Is this a PC problem? If so please send recommendations.
Hello, my PC is an "okay" enough computer to play Valorant. This just happened after redownloading it after coming back. I wan't to know if this is a PC problem that can be fixed quickly or is it a
virus or a incompatible PC part? Please let me know. Thank you.

5 Replies
what are your pc specs? cpu, gpu
My gpu is AMD Radeon RX Vega 11 and my cpu Ryzen 5x 3400g
the vega 11 is the CPU's built in iGPU, it wont be compatible
you will need an actual hardware GPU
I'm guessing thats expensive..? So until i buy a new one i can't be able to play valorant? or is there another solution that i could perhaps do?
many competitive games (including valorant) usually require you to have an actual GPU. You could get a cheap one since valorant is a CPU based game or you can try to set all your settings to lowest and try to play on 1080p if that doesnt work 720p