can i get unbanned i had to feed brother
my mom had to go to the hostipal and i had to feed my brother and got afk banned

10 Replies
no, you accept a responsibility when you queue for a game that you will fulfil it, plus who cares about a 1 hour ban
by the time you even got a response from riot support it'd be over like 2-3 days before
it been 4 days
well womp womp tbh
my mom dying
that's sad and all but what does that have to do with you queueing valorant?
you're still ruining 4 other player's game
half of my team was afk
they told me alt+4 and just live life
maybe follow their advice tbh
valorant is pure pain :val_KekwSob:
there are millions of games that don't punish you for leaving, try those out if this is reocurring theme
not their fault rlly
just wait it out