secure boot but my bio is wierd lmao i watched all of youtube videos nothing please help
41 Replies
and TPM

dont turn on secure boot
you will brick your system
your system does not support it
Idk what to do lol
Weird ass bio

yes its a old board
dont do anything to it haha
are you using windows 11?
you installed a pirated windows 11 didnt you
how did you install windows 11?
from where?
I bought it the whole pc
Windows was installed and im sure its orignal
but dude trust me yh if you enable secure boot on that board you will probably brick it
what cpu does your computer have anyways?
I7 4790
yes it doesnt support this
you will mess up your pc
install windwos 10 and play on that broski
cpu is ok just not meant for windows 11 alorant
nah fk valorant than lol
yh it doesnt make sense right
so most people are still using windows 10 because windows 11 is not exactly stable
and even if it was it makes no sense to have a requirement for one version and not the other haha
so dumb lmao even tho league of legends wroks perfectly
you might be able to play it
what cpu you got
i told u
I7 4790
oh you aswell
ima same guy one on the phone the other on pc
oh haaha#
Windows key + r -> tpm.msc
Please send images of so we can better support
I had the same issue, but after I played on a different device it worked also on the old device
It only requires secure boot on windows 11
can you help me with tpm2.0

Get into the bios
me too wont work it bc ur pc does not suport tpm hapened to me too gotta wait for valorant to fix
This is ths bios @jidat
Nothing i can do ?
i Am back after Exams
maybe it suport but ima need us to vc so i can help with ur problems
ping me on your post
@Talonted Gamer
@Talonted Gamer
@Talonted Gamer
@Talonted Gamer
U here
Can we vc?
dm me
if your system does not support tpm 2 and u enable secure boot your pc bricks itself mate...
i got two computers behind me that i tried it on to experiment and thats exactly what happened
Thats definitely not the case
I bet those pcs had their bios mode set to legacy or u pulled some random buttons while trying to enable secure boot
nah i dont do "random buttons"
and no only one of the mb was legacy
@sr:snoopy_brother Show the dms please