Trolls, what happens to them?
Played a competitive game last night with a Deadlock that trolled from round one completely unprovoked. Team is going up B long on bind and he walls us off. Took spike every round he could and just messed around in spawn. Throwing his net on teammates. We all reported and so did the other team. What even happens to people that do this kind of thing. I hope it's a permaban. I really do.
7 Replies
same happens to me one time
sova taking the spike and just standing on the spawn
roit probably check their gameplay and stuff
and ban em
prob like a suspension for a few weeks
if first offence
maybe like 2 months
People like that should be hardware permabanned.
i don't think they don't do hardware bans for these stuff, unless they keep repeatingly do it But if it's 2nd offence then permbanned for account
I just wish we were told the actual penalty.