt bitte Entsperren
giftcard switch region
val 62 error
how can we update our ranks (roles) in this server?
any1 knows when payments maintenance are dun?
add friends
VAN Restriction
Stuck at Agent Select
VALORANT crashes after ALT+TAB
someone Pls tell me How to force valorant to use fill option on aspect ratio
error connecting
character selection animation won't load
Launch error
how to bypass MMR system
not a bug but
turn on secure boot
Cannot verify my phone number to my account
Lf help
What app can i use to check Val store on mobile?
guys im randomly getting disconnected from game
freechas wep give you ban or not?
Banned for Using Third Party Softwares even though I did not
error van9003, enable secure boot
huge fps drop when opening buy menu or opening setings
unable to play game
Game bugging
VP issue
i need someone who is professional to handel my server like adding bots and stuff dm me if possible
stuck at this updating for days now. Ive tried reinstalling it and it didnt work. any fixes?
valorant freezing on launch
Discord overlay won't work with valorant
hello, does anyone know how to install tpm 2.0?
170 hours of suspension in competitive because of leaving the game (An error made me close the game)
should i get magepunk vandal sovergin phantom or a vct classic??
Code 61 Valorant
valorant wont launch after clicking play?
vangard do safe boot
What does this column mean on val tracker?
Night market
I tried 3 differend credit cards to buy vp but doesnt work???? !
ban glich
laggy game with good hardware
Secure boot
keyboard having a delay and moving on its own
processor taking too much space
I checked the Valorant support, and nothing was there, I also restarted Vanguard and Riot Client
Sudden Frame Drops in the Games I Play
need help fixing error code
is there any legit ways to get free valorant points for free? I'm growing desperate each day lol
updated to windows 11 and i got a secure boot error?
Riot support help
any val support team pls help
i dont play valorant
Cant start Valorant "Critical error has occurred "
couldnt start
Always Stuck
How to use OBS replay buffer for something that already happened?
help me
Can't download valorant
help pls fix
Stuck in login page
riot vanguard
Valorant crashing non stop.
cant buy vp
Anyone know any Shops to buy VP
How to get 4:3 res
losing gun clove ulti
All server lag
Why is Odin hated so badly? 🤔
I got my account hacked can anyone help me with this.
Motion blur?
Valorant refund policy
Encountering issues with the BIOS LEGACY system while trying to play VALORANT
Why wont my team vc works
i bought vp and i never receive them
i need help i cant sign in
i need helpNOW PLS
bought vp but didnt get any
I BOUGHT 2100 2 times and never recieve them
refund upgraded skin
i need help with this
run IT back questions
New PC, VAN9003
oops something went wrong
hardware accelerated gpu scheduling
windows 10
just a question
how can i get 15 vp i nedd for spectre neptun
Valorant suddenly become unresponsive and i cant alt tab or open task manager
Valorant tpm 2.0 restriction.
FPS drops
monitor not recognised
Can someone help me?
Looking for coaching
lobby getting ddosed in a diamond - ascendent lobby
cant hear anything when in a discord call
how can I fix this
Black screen tabbing out issue
Graphic Driver Crashed!
any val support team pls help
Submitting a ticket just doesn't work.
i have moved my file to ssd but my game still keeps crashing and frame keeps freezing what do i do?
Error code 57 :(
got banned permanently for no reason
who's night market sucks more then me
Van 68+84
Cant launch the game
What should I buy?
What to buy for first skin
Permanently suspended due to account compromised!!!
which agent should i main when
what shop checker do you guys use?
Night Market skin Buy Chice
what i buy
Why cant i check my purchase history?
Valorant Store
VALORANT battle pass
vp question
where is night market
my night market isn't showing up
I got banned
how does mmr work in this game?
freeze valorant
Weird Ping Spikes
gun buddy question
glitching and lagging
Request to Use Valorant Map Assets for Portfolio
Help Please Bug of Vanguard
Error Code 57
I need help with my sens
can't post photos in media
Account Recover
Secure boot enabled
cant launch
error code val 5
Valorant Crashing
what is the percentage of getting a decent skin in my night market?
Valorant error does not work
When trying to apply true stretched to valorant i cant seem to use the Fill option on Aspect Ratio
riot client wont display but says its open in task bar
Connection Lost Every Time I Queue
vanguard problem
what app do people use to check their shop without having to go on their pc?
help :(
Mouse feels slow? like when you're using v-sync but slower turn
soo i have used a differnent account its not even mine idk how change
Voicemod x Valorant
how do i get skins the cheapest way?
tpm 2.0 error
Unable to install Valorant
I just never get the Ion Sherriff
cant login
Error Code 57
my valorant isn't launching
when is the night market
I bought a player card but it didn't give it to me however it still took my kingdom credits?
Val 29 error
Can't link my riot account
I am stuck on loading screen in valorant i cant do anything and i want to play i have good pc
Boot Menu Stuck
Am i cooked?
Voice chat not working suddenly.
My valorant account doesnt have a region
I did a opsie
so i just got suspended and it is stupid
Login Username
Mouse Recommendation
Valorant faild to update
bug son pls
val tweaking
does anyone else have this problem?
python script
Mic lag
help me
ETA on platform purchase status?
Secure Boot Verification Failure
my vc is glitched
Using Valorant Music for a University Event/Program
can start valorant , "critical error has occured"
Cannot Sign in riot client
stfu ?
how many refund tokens do i get for valorant?
Help Me Oout !!!!!
Afk Penalty
i lost my account
when should i start playing comp?
Valorant can't fullscreen
Vanguard error
Graphics drivers crashing
Gekko Util
Riot client wont show up
Are you allowed to have an open-queue system on a Discord Server
fps problem
Said I queue dodged but I just was stuck loading out of a match
question about night market
Buying VP - You have encountered an error, try again later
Van : Restriction - enable secure boot
How do i play the game on windows 11
TPM 2.0 issue
Crashing at launch
hello i need help
this cat
reflex issue
Valorant bug help
Screen freeze
game don't launch
No internet found
i have secure boot enabled but its not active and when i try the change the platform mode i can't
TPM 2.0 error
riot id name change not working
Valorant not working
Should I ignore that person?
Gave me this message during a comp game, Force closed my game and even gave me an afk penalty.
Val does not launch brings me back to Riot Client
login server unavailable
I got a 30 min queue timer but my game was infinite loading
please suggest a recent iris intel graphic driver
Can't access Riot in any way
is this battle pass worth it?
Random Crashes
desktop issue
Valorant still running after closing down game.
cannot play my acc
drop 43 to only get 18 rr
idk why this always happens but help
Why does this knife have such strong saturation? 🤔
got reported by angry kids and Riot listened to them!
Riot send me free valorant skinned account plss?
What's that ?
van 152
cheating immo EU
Custom homescreen 👀
Payment error: Some payment option are temporarily unavailable
Im bronze 1 and im going to derank to iron 3, which agent should i play so that i can win games
playing val without directx runtime
Van Restriction
My valorant wont open
Keyboard configuration issue with duplicate but it's false
Account Locked for 5+ Months, Unsure who to go to to appeal or why it got locked.
Game sound muffled when voice chat is enabled
Valorant account hacked, no access to the initial email
my mouse not working properly in game but except game it works good
I got banned from match when i came back because i hadnt played for along time
secure boot enabled
Is it possible to copy all your valo settings to another account without adding each one in manually
I tested Nvidia's low latency modes and Valorant's Reflex system to find the best performance combo
Best recording software
how do i fix this, I just started the game.
Game is unplayable due to throwers
How do i fix this problem with vanguard ac
Is True Stretched Res Bannable?
False hardware ID ban
give me free vp
RTT Jitters/Stutters
unreasonable suspension
Van restriction
is this thing legit?
will every knife skin be in the night market?
Val won't connect to a match
yo how do i fix val 5 error code?
long loading screens
valorant points shop
gold to plat
Ping issue
Can we get a new map-choosing system ?
keep getting kicked when join party
username changes
Valorant maps
Bahrain ping
Loading into a game
Youtube channels
Need Help
Valorant always kicks me
pc freeze
has anyone ever got there account back after already recovering the account once
Need help
Ping spikes during gunfights
Screen freeze
Can’t go to login website
tp movement even with average 10-15ms rtt jitter, 240fps consistently, 15 ping constistently, etc
How do i fix
tpm 2.0
hello do you know how to remove the weapon from the screen?
who is valorant agent 8
Somehow corrupted data when i just wanted to play a simple game of deathmatch
Valorant won't start
Valorant screen freeze
Val not turning on
How do I post in media chanel pls halp
Ping Spiking
yo i cant load val
Dont Found Match
banned due to "third party software"
Do you need a win in a rank for the buddy or does the uprank counts as a win for buddy?
random fps drops from 110fps to 5-10 fps
stuck on 0 percent on doawnload
I got banned when i didnt have valorant on my computer at the time
false ban. (Permanent suspension for 'third party software')
Valorant not launching
Says I'm banned from valorant LFG
Should i buy this knife?
A D3D11
How do i uninstall games from the launcher
@technical lssue
fastest way to get kingdom credits?
yesterday i played valorant and had no problem, today i launched and saw this out of nowere
got 1 day suspension for absolutely no reason
Van warning
i tried to open the website's user settings and see this what do i do?
Problem with account
Just a few morons talking about my crosshair.
Valorant network problem val 5 and vgc won't run
Is it a good idea to play Brimstone on every map besides Breeze/Icebox, and play Viper on those?
how to get friends to play togedar
How do i check my valorant shop online if im going away?
my account got hacked
my ult got deleted in game I definitely woulda won the game but I didn't I might be kinda restarted
i got banned and i m not sure why. i just use exitlag.
