Vanguard problem ( Same as @aryan)

I cant play valorant for now, I dont want to immediatly reach to "player support team" Also abit more Information: "When i started my pc it ran into a blue screen and i was worried i had something wrong with my pc, so when it was done Restarting i immediatly checked my pcs Health and My Security, looks like everything was cleared, then i started to run Valorant normally but this problem accoured and it says to restart my Computer to Play Valorant, and so i did restart it 2 times but it wont work, i also have a update" So does that mean my Computer requires to Update to play Valorant ?
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7 Replies
Aryan.11mo ago
@Mythmaker 壹决 Try this It didnt work for me but it could possibly work for you This problem is occuring more and more so I believe this may not be a user problem
NormalityOP11mo ago
Hmm ok But i will try updating first Thank you tho, i appreciate your help
Aryan.11mo ago
Yeah sure
NormalityOP11mo ago
And your problem, isnt it like done by just you know, Reinstalling valorant ? By deleting The Vanguard, valorant and Riot client ? And Reinstalling it back ? This is the first time Having a blue screen and cant play valorant
Aryan.11mo ago
Same lol No i tried that I trried reinstalling EVERYTHING did the process jidat told me to also looked it up online (exactly same) but soon as i did that process, and restarted it just blue screened then opened up my valorant would load up the to home screen but in a flash second come up with error its really annoying, and I feel like this is a valorant problem However I do not know so i still think this might be a laptop problem for me
NormalityOP11mo ago
So i updated it, it wonk work : ( Also no Blue screens Oh same i am a laptop user Idk if the problem is either Valorants or... Our Laptops
Aryan.11mo ago

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