38 Replies
aimlab ==> Six Shot ==> 90%+ Accuracy x10
aimlab ==> Headshot (Precision) ==> 90%+ Accuracy x10
Game Firing Range ==> 100 Target (Full Shield) ==> go to corner of Firing range and
spray close ones / burst (max 3 bullet ) 15 to 25 targets / and 1 tap +25 meter targets
whats aimlab?
oh its the thing that pros use to train aim ?
Steam ==> Search for aimlab
do it 1 day in between
and that will improve on my aim?
i easily reached diamond with this
step by step
on 60Hz
and 90+ ping always
and i peaked immo 1 with 60 ping 240hz monitor
i just started like 1 month ago
i think u have 20 ping r ?
and i really want to hit ascendant
then u gonna need to learn game A LOT
yea, since i got back to my main contry, rn i got 25
but im gonna go back soon
where r u from ?
Hungary, but my new house is in poland
try hard on poland i think u will get 8 - 12 ping on warsaw server
sdly nah.... the town where i live cant afford wired internet
how much ping do u get ?
if u have +10 Ms jitter u f#cked bro 🙂
its really unstable, but if the weather is good, 80
but yea its perma jumping from 80 to 90 then to 130 then 150 then back to 80
in my opinion just leave it xD
unstable internet is HELL like FR HELL
i prefer stable 100 ping except of 60 unstable
yea teleporting enemies are not the best... got a few example on medal
and avoid 3rd party softwares ... i got banned rn with no reason and discussing ab it and they saying i was cheating but there is a big issues with vanguard i think
watch Sondo301 / woohoojin in Youtube they can help u improve with aim and game sense
woohojin is the banana guy no ?
im 2 game away from plat
i gave u plan to diamond ... if u wanna aim train that works for long period tho
how much is ur mintor ref rate ?
u should ezily reach dia

finally got plat
x10, does that mean doing the six shots and headshot 10 times each?
nahh aimlabs sucks
range and dms/tdms are all you need for your aim
alright i will try that out
thank you!
wait where is the range
practice thing
found it!
Do not hurry
Slow is smooth and smooth is fast
so slow is fast
it doesnt sucks (Expirience talking ... )
the tasks are unlike valorant
its good for overall mouse control and is good if ur starting out
but if ur not new then kovaaks is a better alternative if not then use the range
{ gold area } what do u think ?
u can create 90% same tasks on aimlabs -_- whats the difference if im gonna do same things ?