Riot client (Valorant) issue
valorant is crashing my entire pc
Valorant not opening
when I queue dm w my friends custom I can’t hear them how to fix this
Mouse randomly stops working in between and I need to restart Valorant again for it to work
Why is match making like this
looking for gaming laptop RTX 3050 minimum
I'm playing valorant in stretched and it affects my monitor resolution when I get out of the game
valorant gift card?
Account hacked , and the hacker changed the email and enabled 2FA from his email
is it possible to remove ban in comp for disconnecing?
sudden slow sensitivity when turning too fast or trying to flick
Account Locked
Please help me my account is suspended for long time period
Match Timer Doesn't Stop.
Forgotten account
need help
Required dependency help
Cant play on correct servers PLEASE HELP
Looking for coaching
recording issue
my valorant is stuck trying to load please help me
My valorant takes 15 minutes to launch and 3 rounds to load in
Hi I need help today when I try to log in and play valorant I got a error message and they told
is raw accel good?
How to get unbanned when banned for a year
Game brokenmy current game is broken EVERYONE is glitching out can we PLEASE get some help 🙌🙌
Blank riot client, Troubke signing in
Somebody tried to recover my account somehow
PBE not working
Account Data Transfer
is there an app that allows you to check your valorant shop without opening valorant
Which is the best knife to get?
secure boot but my bio is wierd lmao i watched all of youtube videos nothing please help
Can’t move and big fps drops
Valorant/Riot Games won't open
Valorant tpm 2.0 restriction.
Bad stuttering and frame skipping
Ping and q'ing issue
PC Crashes only while playing Val every once in a while
Valorant Permanent Ban - Possibly for Using "OP Autoclicker"
I average 250-300 fps although I get frame drops at the worst times after an update any help?
How do I fix the Error code: Val 5 pop up?
Ping and queue bugs
My account got hacked, what should I do?
Unknown penalty
sbmm in unrated?
pls help me tpm 2.0 video dont heping me
valorant can't go above 21fps
Error code 5
mic not working
i played valorant for a 7-8 months idk , now the game send me this, someone help me
Error Message when trying to play val
Fps is dropping in valorant
Valorant not starting
how to fix blackscreen and freeze screen
My account got hacked,
does anyone here know if there is a possibility to get skins transferred from a locked account
Whats the app that shows where every agent plays in your most games? I thought it was
Audio issue
whenever I open valorant the game opens in stretched res with black bars on top and bottom fix?
can't play valorant?
so i cant play any more?
I can open valorant
This came out of nothing. "Couldn't update". Really don't know how to fix this.
i cant log in valorant
how does this make any sense
Please help
run it back bundle
where do i store my clips, i cant use gdrive it only has 15gb storage
How do I fix inconsistent fps?
how to check region
Van 9003
Valo and riot client not even downloading?? PLEASE HELP!!
Problems with walking
why my xp dosent get up ?
Hi guys, I need help. I am getting accuse for cheating how to appeal to the riot devs
premier is ineligible
Can't change name cuz of this: (ss)
Cant uninstall valorant
Unable to enable Secure Boot State in BIOS 2.20.
FPS drops from 120 to sub 30 randomly and then comes back to 120
Valorant Fps drop
valorant packet loss won't run
Movement Help
False banned. Status solved after sending a ticket?
Massive FPS Drops, GPU: RX 7800 XT 16GB (Overclocked)
help please
Help with monitor
Account has error under section 7
Can my pc run valorant?
How to fix ping spikes on valorant
Ping fluctuates every 10-15 seconds
Freezes everytime i click anything loads just fine
Banned from matchmaking ranked
Ping spikes
error "VAN 1047"
hi can anyone help me i just changed my acc region to asia but my servers are still on eu what do i
RR winning and losing
banned till October 4th pls help
why scrolling wheel weapon in my friend accound so diffrent?
Im Stuck Silver 1
game not updating
tpm version 2.0
They banned me until yesterday???????
Sound even on another screen
I need a moderator to ban an account
doesnt let me play even tho i have it enabled
Premier ban
too scared
does the xbox link thing work with xbox gold?
Troubles signing in
Error Occured
Random Alt Tab
Server issue and false ban?
tps 2 and secure boot for valorant
I need help with resolution
Account Details/Security page problem!!
how do i fix this error it just never disapears?
Hi guys I really need help when I try to log in I got this message. Yesterday I had no problem.
Error when trying to buy currency
mouse buttons not working
Valorant causes my browser to lag
Mod Help
Game stuck on laptop screen
valorant not launching
low client fps and low server fps
Account hacked and need recovery help
secure boot
inf loading screen
Valorant Servers
loading issue
I purchased valorant points (5000) then i got notification in my bank account accepted and didnt get
Gaining odd amount of RR
Sound problem
VAN9001: This version of vanguard requires TPM version 2.0
Blocking for using third-party software
Playing Valorant with V2Ray
need help with bios plsss
false ban
When trying to launch the game i get this error
Account settings
My account is hacked
i need help i dont see my vgc in my servises
What's up tech nerds, help me out >:D
recover my account
how to recover my account
got banned permanently for using third party app
Just got banned for using VibranceGUI
Riot games login issue
If i get gold this act does it stay next act or does it go down one
I got banned by using third party app
How does the rr system work?
secure boot
need he;[
i cant open my val
I enabled my tpm but after I turn on my computer it says the tpm cannot be found even tho I saved it
Iso shield
Valorant Giving up when launching
How to avoid Smurf in asia server
i can't play the game
Vanguard not downloading
Code Error: VAN 1067
I got temp suspension for supposed game modification.
Is there any english server in Europe other than London?
How does competitive restriction work?
clove smoke menu
Why isnt valorant replying to my ticket
Vanguard does not install
i cant create an account
vanguard problem
help pc
What are the english servers in europe?
Connect error
is macro allowed?
Help me with pc
permanent ban
I can't see my socials while I log in
delayed keyboard input
Is it allowed to make an account om a region you're not in using a VPN?
FPS fluctuate
Somehow it says i have 11ms but when i join the game my ping goes to a 100 and above
Log IN issue
Valorant won't open
I would like to contact gamerdoc
What should i do?
Stuck on loading screen (the clove and riot games)
tournament help
win11 tpm 2.0
Can't launch
wtf dcing every second??
My game wont launch
Loading screen crash
VAL/STEAM crashing
val crashing randomly after pressing any buttons like play agents and stuff
Choppy game despite having 300-400 fps
HIGH PING ONLY IN VALORANT shooting range bots / deathmatch / enemy appears / barrier goes down
Valorant Crashing entire pc
Valorant Hard crashing my entire pc
valo co
if someone now how to activate secure bot in laptop " Gf 63 thin"
low end
i have been hacked
VALORANT won't start
How to uninstall valorant???
Riot logging me out and error 29
Sudden random FPS drop
why doesnt my vc work?
does this message I got from riot support mean my account is gone forever?
i snet a request to refund my knife since i bought ion karam and my friends refuneded it i found out
Vanguard. of course.
I'm not a robot i swear
Val error 5
Shop help
Valorant / LoL Queue Comparison
Someone hacked my acc
VAN:RESTRICTION Secure boot verification failure
my account got suspended for suspicious activity I got it back now it’s permanently suspended
trying to learn
valorant crashing
I find this funny and wild
some questions
Afk error
How can I play with my friend from USA
Valorant laggs, but there is now internet/pc issues
Help me i cant start valorant
riot account
Error message
How do you use skye ult
how to fix this crash??
can't shoot
Valorant issue
just got banned and i never cheated on it
need help
need help
cant use settings in website
acc got locked for spending money
I got banned 100 years for afk… um can I get all the money I spent on the game💔
Negative time??
does anyone know how to fix this i cant start valorant
please help me i want to just play.
Help Needed: Banned from Valorant for No Reason
High ping in deathmatch and range
Valorant points
Error code: VAL 5
vgk.sys blue screen
Blue screen
website settings error
Is a Valorant 1 Year Temp Suspension tied to account or to PC
What european servers are english?
Stretched Resolution
vanguard not initialized
Jett Korean voicelines
Glitch after Tabbing out
trying to get people to play with me, I'm still unranked
GUYZ PLS HELP my frame in valo drops suddenly from 120 to 20 fps for 5-10 seconds everyround.
vanguard not initialized
is it real ?
I can't change my secure boot mode to custom which mean I can't join the game rn
My account got Hacked
My Valorant Wont Load And Just Freezes On The Loading Screen Please Help
huh? new bug?
Error code val 5
cannot be launched
fastest way to lvl 20
Constant warnings and ban.
"Couldn't update"
why is it like this
Is this a bug or...
how can I open menu while in match without "esc" button
Fps chopping
permanent ban
I dont receive the verification code
crashing every 2 seconds and now it says vanguard not installed
Van restrictions: Secure boot enabled
Mic problems
When I join a game, I stay on the map screen for most of the game. Help pls.
I CANT refund because I was hacked
Cant change username or enter settings web page
Problem with Vp's
Weird buzzing noise only when I have Valorant running?
Make a Brisbane server!!!!!
Mouse drags to second monitor playing val how to fix
Can anyone help me understand what maps to play my agents on?
val not opening
My account was hacked and he changed my email, password, and username. Someone plz contact me.
Entire Lobby Lagging
uhmmm is this a good enough reason to not be banned?
why do i load so slow?
ban problem
vibrance gui
mic not working
sum bs
How to get the x kill banner instead of the skull if it's still possible.
sent a ticket havent gotten a response for 2 weeks plz sort this out.
Skins randomized per round
Valorant internet issues
mic not working mid round
I'm getting this error, I don't have any problems with my other accounts, but I can't log in to this
update failed
help me
How to get out of iron one
Perma ban
Am unable to invite my new friends to my premier team
i just redownloaded the game and its stuck on the loading screen
graphic driver crash
(I VERY NEED HELP PLZZZ) Timeouts to connect to a game
jett dash
Riot Vanguard
skibidi gyat 😭 🙏
I got a penalty for valoran kicking an entire lobby. You guys are a fucking joke and it was a Ranked
Got disconnected from ranked game
vanguard error 9003
Got banned for this, why?
