why wont valorant let me use the one time refund on my upgraded recon balisong?
valorant said there was a one time refund on any gun but you can only use it one time and now they said i cant
26 Replies
they recently updated the policy as it seems
the one time refund no longer works
Only unused in-game content and unused VP purchased within the last 14 days are eligible for a refund. In-game content counts as used once it's taken into a game: that means you've reached the loading screen of a match in any mode (including custom games or practice) with that content equipped.
More information: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045674593-How-to-Request-a-Refund-VALORANT-Player-Support
:Clove_Wave: Please read above!
but why there should still be a one time refund valorant wont even lose money because of it, even fortnite lets you refunf THREE things every year if it was bought less than 30 days before the refund
yes it is

I did it yesterday
you have to word your support ticket in a way where the automated bot won't respond
if you get a human agent they can do a one time refund for you
bro i got 2 human agents
they said they wont let me
this is so unfair
and i cant even buy more vp
"you are facing some difficulties refunding [skin]"
what is the context for that
the other support agent told me to go through the website and I told him it didn't work and he tried to gaslight me
was it upgraded
@GenZ (walking ult orb)

full comversation
full upgraded xerofang
should i send another ticket?
are you allowed to ask for a specific valorant employee
i want urs
do you have any idea why they let me refund it but not him
no idea
ill just consider it luck for now since ive seen others not be able to do it as well

so were my valorant support agents just risking their job for me or something
bc i indeed got my VP and radianite back
and my xerofang is gone
seems like it
seems like a miscommunication within their team tbh
guess the one-time exception depends on who answers your ticket
fr bro look