stutters every 10 seconds
32 gb 7000 ddr5 ram
Z790 dark hero maximus
I have tried everything to fix this problem and the game keeps stuttering every 10 seconds it feels like. This is the only game it happens on. It is not the gpu and the spikes pop up in the cpu game time and cpu rhi time

10 Replies
I’m getting the same problem
Similar specs
#Network Rtt + processing delay randomly peaking to 272+ ms for full games
Is this ur issue too?
@S_8713 no i dont think its a connection problem i think its with my cpu
Would you have any idea how to fix my issue?
bro im so stupid i wasnt the wireless extension for my g pro logitech that was causing it too stutter
did you try reinstalling the game
uninstall game and vanguard with revo uninstaller and reinstall valorant
also is this happening in other games
Had the same issue, fixed it but turning on frame limiter
What’s that
Try putting your max fps 20hz higher than your display. Turn on nvidia low latency+boost. And watch a video on optizing your pc. Lots of them are Fortnite YouTubers but still good content for valorant and make sure your computer has a wired internet connection
i tried