Somoen help i have Secure boot erreur !!!!!!!!!!
"sorry, we're have trouble signing you in right now......"
Valorant the ONLY game lagging
one of my mission is not updating
valorant crashing when opening skin gallery and just randomly
my mission is not updating
my acc got locked, now how do i unlock it
Why is my valorant 200gb?
My valorant match stopped mid round and im stuck in the loading screen
Level 6 on comp?
I can't join back in my comp game
Val match stopped in the middle of a round for all people in my vc when we played together
Account Compromised
ban issue
loading in time
my account got banned for 100 years
Riot Client Opens in 640 x 480
Val Error Code 62 and 59
My Client FPS DROPS from 300 - 100 , im using RX 6400 (win 11)
Can' t walk normally anymore
Helpness in game
help HELP
Hello I am from the Santiago sv and I had a terrible experience today
Val couldn’t start (0xx0000017)
Val/Steam crashes one or the other when I have both open
Hard to log in to valorant
Cant invite?
Everything takes so long too load.
Threats & Hateful Speech?
facing extreme packet loss
best straits for cypher every map
i need help
can this run valorant fortnite cs2 cod
how to get custom res like 1440x1080 on intel cpu and intel gpu
can't open
guess the rank
cant open a ticket
color settings
game crashing
Cant access Valorant site
Support is close?
banning me for being a Smurf
need help i got high fps but feels like 60hz
How do i fix Val error 5?
Looking for a duo partner
valorant install
fps capped 60
voice chat disables randomly
guys my mic is not working anyone to help
permabann for no reason but i didnt cheated or better said never cheated
Need help with support
i cant hear anything in valorant
help me.
Error in the login servers
val support service
Riot Client sign in issue
Ticket says solved but no one responded
Soo i dunno if i should reinstall Valorant
Stucks In The Agent Selection
Vc just disablin mid Game
why does when I create a riot account it says "requirements not met"
the following components are required directx runtime
I was banned after doing nothing
someone help
Van 68 error
VAL 4 Error
Downloading/Installing taking forever..
does anyone know what the average wait time for riot support to respond to a ticket is?
Pleasee fix Valorant Ranked
Account suspended for no reason??
error 9003
Valorant doesnt start
im not able to play with friends
Made a ticket on VALORANT Support website
Issues with trying to buy VP
i cant start valorant?
Bug request friend
frozen screen
Game issues
When is this competitive season over?
Error while launching game
valorant loads way too long in DM
always shows vanguard not initialized
Can't open Valorant Account
Clove in-game description
van restriction
Val Fps
PLease help im new
Van 1067
My aim is so bad and idk why
cant play valorant
i need help.
pls help
After the newest update im no longer able to connect to my local server (SYDNEY)
my account got hacked
Graphic Driver crashing, have the most up to date driver already.
cant see multitheaded rendering
Mouse randomly disconnects in valorant
slow loading only in death match
Play Button is not working
Getting suspended without a reason ( DID NOT CHEAT )
RIOT CLIENT not working for me !!
Cant Access The Website
black bars (stretch res from usergamesetting)
Error code problems (mainly 57 and 68)
Match Delay And Fps Drop
No response to support ticket
Anyone know how to fix "packet loss". I'm getting 5%-10%.
Side By Side Error
hel me plz
Banned for 3rd party Software?
Couldnt update even after repairing
getting flagged for queue dodging
$40 vans gift card trading for $30-$35 valora r card
Can't sign in
Bannable or Not
My account was hacked, I contact support, what should I do more?
is there a place to recommend ideas to val?
game crashes/freezes alot
@Heemmii hacked my account so i cant login this time he didnt hack my gmail so pls help
What is 0xc0000017 error code when i try to open valorant?
Keep getting this error message can anyone help, i just want to play the game.
fps dropped from 300 to 60 after amd driver update
Im stuck on this game screen after restarting my pc and closing valorant out.
Mouse isnt clicking anything on the game ?
I just downloaded the update didn’t play for like 3 months
Ban VAL 5
val bugged
mouse hz
riot client application was unable to start correctly (Oxc00000
**Note Regarding Valorant Points Purchase Issue**
i am stuck in the fucking shadow realm
Is There A Way To Change Which Disk Valorant Goes To??
erm idek
freeze at the main menu
VALORANT Servers Down?
We Need Help!!!
Valorant Competitive Infinite Load
bios asrock fatal1te
Valorant bugging
Valorant usermode
loading for minutes
looking for this widget for stream
mouse skates
Valorant GPU usage
Gun buddies need info
the parameter is incorrect?
Account Setting
valorant not opening
Sudden Lag
FPS drops
lag movement again after updating lan drivers which fixed it
what is that
this isnt real valo acc right?
Glitch Report!!
raw accel
bought an agent using vp accidentally
False banned for 3rd party software
Unable to Load
Cant load in
rate edit 1-10
Team VC bugged?
anyone had the same problem and can help me ?
When is haven and pearl coming back?
secure boot block?
VAN9001 error
can not open my account setting
won't launch game
Region Change
Valorant stuck on loading screen
Valorant Points Problem HELP
account settings error
Valorant doesn' start
i used to have 40-50 ping on singapore , now i have 90-100 ping anyone know why?w
Can I stop myself from gaining more levels?
Game driver crased
Changing Region of my Riot Account
Valorant support isn't supporting
Error code: VAL 43
uninstall val
how can I post image in media chat
Error code: VAL 5! How to solve this problem ?
How Do I change My Account Region
Secure boot error
getting banned for long periods of time cause cant load in on time sometimes
Riot website login error "oops something went wrong" please help
secure boot unsupported
is true stretched(win exp) banable
valorant error 1067
what does this mean???
is there any case like these too?
val code error
VAL 68 and 84. Having hard time connecting to valorant
VanGuard not download
High FPS and High Refresh Rate, Game looks laggy.
Valo anti cheat is broken
which agent should i use?
Slow loading
what is up with the cheater system rn
Iso and my experience while playing him
i keep getting his error i been watching videos on youtube on how to fix it none of em solve it
budget keyboard
i cant reinstall my valorant
please help with error VAN9003
Permanent suspension
i got banned permanently
A way to find out why I was comm banned.
mic recommendation
lf someone to coach me from gold to plat
Log in issues
slow loading + error ? please help
im a bronze trying to make it to plat 1 and i need a coach for free
valorant staying at loading
Permanent Suspension without having any third party files
Clove Ult
any idea what's going on with valorant support ticket system?
VAN 1 Error Code
Afk offense for internet crash
Locked out of game after getting hacked
pls reduce my ban bro i cant take it anymore its been 6 months AND ITS FALSE
Vanguard error Secure boot
How do I enable tpm2.0? on asus
PC Crashing
True stretched + raw accel
Val not working with cam link pro
Ban went up?
My ban just went up from 2 days to a week. Why so?
anyone know why this keeps showing up for me?
server icon
Riot games launcher not working
Valorant won't let me start a game
Val doesn't let me get in a game
I need help badly
audio stops when voice chat is turned on
Account Compromised.
I can't sign in to my Valorant account
cant talk nor hear my teammates in game
Got banned mid-game for 3-rd party programs, never used cheats, riot support close all tickets
Valorant Website Settings
afk ban
Valorant installer
I keep getting lag spikes
Valorant storage
hwid ban
anyone know any good mechanical keyboard on temu for around 30$?
Account scammed and stolen deleted all my friends am i cooked?
how to
Garbage PC
aim while counter strafing
Anyone know how to fix this error that TPM 2.0 and secure boot is disabled
Voice Chat Issue
Log in issues
van 84 dc in the middle of games
need help about secure boot
this guy is selling cheats, ban him
Sovereign and Reaver low quality effects
HELP VAN 5!!!!!!
What agent should i buy
Verify Account Number
vanguart dont install
VAN:RESTRICTION Secure boot verification failure
help regarding sound
crash valorant when i open it
Critical Error On Start up
Riot client system restart
block in loading page
error code 43
error code val 5
replay system alternative
How to view a Support Ticket Status in case your account has been hacked
Randomly kicks me out of comp
blocked from riot games
night market
i keep getting Van Error
tried to launch val, blue screened
cant change file location
shop change
VAN -81
I can’t put the numbers that I received on my phone when in try to buy something on the shop by PayP
Forced Resolution change
can anyone help me get in contact with a dev
Smurf Accounts/Bots
Game suddenly gets extremely Low fps
No LFG voice channels
Some payment options are temporarily unavailable??
can't see multitheaded rendering settings
Need help
Chat Issues
hey need help figuring out why my entire ranked team is bronze 1 and the enemies peak 1 rank higher
Why does everyone say "spammer" and start calling me slurs when i use odin?
Help me :)
Wont let me log in
Which agent should i play?
help me plz
"We're having trouble signing you in right now. Please try again later."
Account Compromised / Hacked
Login issues
Installation error
Help me
No longer have access to email linked to account
voice chat
CSM wont enable
When I go to download Valorant it says I have it already and when I try to search for it on my pc I
my valorant is infinitely loading
Suggestion for a change to Chamber.
Hardware ban
agent suggestion
shit crahses
Val doesn't work
random ranked ban
Valorant running when closing the game
i cant uninstall valorant
FPS drop/stutter
A veteran since ep1 act2 quits valorant.
i cant update or uninstall valorant
I’ve been perm banned for no reason
i got banned for a year.
Can someone fix this game and make it not disable my drivers when I boot it up?
