VALORANT11mo ago

Can I Take Legal Action Against Riot?

They won’t give me back my account that I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on, surely this is illegal?!
35 Replies
🦋Aimsy🦋11mo ago
I mean u can try? Did you get banned or something?
HaroldOP11mo ago
No just lost the acc info and they still think its not mine after 3 tickets
🦋Aimsy🦋11mo ago
Oh then go ahead cuz thats fucked
Bouwer11mo ago
probably against the TOS i'd just make more tickets granted if you lost the account info to the point where they can't properly identify you, that's a skill issue
Revenant11mo ago
Remember. You agreed on a lot of things when you opened your account. And since Riot isn't some cheap company they'll have that covered
Bouwer11mo ago
legal action is also like 10x more expensive than whatever you spent on the account
Revenant11mo ago
If they win all of their costs are covered by Riot But don't. Riot will pull out some random ah contract you agreed to and that means your acc is gone and all your money
HaroldOP11mo ago
They could’ve atleast taken me to dinner before they fucked me
Revenant11mo ago
First they took your account and now your virginity. You can forget about the catholic life now.
Bouwer11mo ago
closest thing i can find is this
You are responsible for all losses (including loss or use of Virtual Content) on your account where you have shared your Login Credentials or have failed to keep your account or Login Credentials secure.
so what you mean here is that you lost the password, or username too
Revenant11mo ago
Both I think
Bouwer11mo ago
>insert password manager ad
Revenant11mo ago
Honestly it's all on you Why should Riot be responsible for your incapability to remember or note a password This just shows that Riot wouldn't give our accs to some random bozos
Bouwer11mo ago
I mean he must've also lost access to his email or he would've been able to reset his password So at that point what's riot supposed to do lol
Revenant11mo ago
They'd ask you about the last transactions and which cards were used
Bouwer11mo ago
possibly yeah
HaroldOP11mo ago
Revenant11mo ago
Btw I'm the owner of TenZ' account I just forgot the E-Mail and Password I also lost access to the E-Mail of TenZ Do you have access to the Mail?
HaroldOP11mo ago
The account was an old alt acc that my friend group had the info too, i made a new email specifically for the acc and changed yhe username/password to the account. It was all saved to my pc notes but i har windows 11 and its a literal virus and corrupted my hard drive. I stopped playing valorant when OG fortnite dropped then after that focused on uni and played other games. I had to buy a new drive after my pc killed itself and lost all data. I know the username to the account and the gmail @ but none of the passwords Eventually it will be revealed to me via dream and riot will rue the day
Revenant11mo ago
And you know which credit card you used? Btw rn you got as much info as I have about TenZ' account If not just make a new account There's 0% chances that you'll get it back
Saucywan11mo ago
What information do they ask you to provide that you could not provide? In the tickets they should have asked you security questions like if you have ever played a certain game. Email, location, What the first item you bought was, etc
Revenant11mo ago
First item 💀 ''What was the comp in the first game you ever played''
Saucywan11mo ago
I'm sorry?
me11mo ago
When you buy in game stuff you're actually paying for a non transferrable, revocable license to use the stuff as long as Riot wants to let you.
You also agree that Riot can revoke your account for any reason, so you really won't be able to take legal action. There's also an arbitration clause which can delay any legal action especially if you're in the US. tldr: no
Bouwer11mo ago
so it's shared which is against tos lol saving passwords in notes is also like probably the worst way to do it
Revenant11mo ago
Bouwer11mo ago
nah on disk
Revenant11mo ago
Like who tf cares about anyone's Valorant account
Bouwer11mo ago
irl is dumb for other reasons
Revenant11mo ago
Oh yeah definitely I tattoed my Password on my left butt cheek
MixNix ★
MixNix ★11mo ago
No, you don’t have any grounds to sue Riot Games because of your negligence
Hugo11mo ago
what if a hacker gets your password and you have to change it? i know its a joke but like gen question
silva11mo ago
Did you give them all the info? That they needed? Or asked This is why I stopped spending shit on riot I would spend more but I’m not famous so I’m not a favourite
Revenant11mo ago
I hack the hacker back

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