play button grayed out
been happening since yesterday, the day before i was playing with no issues whatsover. ive reinstalled valorant and the riot client overnight and the exact same thing is happening
74 Replies
also tried following a yt video claiming to fix the issue, to no avail (
also if i wait enough, i hear the windows error sound
even though the game doesnt run, its still using a ton of resources on my pc

Same problem with me
How long have you waited before?
the video is 2x
How long is that?
And I’m not asking about the video
Depending on your system, it could take up to a couple minutes
For the valorant application to pop up
i have a high end pc, it always runs val pretty quick, im having the exact same issue as everyone else
This is not the same issue
And I’m still asking how long you have waited please answer
okay i just ran it, how long should i wait before you think its an issue
10 minutes
thats fine ill come back in 10
i keep getting this windows error sound after a minute or so after running val
never happened before this issue started
in the 10 minutes that passed, valorant kept shuffling from 0%-5%-10% CPU usage, till at around 9 minutes, when it vanished from the task manager

Check riot client
Is the play button lit up?
yea, it was grayed out when i tried to start valorant

- Reinstalled Valorant
- Right clicked in the shortcut, went to compatibility and ticked run as administrator.
- Selected run this program in compatibility mode > windows 8
- Opened Virus and threat protection > manage settings > turned off "Real-Time Protection
- Opened Virus and threat protection from the "Search" tab > Add or remove exclusions > added my riot folder
- Opened System Configuration > services > tick "Hide all Microsoft services" > disabled all > ticked steam, vgc and restarted my pc
- Opened Riot shortcut as administrator, clicked play and it opened
Please try this ^
game's still not launching
Yeah, that’s what I predicted because you don’t have the same issue as everyone else
everything seems to be around the same
Please download autoruns
did you notice anything different
Is there a possibility that this could be a bug or smth? Bc why r so many people having the same issue
Like I said in a different post, I haven’t received confirmation that this is a bug
between mine and the other people's
i got autoruns
For everyone else the game closes on automatically
Yours doesn’t
what do i do ive got the UI opened
Go to file then run as a administrator
Then wait for everything to load
After a bit, everything should’ve loaded and uncheck anything that is red or yellow
Excluding Vanguard and things that failed to be unchecked
so do i restart
my pc now?
After everything is unchecked, yes
okay how should i try to run val?
through riot or through the val shortcut?
or is it more or less the same
Doesn’t really matter
But you should do it through riot client
oh wow it actually launched
thanks dude, i actually thought this one fix was not going to work
so let me guess, theres one specific startup application messing up with val
would be nice to know which one
Unless you wanna take the time, reenable it one by one
That’s up to you if you want to do that
ive got some custom startup apps so ill enable those and pray
either way thanks, im usually on the other side of the support, this the only time ive actually been the one getting it haha
sorry if i was a pain

Scroll down
You'll eventually find something highlighted red or yellow
ah found some
cant disable one tho

ok time to restart
wish me luck 🙏
it still doesnt work
prolly cus i have this issue
I'm pretty sure you have a different one
do you have the riot repair tool on your computer?
Send me the log files please
omfg finally
thx for all the help
Hello I have the same problem as Tiger. I cant understand what you mean, could you explain it in a bit detailed manner.
What part don't you understand?
Which Application you need to open and allat
Auto runs
Autoruns for Windows - Sysinternals
See what programs are configured to startup automatically when your system boots and you login.
What to do with it?
What things we need to do
You download it
Then follow the instructions that I have sent here
unrelated to this forum but i see you know a lot about common errors and had a question @Saucywan
i think i know what the problem is but whenever i tab out of valorant i get van error -92 (vanguard issues)
i could have it on for hours and it wont crash but as soon as i window tab out it will
I see you said that you need to open it through riotclient but is there a specific riot client or the shortcut on desktop is gonna be it and if we resolve the issue with that, what is the role of autoruns then?
Auto runs is the fix
Sometimes people follow stupid guides telling them to enable administrator
So opening riot client through Windows search is the safest way to make sure you don't accidentally run it as an administrator
Normally it's related to connectivity problems
I would need more information than that to diagnose what this specific issue is
Still a bit unclear, do we have to open valorant or riot client through auto runs or in File Explorer
that's quite literally it, whenever I tab out of my game it gives me error van -92 and crashes
U here?
Please stop pinging me
Alright, I do not want my request to get ignored
You don't run any game through auto runs
That is not the purpose of it
Have you followed the instructions about unchecking items within auto runs?
can you help with this or no
First make your own ticket
A second are you using your native resolution
pikachu man i downloaded autoruns and checked EVERY RELATING SHIT TO VALORANT but it still isnt working HELP me