My riot client is loading infinitely, I have tried to reinstall, update gpu...
how do i fix loading in late
my resolution stay w/ black borders
Sound settings
vanuguard problem
dpi glitch
true stretched
where is the replay system
Neo frontier
need help
loading time
Valorant points
false banned
today i fucking suck
van 152
Deathmatch Matchmaking
Riot Vanguard using 33% of my CPU??
weekly missions
hiya, im trying to change the install path of the game but its not letting me, any help?
i cant launch the game
Valorant lags
how to fix this shi? cant play properly bro
got an error
D3D11 Error
Account hacked (?)
recruitment event
got this issue after the clove update
what namecard is this and how u get it
100 hour ranked ban for nothin
VAN 9003
laptop stretch
on arch linux/ lutris: after install: require system restart
Can someone pls help me fixing this error?
I need help please!
Fps drop on the menus and alot of problems in the games
rank reset
Voice chat randomly stops working
just asking on what skin should i get
Is this Fade?
Ticket help/ question
"your account does not meet the following requirements in order to play, secure boot enabled"
New player! Suggest agents please
Voice Chat not working?
I get this error every time I open Valo
valorant can't log in/sign in
Voice comms issue
Why Wont they add back Replication?
valorant black screen
i still need help with secure boot
cant start
Spent 2 weeks tryna get Valorant to work
Wifi not appearing
I was unjustly banned
Secure Boot Failure
Restricted from playing for dodging but I didn’t dodge
I got banned for no reason can anyone help me? VAL-152
i have some bug pls help
Hacker report yet not banned :val_SadCat:
Packet loss spikes only In Frankfurt
agent remain locked even after filling the xp threshold
i cant meak a new account in riot gams
Problem NA ID
Need help with hacked account.
Game crashing
cant install
Having Packet Loss
could not enter matchmaking on ranked
Val don't opening
first install stuck in login screen
valorant screen froze
valorant fps issue
Game Crashed and I was given a 1:30:00 minute ban in normal but a 167 hour ban in comp
Valorant we we couldn't install a required dependency when i try to install in diff drive
game crashing
Taskbar opens when I move my mouse down and left/right click.
Match not loading in after agent select
It keeps telling me im cheating
Fps crashing something like 1fps for a 0.5s or 0.25s
Technical issues
How to unblock someone
Crazy long loading times
Valorant giving connection error
game error crash
moving with out consent
Game crashed
Can silver players queue with gold players?
Can't login into Riot Client
What is this??
Color Settings
PC crash when i'm in game
Lagging game
Que Problem
dude. 3 of our team left, 1-13.
mouse keeps disconnecting
tutorial bug
FPS drops
stuck on map screen
error code VAN 84 mid game
val 59
Network, and FPS problems
new file created by valorant in my desktop
getting ;van5 when i try to queue for matches
valorant error VAN 84 mid game
Auto Toggle but sezttings said HOLD
i want to change my username on valorant but i cant this keeps popping up what do i do?
Ping Jumping for no apparent reason
how do i eat chick fil a
Can't start a game
I have been hacked on my valorant acc
how to improve?
how to apply for valorant watch party
valorant error code 7
Account locked
Premier bug?
Packet Loss Eu
My game loading takes so long!!
Personal abilities?
Im having problems with my VC on valorant
I need help yall
Can't change id or access account details
I cant buy vp
Valorant no longer opening
Stuck at loading screen
my dpi changes in valorant
dodge issues
valorant not opening
how to fix this
doesnt let me play
tp laggy movement, keeps teleporting me when on angles or just moving around
game wont open
D3d11 compatible gpu (feature level 11.0 shader model 5.0)
banned for 100 years
Problem with AFK penalty
suspended and cant log in my account before i was suspended
changed region but, still seeing the servers from previous region
LCntrl + W Issue
Valorant takes forever to load.
Tbh I don't really know what is wrong
Mic problem
When I tab into Valorant it freezes
this build vanguard is out of compliance with current system settings
i casnt open val without this popping up
Focus on crosshair?
DeadByDaylight-WindGDK-Shipping.exe - Application Error
Error: You have encountered an error. Please Try again later. (VP)
Discord exclusive invite
is there any way i couldve won
Some discord invite i got
I have a problem plsss come
admins pls help
Are Harmless Macros like Spamming the Melee and swapping back to the Primary very fast bannable?
Option Graphic For Newbie Iron
Valorant whats going on, can't play all gamemodes even custom
Is Raw Accel Bannable?
weekly challenge bug
Can anyone explain to me why my ping increases for NO REASON
how long do i have to wait for it to be acceptable to play clove in comp...
error val code 5
val code 5
it happened again...
van 5 between game
how to return/change region of val account
perm ban
val freezing then crash issue
val crash
My game keeps freezing and I have to restart
How long does Riot Support take to reply to emails?
my account got delete I think
Resolution Settings Reset upon opening valorant/riot client
How to stop finding smurf on enemy team
Bug with Clovw
Error Code: Van 1067
Team and party voice not working
How can i contact riot for this case?
lost valorant account
problem help pls <3
do i have to wait for a day after
Why do i have a 146 hour ban from competetive ive just turned level 20 and wanted to do placement
Least popular character in Valorant of each role..?
bp refund
how to check shop w/o opening the game
My account got hacked and banned.
The loading screen
Problem of starting VALORANT because he isn't in my localappdata please help me in private
What happened?
Hard stuck
re/ASWD controller?
secure boot failure?
stuck on valo screen
Game froze at the beginning of a Competitive gameplay
i cant uninstall valo
Cannot open game
Loading screen stuck problem
Stuck on Screen
sup guys, what do you think, what are the chanches of me getting my valorant account back after some
Chinese Voicelines in SEA account
anyone have the razer huntsman v3 mini pro? i dont know how to set the actaution and rapid trigger
confused about my act rank triangle
Val Not Working
exclusive discord invite
why cant i go into settings and why does my game freeze when i alt tab or hit windows
nice code
i cant start valorant
glitchpop classic sounds like its low on ammo after cloves update
Game Crashing
Voice Chat bug or something
VC delay
Riot please fix the sound issue
my vanguard dont work i need help pls i will play valorand
May i get an explanation
Changing my user
error 5
voice and text chat
My account progress is gone
Im tryin to buy VP this error is coming
valorant not updating
Game Bugs out for 15 secs when pressing "esc" key
Account got hacked and banned
I have 2 accounts under 1 email
secure boot error
i had10k agent card got banned 5 mouths i comme back i dont have them
My game crash
im getting sick of this i keep getting penalized for dodging when the laoding screen takes so long
Is my LAPTOP under performing or is this okay?
My game just isn't loading
New Drip spray
An update today?
Display showing very high saturation
i cant open val
any tips to get out of bronze
Sovereign 2.0 phantom or the ion phantom
Ukrainian payment method
My friend can't launch valorant
Val Error Code 57
Question about penalties.
Tpm 2.0 enabled and secure boot enabled
My game freeze whenever i tried to press a key, is this a common problem
white screen buffering stuck while paying for valorant points
Battlepass question
Van Error:57
I keep getting errors when trying to log into val for the first time ( VAN 68, VAL 57, VAL 59)
i have a lot of delay
valorant gift card related query
secured boot error
Valorant Error 0x0000142
help i cant use viper shorty even tho i alr bought it
can valorant ban me if I sit alone afk in custom
cant receive login code. anyone else?
game is not opening
when are the good maps coming back? i got breeze 6 time in a row and i m on the verge of uninstallin
I cant update or install the game
downloading problem
A trivial letter to VALORANT
Solving Skill Issue, Getting Good
How do I get a Riot keychain?
val problem
Does anyone have a solution?
NO rr
Update is not updating and just loads
Question about penalty system
somoene hacked my acc
how to fix 'we couldnt install a required dependency'
how do you get the kill feed to look like that?
we couldn't install a required dependency
Vc not working at random times
help screen froze
I need help i got banned for 118 hours
Question about disrespectful behavior
I need one play for a premier team at around silver
can someone help me with turning "Secure Boot State" on bc val is telling me to and idk how to even
microphone disables completely when playing valorant
It stays in endless updates, also I can't uninstall the game
VAN Error:57
Not receiving verification code to sign into my account
Login servers
Valorant doesnt start
Unable to update
Help with game error!
can't party up
VAN 68 error
How can i fix this
Payment for valorant
black bars
My game is hitching after the new update
met system requirements but still cant play
Is there a way to makethe whole body color yellow and now just the lines
does anyone know where to get this tracker overlay?
why am i uneligible for premier it says i have competitive offense but i can queue comp??
enemies not highlighted.
I want to buy the lowest selling VCT capsule to show support. What team could this be?
Valorant not installing
valorant not opening
Voice chat server IP
what do i buy
Valorant not launching ):
Not Loading Into Games
do I need to join a team/get a stack to get out of plat. I solo qued and think I’m stuck
Can someone help me, i got an issue while starting valorant. The update servers are down
banned from 2XKO
Would Riot give 75 VP for the skin
I have install wsl and docker but now i cant play valorant anymore, i get this error van9005
Unable to Change Paths
Valorant wont launch after turning off csm support
not loading in
VAL 68 error
TPM 2.0
required dependency…pls help
Phantom shooting sound
My enter key suddenly become change display mod key
val not opening
Valorant freezes when i click the screen
why fixed donates in ukraine
van9005 error
Network Problem
[Valorant - Vanguard] Freezes my entire Pc randomly after newest update
I need help
FPS Drops
Use of doors.
Low fps even after having high specs
sensitivity problem
I'm lagging only in Valorant and LoL
Gift card redemption
fps problem
Annoying crashes
FPS drop
Personal comment, My first time playing Clove:
how long does it take to get the vp from fanart i requested 50 only how longg will it take
cannot buy vp
can someone tell me how acs works
Ping ???
