Val does not launch brings me back to Riot Client
Whenever I try to start Valorant nothing happens besides it loads for a bit and brings me back to the Riot Client. I tried most methods for example reinstalling the game, the whole client, some tutorials on Yt and more. The weird thing is every game on my PC works perfectly fine. I can start every other Riot Game with no problems. I would really appreciate someone who can help me solve this problem : )
7 Replies
Open ur valorant folder then live/shootergame/binaries/win64 and open valorant win64 shipping
shows an error message
Show the message
its german im sorry lmao

Open cmd (Command Propmt) as admin and enter:
icacls "C:\Riot Games\VALORANT" /grant Users:F /t /c
and then try to launch it
still nothing
Uncheck all the compatibility settings for valorant and valorant win64 shipping