Valorant storage
VAN -92
I can't change my name bruh
section 7
Question : How do I turn off valorant not letting me go to a 2nd monitor, once im playing i cant ho
Vanguard not installing?
Rubber Banding
cant login to account page
I get penalised cuz my pc froze
need help on knife skins
cant change settings on riot website
i would love to know why i was suspended for a month after not playing for 5 episodes
i can see through pheonix and neon walls
getting flagged for queue dodging
VAN RESTRICITON (Secure boot verification failure)
How to play valorant on windows 10? (No tpm)
Since the update where they added clove, it won't let me play
Valorant Lost Account Tickets Not Showing up
Problem with Weekly quests
Riot games settings
Game Loading Slow
new update, noticeable fps drops
Game Infinitely Loading
help me pls error code val 62
dose anyone know the size of the new patch?
false banned
I can't log in to my account
wifi issue
can t u gwt like 50 vp for free if u need it?
pls help
I has got a error VAN9002
VAN:RESTRICTION- secure boot not enabled
When i try logging into my account using apple it wont redirect me to riot so i cant log in
my friends kid pc broke cuz he wanted to play valorant.
Riot client
Cant sign into game
How can i fix it?
Valorant not working
help finding crosshair!
is it normal to update the game twice one the same day
Can not play valorant
when does night market come back
Crosshair - Need help
how do i get this off
does anyone know why my valorant won t open it worked fine before but when i updated it today its no
i don't know
I can't put the numbers that I receive on my phone when I try to buy valorant points by paypal
i linked my xbox game pass to my riot, but i can't unlock clove or any other rewards
Reduced Audio Quality
Valorant Crashing at random, with zero error codes. Is there anything I can do?
riot games (site) log in issues
Average Combat Score
login credentials not working
I only lag on valorant
guys if i complete the clove quest( the 200k xp), am gonna get the agent?
are skins worth it?
Not working
Party VC not working in Unrated/Comp
My game wont start
M-Track Solo + Valorant
Secure Boot?
Sidetone doesnt work in valorant when i tab out
My game is not Starting
I need help
if i get the 200k xp for clove, do i get her for free or do i have to spend kingdom credits?
How to fix my internet ping... I got jio 5g and airtel 5g mobile hostpot.. What is network buffering
Game not launching
valorant force close
help val not launching
Yo , Can anybody explain me clove skills as I came after a long time fr
VALORANT Lag problem after update
When Clove uses their ultimate, it isn't counted for the "Use your Ultimate" weekly quest.
My region not included in this list.
tp lag movement idk what to cvall it
premier issue
How to join sentiel?
need help
why wont riot take my money
valorant really slow when loading in game
valorant packet loss/ping
match taking too long to load
I bought an agent and they took the credits but didn't give me the agent?
'This player is outside your team's skill range and cannot be invited'
Cant access settings
need help
valorant not openeing
Map not showing enemy though they appeared on screen
Multithreaded rendering
What is this character-system?
Timeout issue
Warnings for no reason
Graphic problem
Is this happening for anyone else?
fps been dropping randomly ingame
xbox signin
account ban
banned for 14 days
Opening Valorant But only Riot games are launched, the game arent
I got banned
Valorant Crashed, Competetive Ban
Banned for 100 years
Error code - VAl 5
servers down?
Help. Riot client won't let me install Valorant
Cant Crouch and press W
anyone else resereccting on Clover and pulling out secondary when you still have a primary?
account "ghost"
question about refunding
Update Bug
Hello, does anyone know how I can contact someone from Valorant to
VAL 5 Error Code
bad riot client download speed
Can't uninstall val pbe
Hello, the riot client doesn't work for me, nor does the page help :C
What is the purpose of allowing folks to buy the agent but not use their Kingdom Credits immediately
Why does it say val takes up 2 tbs
stuck at 90
when does clove release for eu?
pls fix my matchmaking
blue screen after launch
Help with getting account back
Error code val 4
Constant rubber banding :(
Can not start
tp movement lag thing
do you not get all agents with gamepass anymore?
Network Problem
When come MAJ
couldn't update
how do I fix this?
Valorant wont work
what are the codes you get from the crossword and wordsearch for?
I cannot start my game because of a vanguard related problem and could really use advice
Fps drops/unstable
I can't play
premier ban
Game stuck on loading screen when entering
game takes too long to load and i get a afk punishment
Just a question
xbox game pass
Val not updating
Issuse that I have to fix please
valorant saying play when game has not updated
version of vanguard
FPS drops since the update
new mousepad
valorant issue
Toggle Door stuck on screen
Is there a way to play without secure boot?
Val stuck on loading screen
how much time lasts van152 after the first time getting it?
VAL 5 Error (3 times in a row)
can using config to improve performance banable
New agent
3 different valorant icons on desktop
stuck on riot games screen
Voice Chat not working
agent selection
cool agent
did anyone else get signed out and have riot client duplicated on dekstop
BSoD when launching Valorant
inconsistent frames
Cool agent
Someone help me understand this. I’m confused
please help me
Payment Issue
how to enable secure boot? my tpm seems is okay
resolution problem
I cant play
VAL 5 when unbanned
Cant play
Cant login or play
gift card valorant Eu for mena
can u play valorant on chromebook?
How do I know which color is the best for me?
Log in problem
There was an error connecting to the platform. Please restart your client
Audio issues
Just a question
Audio Cues Delayed in game??
Differences between scoping?
I can't update
win trading
need help with the new server event
val error
Bug with combat score
Can I get a refund on spent radianite?
website login
my valorant account got hacked
regarding the new buddy challenge
how do i change the install drive
Unable to join lfg
GUYS what is this? LOL
someone exlpain me this new cool agent interface?
I can't update my game, how can i get it to update?
can anyone help with turning on secure boot
No buddie :(
how do i link my email on my gmail valorant account?
agent recruit bug?
How do I get my valorant quiz code for lovebyte?
Can i refund my skin if its been used and its been over 14days?
If I have voice chat muted does my teammate knows?
Game taking up more than double the space it says
Any solutions for this error?
AMD software question
Valorant Crashes When Tabbing out
getting flagged for queue dodging
Valorant Update Servers Down
No internet found error
Easter Event
Look at the levels they are below 20 and we are in a comp game on our derank This is not fair riot
looking to play
clove and xbox gamepass
Is there a place to submit suggestions for the game?
Two bullets when i one tap(vandal)
Dc issues
Easter Event
I can't play on fullscreen. When I try it it zooms in and brings back to windowed.
my valorant game crashed will I get a ban
Sorry, but i really need help about my Riot account that has been hacked
I missed a code on the event
This version of Vanguard requires TPM version 2.0
Best initiator?
how quick do Valorant support reply
Easter Event
why do i get a message in the riot settings that says: "An error occurred! Please try again later."
error code VAN9005 Anyone got a fix?
Why isn't his level showing?
Help with a VAN: Restriction
I need help about permanent suspension in valorant
I need help with the Valorant crossword puzzle
Team voice chat not working?
Wait I didn't correctly copy the code from the crossword and now I can't
Clove release
Clicked out of code for Crossword now I can't make it reappear
no audio
I completed the crossword puzzle but it wont show me the code
client error
How to find people to casually but on a regulare timescheme play with?
recording software?
offering help + vod review and guaranteed improvement up to gold! (can get you to plat)
login servers are temporarily down
how to update
sovereign 2.0 bundle
how do i make an appeal for a perm ban? my account was incorrectly banned
fix your matchmaking system!
New act / discord staff
true stretched res
Valorant Account hacked
I have the same situation in Valorant constantly... Match after match... (You=myself)
push up card vct
vct push up card
which is better
Valorant voice chat not working while everything else does
Game wont open
unable to get to download screen getting this message on the website
van9003 problem
Change name
how tf did dat happen(350 combat score/205 combatscore)
can some1 gift me a battlepass in valo?
can't download and log into account
Game crashes.
This build of vanguard is out of compliance with current system settings. See the vanguard...
Banned for no reason
download page not work
Can somone help me out of iron
VCT Push up card not showing up on inventory
"We couldn't install a required dependency"
valorant black screen on launch (only my main account for some reason not my alts)
Acc problem?
Getting many different valorant error codes
mouse choice
Why cant i see all the other voice calls like unrated 1 2 3 or ranked etc...?
PC doesn’t have display signal after enabling secure boot
Can't download the game
Need plats to diamonds to scrim a team
need some help deciding on knife skins
Frame drops during gunfights
anyone know how to fix this?
Packet loss, can't fix
really bad ping spikes rn and not ususally
card from twitch stream
Vp didnt receive
Riot Client just doesnt open
what is this problem help please
why cant i see the effect of when im in range of my chamber tp or inside range of enemy kj ult
how do i uninstall?? 😭😭
Multithreaded Rendering missing after update
The client and server don't support a common SSL protocol version or cipher suite.
Valorant “Play” won’t work
Lags for 3 secs mid fight
Can someone help me?
Sometimes VALORANT crashes when first launching.
Is sova hacking?
Why did i get 100 years ban forjust dodging
Slow Download speed on new ssd
Suggest me some decent squad names
valorant wont let me create an acc
Need compe buddy
Can't find the new twitch drop "VCT Push Up" playercard in my collection. :(
permanent ban
Valorant Download Error
Login error
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Cant make an account on valorant
cant open up valorant
i have no idea whats going on
VAN9005 how to fix?
i got permabanned for no reason?
Valorant programs won't initiate AGAIN
help me pls
My Hwid needs to be unbanned
Valorant Not opening
Cant download Valorant
stretch rez help
Unable to open valorant
Need Help
Vanguard Issue
Banned when the problem was he not me?
how i can fix that pls i dont know my rank now
Buying a skin
how to fix “This site cant provide a secure connection”
im trying to reinstall val and when i click sign in on the website it says this
Cannot download PBE
i can't save my settings on my account since i changed my region, it's super annoying help.
Error 1067 2-3 minutes after joining a game
LF coaching
I need valo support
guys, how i fix it? Sign In page broken?
Game FPS Goes Bad
my main screen freezes
eu tomei ban permanente mas eu juro por Deus que não usei nenhum programa ilegal, por favor me ajude
wont update
What is VNG?
What is a good res to rank up
I still haven't gotten the Twitch drops. The title was claimed 2 days ago and I still do not have it
Cant sign-in/sign-up in Valo Website
Is there any way to have the **Explicit Language Filter** work for all languages?
Headshot banner
how do i fix packet loss? im just tping even tho i just updated drivers n shi its so annoying
aim problem
comp queue
The "muted words list" might be a problem for me.
Clicking play free to download valorant on valorant site shows unsupported protocol
buy SEN bundle
Hello, the register site is down!
32" curved 240 hz OR 27" non curved 165hz
lf for a coach
need help
Client Not Fully Uninstalled
Clove agent music
can others change their name? every time i try to it says the account servers are down.
Game takes so long to load into games
Can you join a server just 1 day pls ?
Can't find my accouint
i need help with valorant
I Got banned for 6 days...
help me please i can pay
Hitting bodyshots when aimed at the head
can't download the game
This player is outside your team's skill range and cannot be invited.
packet l;oss
Is there any way to play this game with virtualization enabled in BIOS?
Widows 11 messed up my aim
Login Servers are down? uses an unsupported protocol.
Valorant not installing
Is a VPN bannable?
valorant wont luanch for me its always stuck in the omen with the outlaw loading screen
when is the new agent coming?
Can someone explain this to me, how can it be possible?
Connection Problems
got hacked but phone number linked
sorry we're having trouble signing you in right now. please try again later valorant
can't even get past the sign in page when trying to install
yet another one no life smurf
drawing sumbmission
Val doesnt load in
Party voice glitch after update .
my voice chat wont work
Account Hacked
Sometimes When Launching Valorant I Get Windows blue screen
Something is wrong here fam
any fix for packet loss?
i want to play valorant but i have a questionable problem... mods pls open this
my valorant does not open
Ban not expiring
cant install vanguard
Weird ban?
the discord reaction icons are infecting my valorant
My valorant does not open
Low FPS on high-GPU
i cant sign in
TPM 2.0
I got banned from valorant. Can you unban me? I won't open it again. Note: Hwid ban or UUID ban.
Interface issues
I can't mute my full team
I keep on getting disconnected
can't access account details
cloves music
Riot ID not updating in game
van error 85 van error 5
opinion on clove
Valoeant taking years to download
Bulldog or Marshal
night market
WHAT!!!! 1TB VALOO!!!!
Valorant checkers
how to fix packet loses i always get 60% packet lost often
How tf does this even happen
Secure Boot Verification Failiure? How do I fix this please
Im being bannned for cheating even though I suck at this game. you can find my stats on val tracker
My account was banned without using any cheats. I need help
crosshair help
Can't login anymore
Mouse input lag
getting flagged for queue dodging
VAN 9003
Valorant screen freezing issue
cant check settings in valorant website
valorant disabled my clicking on apps or tabs
i need a help please help
Can't delete game
Im getting penalized for NO REASON
false banned, appealed two times, no reaction
My computer is Windows 10 and I am getting VAN 1067 error.
mouse buttons
Premier ban
pls help
banned for lagging
secure boot issue
help me get this guy banned pls.
secure boot issue
Didnt get Masters Madrid Rewards for watching the games live
Val 5 error came back
how to get xp while afking
1067 error code
Secure boot problem please help
HS percentages per rank
3 head counts and sill not dead
Some payment options errors
Sorry, the login servers are temporarily unavailable. Please try again later
When does the VCT rebroadcast start?
Unfarir 3rd party ban
banned for third party
lagging srt of
join me in val if u want to help me get better at cypher
temporary suspension
Valorant PBE help
please help me by answering my question
smurf elo boosting
Valorant closing everytime i go out of full screen
Always taking a short update...
I can't get voice chat to work
Steelseries gg crashing my valorant game with finishers
Game is not starting
knife skins
Combat Score
secure boot enable
Can't access settings anymore
sorry were having trouble signing you in right now please try again later
hi guys
idk bug on my valorant general
hi guys
Stuck at Match Loading Screen Causing Me To Go AFK For few round
valorant giftcards digital or physical?
Third party software
Terrible ping issue
Game Crash
stuck at 0.1%
I moved to korea a month ago and i cant seem to change my region to asia please help
i accidently refunded the wrong gun is there a way to get back my refund req?
My Valorant file is apparently 926 gb?
vc issue help
Updated graphics drivers and now my valorant looks weird
recently i keep getting suspended bcs of rule section 7
error code val 5
val teammates sound like static? every other game/application like discord etc work just fine.
Login page invalid
discord no audio when valorant is open
Valorant becomes laggy and choppy when I open it up
How to refund one skin?
Not Receiving MFA Email I need a Human not a god damn ai
crashing after hitting Windows
why is my valorant lagging when i turn?
Hacking JEtt
I recently downloaded valorant again and now it won’t open no matter what I do.
valorant does not open again
why cant i enter matchmaking for comp after my timer finished
payment issues
game languages
Theres bots in val ranked :/
how do i move to a lower sense
Valorant Wont open
gun in left hand
is raw accel bannable
How do giftcards work?
long load and crash
i understand button is not working at starting
Currency changed from ₺ to € after buying
do I have to learn to play the Sheriff?
Vanguard flagging other stuff?
why can i getting fps drops on val?
Do you know of an app to view my Valorant store?
how buy valorant point?
guys how do u fix the black screen when loading in
loading on screen Soo long time
how to buy val points with google play?
Guys can u buy prepaid Valorant point cards from different region in EU if its possible ?
Stuck On Map Loading Screen
I get a error code called Val 5 can anybody help me?
Fps drop and fluctuate when plugged in
Valorant Masters Madrid Backgrounds?
Valorant Crashing
How To Fix This? i am stuck in loading screen riot client
why my valorant getting deleted on its own
valorant being 3tb
something unusal happend when i open valorant pls help
Black borders
I can't open Valorant
Eduroam doesn't work on Valo
Required Dependancy
ACER NITRO 5 i5 10th GEN GTX 1650 TI
Voice chat issue
(Vanguard not initialized error 57)
issue with ethernet
need help
Perhaps an impossible question.
my valorant keeps freezing/stturing
Van -92
i suddenly got 166 hours of restriction to play ranked after completing a normal game
Secure Boot Template Post
Unable to play Premier
van 9003 9001
Tpm Initialization failure
VAN: RESTRICTION Your account does not meet the following requirements in
please help guys
Need help
i need help completing this tutorial
'Prohibited game modifications'
cant open my game
comp ban
need help
Permanent ban for installing Valorant through the XBOX app
Custom Lobby / Spawn Bot's ?
This site cant be reached
need help
Error van:resection
What happened to the Istanbul server?
Store skins
Error retrieving settings
Payment options are unavailable, even though i have never bought anything?
voice chat not working
An error occurred! Please try again later. On the website
key keystroke just stops when i try changing directions a or d
error with tpm
Can someone coach me?
who can help me install valorant
i can't enter riot account management/change name
My Valorant freezes every time i open it
update on the hacked acc
verify rank :skull:
Ping issues
Valorant Stuck on "The Range" training
Valo keeps saying restart needed.
Is Free Sync optimal?
it's my 2nd day
Valorant crashes immediately after startup
Repetitive VAN68 and VAN84 and VAN5 Error
agent problem
new laptop valorant
Polling rate
(Vanguard not initialized error 57)
tpm 2.0
Hindi Language Username
Good ISP (UK)
no code
how to reduce accidental afk penalties?
i cant join to my riot account
Is it possible to change opacity of text-chat?
How to stop crossteamers?
if my ssd drive (where my valorant place) has only 10gb free will it still be ok
Valorant Secure Boot - Unsupportedc
Error code: VAL 5
Just how do I make Sheriffs work?
Ban time changed???
why does the update randomly stop saying couldnt instal a valid dependency
Gift card
can something help me in valorant
vgn dragonfly f1 moba or darmoshark m3?
Val error
Looking for guys
van 92
i cant download valorant???
secure boot on ASRock intel. please help.
bad ping
we couldn't install required dependencies error
Joining game problem
Please unban
When could they bring back Pearl, Haven and Fracture?
Permanent FPS Drop...
Change Currency
why do my charecters look really bad
Should I buy these
This version of vanguard requires secure boot to be enabled in order to play
When i run it is stuttering
Vp help
PTT Problem
Error 1067
In fullscreen the screen freezes, alt tab doesnt help either
trying to change username
problem with scoreboarf
Crosshair x app
Cheat Report
Mouse Settings issue
Can i get help getting stretch res AMD
My riot client isn't opening.
Van 5
resolution etirer
Black screen VP purshase
Vanguard crashs Pc (I think)
Error 57
Braindead with Bronze?
cant play?
I get this message when I try to start the game
Stolen account
How do i fix random game crashes?
ERROR CODE VAL 5 Incorrect function
vgc: Error 1: Incorrect function
I don't know my gmail address but i know my password and nick please help me
login servers are temporarily unavailable
How to fix
do i really need rapid trigger in ranked?
Does that change in higher rank
Keep getting logged out of my acc anytime i open riot
Valorant not laucnhing
getting acc back after 7 months or so or a refund
unfair band
i cant login into my account from the website
I'm having trouble connecting
Uninstalling Riot client and it's games
Can I Get Back my valorant It got banned because I changing the email many times and it's permanLock
Game stays open in background
alr i need help
Riot games login
cant open val or riot client
Riot ID not updating in game
How to fix horrible ping issues.
This version of vanguard requires secure boot to be enabled in order to play
VAN 1067 error
can anyone train me in valorent
I need teamates becuase i am in iron lobbys and everyone in there are trolls or monkeys
permanent ban
Very Big Bug In Leaderboard
Is it possible to toggle text-chat permamently?
locked account
Valorant being over 3 terabyets
i face delay when pressing push to talk botton
lancement du jeux impossible
Valorant takes up too much space
I can not deinstall vanguard
unfair AFK ban
User Rules (Section 7)
Van 1067 Error
Got server kicked and saying my username is not in the system.
Falsely Banned, what do I do?
WHAT IS BstShm_5.21.102
VAL9003 Errorr
Account Recovery
Game Pairing
why are bahrain servers suddenly so high
Can't open my settings in riot account management
Is it possible to toggle text-chat permamently?
game crash ater games
after every i get game crash ? how to fix it?
how do u shoot
valo stuck at tutorial and restarting game or pc doesnt help at all
why this message
Valorant is Freezing
Can't Update
Account suspended again
how to fix this
repair tool
is 45gigs of valorant is normal?
TPM 2.0
pc upgrade
"A Javascript error has occurred in the main process"
This build is out of compliance
my match didnt load
Got suspended till 2124, bro???
why are my loading screen times so long?
What should I do now? I need to change my password
Something about my crosshair bothering me.
how to fix couldn't install a required dependency and install vanguard
temprary suspension
i cant change my res..
how to move valorant to drive C
I can't change my name
Valorant sound
Headphones Left Right Sound Issue
game is not opening
A D3D11-compatible GPU (Feature level 11.0, Shader Model5.0) is required to run the engine
Valorant not opening
account banned for no reason
My region got automatically changed
Vp not credited after payment
Sova shock blot DMG display bug?
raw acel
Timeout Error on client page
Black screen after enabling secure boot
valorant crashed a lot of times in a row in the same match each time I press alt+tab !!
How do i fix this
VAN 9005
Looking for Premir Players
how do i break out of iron
how to get custom res on Intel cpu and gpu
i keep getting val error 5 trying to q for comp what do i do
Need FPS to be consistent/stable.
Riot ID not updating in game
;van152 for using raw accel?
hidden mmr they say?
Can someone help me reinstall riot client?
Need Help pls
Long wait times
bsod likely caused by vanguard
i get a ban for nothing
val error
So What to do Riot?
Val 5 error whenever I try to enter a match.
I don't Understand what this game counts as headshot
struggling with error 43
not letting me boot up valorant
Vanguard build is out compliance
not letting me boot up valorant
is there any way to change my email even tho i forgot what email i used?
stolen acc and litlle problem w riot support emails
My pc constantly has issues with valorant.
how do i uninstall valorant
Macro recorders just sitting on your PC bannable?
Riot Account Password
Valorant is not opening !!
Valorant freezes or becomes unresponsive the moment I open it.
The game thinks im a hacker.
Game to render latency is high??
Riot client login bug
RIOT won't log me in
Account Recovery
dependency installation for update please for th elove of god help me
banned for SHOOTING THEM
My Valorant does not work
valorant account got hacked
Valo Points not added after successfully paid the amount
how to get true stretched kn laptop?
my acc is suspended
cant load up
i am getting an error everytime i load up valorant
uninstallation wont work
Bought pack of ₹1600 but in game points(VP) is not added
Should I use Raw Accel & Is it bannable?
Im stuck in the loading screen ( CAN ONLY PLAY WITH A VPV) i want to play without a vpn
critical error
Any tracking Aimlab Playlists?
Aim Improvement
i cant change my reselution pls help me
valorant crash
Secure boot and tmp on win 11
Valorant Wont Open and i got this error message
Free Valorant Points Needed
yo guys my bluetooth gets disabled whenever i play valorant how do i fix it?
my riot account wont link to xbox gamepass
can i use apple pay for 5 dollar vp buy
Val 5
Riot client doesn't open
account settings
New to the ranked system, question about matchmaking
val 5 error
doesnt work windows 11
twitch claim
Didn't get all my vp
this shows after every while I play VALORANT
Valorant not loading from the riot client page
voice chat randomly turned off and on ?
Van 5 and 81
Someone know when come dark market in valorant?
Cant log in with google on browser
Valorant freezes my pc
Is it against the rules?
How Do I recover my account?
Account Compromised
uninstalling riot client
Valorant loading screen but im in game
Is true stretch bannable?
whenever I open Valorant it hangs on the load screen and doesn't load, I'v
Problems with vanguard
Newly installed Valorant on windows 11 not able to launch
Is it possible to appeal restrictions if your computer freezes?
I am facing issue when opening valorant
What just happened to my vandal?
RGX Bundle
acc banned
I need the suspension to be removed please
I am facing an issue when opening valorant
i have a 5GB internet router but still valorant is having problem with the internet.
Error messgae
smurf elo boost allert, watchout
ping spikes
Stutter issues
My Valo crash when i start it
Cant login or run val
raw accel bannable?
valorant using an abnormally little cpu usage compared to before
How do i fix lag spikes????
Voice Chat Isnt working
need help with account recovery
VAL: Restriction
I need help
Does your K/d change the RR you get
mouse issue?
My friend is saying that Phoenix sucks rn and that he isn't that good of an agent. Is this true?
unsuspend me (my suspension is 100 damn years)
Unable to log into riot client
input delay?
Competetive Ban
what USBs to use/buy to install VALORANT + recommendations pls
very weird bug
riot is high?
Why am i getting this weird message that says i violated user rules?
Unstable ping
Why can't we just have an free vandal skin?
How are you supposed to get past ascendant?
TPM 2.0 enabled
Paypal not working
My friends account go hacked but recently got it back and then someone hacked it again
My accounts been permanently banned for false reasons
does anyone why the premier is on different times for me then the people on my premier team?
my Valorant account has been suspended forever and I don't know what to do
can someone help me
i keep getting this error when trying to start valo
I sync-ed the wrong account in this discord, how do i change the account that I sync-ed
what is that
Vc not working
How is 6 damage to a spectre headshot possible at medium range?
I didn't get my rr and I don't know what to do
cant install a required dependency
Get pernamently banned for no reason
Why is my valorant stuck on updating? It hasn't done anything for days
Why am i still not able to play premier
someone took my acc/email cuz fo the madrid tourney thingy i need help to get back my acc
secure boot verification
who should i play
staerted playing very bad
Valorant stuck on "Updating" for multiple days straight
After finishing a game i got 18 hours restricted from playing!
Create Account Problem
Random ban???
inconsistent aim
I'm looking for a playmate
valorant update dependency thingy
Error Code 5
how to uninstall this malware?
when i am loading the game it keeps zomming in and out and it wont load
Long loadings
Someone please tell me why i cant install an update on valo it keeps saying some dependency shit
f13 ?
When i wanna see the annimation on a knife skin or any skin the video dosent load
Riot gives me this error everytime i click settings to change my username
I was banned for nothing
does valorant bans reset sometimes If u get some?
Cant open riot
How i can fix it pls
TPM 2.0
Hacked or error
premier issues
Issues with vanguard, account is now suspended.
Valorant stuck on "Updating" for multiple days straight
How can we buy valorant points via Steam Wallet ?
favorite phantom skin?
VAN 9005
VP transfer
Account hacked
crititcal error
match history
Hi my account just get permanent ban
Valorant wont run
Ranked rewards
Valorant goes black screen
login error
Help please
Valorant Black Screen After Launch
critical error
why do i lose so much rr?
trouble signing in
round skips
coms dont work
error val 5
HDD vs SSD Question
help error code val5?
My Valorant won’t start and idk why.
Error Code VAL 5: how can I fix this?
Voice changers
is there any way to see what skins a certain account has
Cant Install The Riot Client
Help It said it changed my email but i didnt
val hard crashing pc
Skin refund after use possible?
i dont have enable/disable secure boot state van9001
valorant support
can someone help? i can't update
my resolution is broken
how i fix that
how i can fix it?
valorant has encountered a connection error please relaunch the client to reconnect van 1067
Will I get banned if I use an AudioEnhancer?
We couldn't install a required dependency
Timer Banned from Ranked
Why am i banned 100 hours
website account page doesn't working
i keep getting banned
Valorant Freezing
I can't reinstall valorant or the riot client
Hi need help
vc issue pls help
Help plz
when i go to settings on riot site it says that servers are down what can i do
how do i fix this memory dump message for critical error?
Update Issue (Not patching)
help me, its been 6 7 hours T_T
I cannot enter a queue
Purchased the VP but it ain’t showin up in my acc
How does one get out of this rank
hardware ban for no reason
get banned for no reason
val error code 5
cant login to riot game client
Forced resolution change
Fraud changed my mail
Graphics Driver crashed!
Unfair permaban and HWID ban
false permanent suspension of account and HWID ban
My communication not working
vct masters madrid watch party form or perms
When I try to log in to my account in web this happened. What can I do?
why is phoenix not match mvp is valorant racist?
My Account Got Permanent Banned
game closing randomly
I lost my skin due to display of false information on riot website.
account locked
Get banned Premently for no fucking reson
"Valorant Failed to launch"
Twitch stream
every time i try open valorant i get this error
can I play premier if I'm lvl 1
didn't receive valorant points (India)
server down?
Moving to a different region for uni, can devs help change the region on my main acc?
error message when trying to buy vp
minecraft server triggers perma ban?
what do i do
technical issue
Stuck in loading screen after agent select
night market
cant open valorant
account hacked and riot do not respond
i just updated and it says this
My game crashed and I now have a 165 hour ban?
We couldn't install a required dependency
Crash in HomeScreen Game
update not working
I already checked yt vids and didnt help me, I cant run val it shows error message everytime
Not Updating
Weird 10 DPI thing
major fps drop
keyboard problem
My friend got banned on this server, pls help
account scammed help
Login page wont work
still experiencing stutters
Weird sens
will stretch res get I banned? (with winxp)
true stretched res
Can't purchase VP
eror unable to install
help with log in through the web
cant log in on valorant website
voice chat delay
GPU compatibility
cant install
Valorant Black Screened
stolen account
premier penalty permanently???
Your login credentials don't match an account in our system.
valorant wont start
u was banned for no reason
Unable to run val/riot client.
secure boot
I got hacked
Windows 11 equalizer setting for valorant
Sign up issue
Purchasing error
Dsound dll missing error
An easy way to mute my team?
Aim isnt snappy, feels unresponsive
Glitch making me load into the game late
Restart required
low FPS
Account stolen
Whole monitor freezes when switching to VALORANT but game still runs
Login Error
An error occurred! Please try again later.
game sense tips?
Same issue came back
Premier Comp Restriction
Cant get in my riot games settings
connecting wires
guys i need help
i need help
help for lunch the game
need help
secure boot
I started 3 days ago
Keyboard Delay
Valorant ping spikes when two people play under the same internet.
I cant open valorant
Can't go into user settings on website
I can't log into my account through Google
random leaving party after game.
valorant freezing and wont close after agent select
Are valorant support tickets down
How do I rank up
discord taking priority audio
valorant 3 terra ?
what res
Shop nothing in it?
help with Van9003 please
Van9003 error on my new pc that has windows 11
Quick question
i keep getting banned for no reason?
help please
Cant delete the game how do i fix that?
My game is just frozen and im not able to play the game and also like is there a way to fix it ?
Ok now wt actually fuck
Cannot play
Jump key issue
Aim is shaky in game, keep messing up my friend's games
I keep getting These error codes: -1, 1, and 5
I got banned for no fucking reason
Valorant CC
Can yo go high ranks with guardian only?
help to turn on Secure Boot and TPM
help me PLEASE
Valorant Ranked
Since #general ignored me.
Val error
How do I fix this error
CODE VAN -1067
Help I have tpm 2 enabled
How do I delete valo?
Help me
ping error
Valorant and Aimlabs Survey:
Any tips on how to play sherif?
Stuck in Quite a Predicament!!!
I keep getting this notification when trying to log in on any device, every day, can anybody help?
Please help me I cant see anything in my loading screen
why does it say that
how is that fair, what is wrong with comp matchmaking?
Secure boot in windows 11
my game keeps dropping and crashing
Banned for using 3rd Party Programs
i got flagged for q dodging? im litterly level 13, i dont know why but sometimes the queue
Valorant Region Lock
any riot employees who can help me quick i need this unlocked before tournament
What happened?
login error
when will pmid be re-enabled?
Valorant is crashing
My Valorant keeps losing connection, what should I do?
ping issue
toxic matches
win + shift + s (screenshot) not working
how do we report bought/boosted accounts??
Section 7, VAN 152
Trying to change my username-
i can't log in to my account
my valorant not responding, not working. Freeze screen
error 9001?
my game's freeze on loading screen
Can't plant or defuse spike. Please help
Account Banned?
removing a phone number from an account I lost access to.
Kicking me out mid-game
van 136
3k Ping :D
having a problem with Secure boot
vandal or phantom?
Am I premier banned?
Riot makes me update valorant after a game
Abnormal loading speeds on Valorant using an external HDD
can’t update valorant
why does it say 15RP on refund?
my game only stuck at agent select phase
chile's server dissapear
valorant latam servers down
my game keeps on crashing specifically on the 12th round in EVERY GAME, I don't even know what to do
Abnormal loading times on my external HDD.
Peripheral problem
black screen
Banned for no reason
how to keep stretched res on val normal res on anything else
About the ticket system in valorant
The problem is that the number of viewers in matches has disappeared
Reporting A Player
Caught a Radiant 4 stacking with irons
account scam no reponse
"this build of vanguard is out of compliance with current system settings" how do you even fix this
Competitive restriction.
what should i do if secure boot is enabled yet it says not active and can not be updated
I suddenly have low fps
Accpund doesnt meet requirements
Help, unable to launch valorant
Riot settings not working
ping spike
probleme logging
ya des francais sur ce serv qui modere svp pour venir en vocal
not able to join any games
Account Locked
is there anyway to appeal a 7 day penalty that my friend did?
Valorant Wont Close
i cant uninstall valorant
game issue
BstShm_5.20.10.1003_nxt file showing up after i play valorant
Secure boot
payment issue while buying vp
My crosshair...
Game Crashes and Doesn't Start
log-in not working
stuck on loading screen
securing boot
Valorant Points not being purchased error
crashing for no reason
my valorant wont load
playback error
packet loss (never happened before) started happening recently like 4-5 days
I have a 50 prepaid and im 39 cents off
need help been banned for something that I didn’t do
I have a big ass problem
How do i enable voice chat
my pc meets and is more than the recommended required specs, but I still get stutters, skip frames
van9003 ,BIOS noob
haven’t played in awhile (lost acc ?)
Packet loss
Level 6 In Comp
i cant buy ingame money
Bad connection @ me
I keep getting An Error Occured! Please Try again later
tell me what iam doing wrong
val 5 causes errors and that error cause another error :( help me
delay in vc or text chat
Can't hear audio that's isolated to the right side
What is this when i try to go to my riot profile settings.
Just looking for a Valorant-Addon (if asking about such here is allowed).
Scam site
kovaaks or aimlabs
Valorant Point issue
i hope some riot employees see this.
Game crashing on the win screen
valo purchase
Van 5 error
is this normal
can i get my skins??
Is all hope lost?
Valorant support unavailable
error with the loading screen, i can do everything in the game but i have this screen
valorant wont start
The game has lost connection
im getting banned for what?????
Can some1 please help i got banned (Without any reasons)
how i hide this
Anyone tried transitioning from heavy mouse? 150g+ to normal weight 90-95?
High cpu usage
How get a Gift card
valorant login wont work
New Channel?
is this normal for valorant?
i cant login using my social account aka my main
Why riot client loading like this
Riot gun buddy!
Its been a month and I cant go into my valorant setting page
Valorant broken
pc virus
unreason able bad ping
how to stop rubberbanding
How to fix this ??
Not launching
Riot menu will not open
it just won't open
bad news.
secure boot
not able to buy vps with paypal
game feels laggy plz someone help
Tips for 160 ping
game takes forever to load
how to fix this
game quitting on it own or crashing with no error msg
massive glitch
how much time does it take to finish?
it says I need to enable secure boot but i already did what do i do?
need help for this issue
Its been an hour and I still cant log onto the website to change my user on valorant
login servers
Graphics Error
valorant false ban and got amazing ans from the specialist
valorant really laggy and almost unplayable
I can't log in ;-;
<Missing string table entry>
val 5 error
Ping on valo
can someone show me how to get stretch res. i tried youtube vids n it didnt work.
Hi i want a help
Can riot Automatically change your region?
Packet loss in valorant
not enough valo points
Valorant tracker
Ping issue
I need help with something
Game just dies
can i get a refund from a knife i have not used in a year?
hacked, same person THREE TIMES NOW
Delete credit card
if i got unfair banned will riot unban me?
guys im d3 and my friend plat 2 why cant we play is there is new update? it says my rank is too high
freeze glitch
I have been hacked!!
unreasonable ban
Website login ERROR
no response from riot in 5 days
Best way to improve aim
Skin Preview
My game keeps randomly closing
can't buy valorant points pls help
do not match an account in our system
Valorant freezes after someone dodge in agent selection.
mouse issue or game issue idk
VAL CODE 7 29 57 -86
Money debited but VP not received
What do I do about this issue?
Confused on how I’m getting in silver 3 player in bronze 1
something is missing
game crashing everygame
I have a question/slight bug to report
I have a question! Please help
i need to know what is the best agent for a new player that doesn't have that good of a aim and skil
game crashes
Riot client issue
How do I get something like this
Error 57
Ranked with high elo players for little to no reason
my valorant keeps crashing literally i dont know why
Square help
Why does this happen?
error opening riot client
I really get high ping when running valorant its between 60-75, How can I reduce the ping ?
How to strafe in valorant before silver?
Not allowed to open valo after update. Eventhough restarted a few times.
I can't get into Riot Settings on Website
is this safe
Push to talk delay
If ur game is choppy turn of vsync
i cant play valorant because a problem in conecting to the platform (VAL43)
why is my game choppy and laggy?
Display stuck
how come my screen wont show anything
Account Compromised
gift card
RawAccel help
It won't let me enter Valorant after it crashedd
Visa giftcard
if i leave my premier team now can i still join another one or is it too late?
muteabvle words?
True stretch not working.
Jett dash keybind
secure boot won’t work
match took 12 rounds to load
hi can not change
Why is my game choppy?
does valorant support 34inch monitors?
Valorant Tracker
Add a mic only queue
I cannot get into my settings on the riot games website
Bot Lobbies
Driver Crash i have no clue what to do i have a low tier pro match in 40m
Comp Ban???
Can barely use voice
why does VALORANT keep crashing after I finish a game?
What is Jetts last name?
i need help with secure boot :(
keyboard input lag
unban me!?
VP payment issue
secure boot on windows 10?
Pls Ban These Players
Riot support insta closes my ticket w a bot n names it solved (faulty q ban) anyone know what to do
Please check out my neon gameplay. Thank you:)
VC broken
Pls Help
Crashing game
Riot sign in issue
DCing mid games
Mouse "spazzing out"
i need help
unable to queue
vanguard error
Buying VP
true stretched on amd
Phantom skin
Next page