Is dodging bad????
I have dodged 2 times in a row and got a ban. It is really wrong to do it, do I need to play with the team I don't want to and lose my rank because of it. It's constant that I am getting instalock players and because of that we can't form a team,there sometimes there are other reasons but once I stop dodging then I keep getting lower in rank.
At the end I want to know do people really think dodging deserves a full day ban??

69 Replies
Still better than a 30 rr loss
Are you going quintiple negative?
Lowest rank in the game 27 rr was the last loss
Rr means rank points right??
I think rank rating
Yeah but do you get a ban for dodging (just asking)
if u got a one day ban its not dodging twice only
How many is it???
I don’t think they are
........ Guess i will be in iron forever
Took me a few weeks of consistent dc’s due to bad pc to get a year ban
What is the cause to you dodging tho
I was thinking that but if im being realistic nobody has tracker in iron
There really is no communication there are instalocker once every second game and sometimes the number goes upto 3 instalocker
I have I think
Why would you assume there’z no communication
Instalockers are normal in every single rank
Get used to it
Also don’t get into a game expecting someone to open their mic in iron
Around gold or plat is where people start to use their mics
Yes there is a mic and I think I am overreacting
There we at least discuss what team comp to have and what to do (when I mean communication it also includes chat)
who talks in lobby
When we select an agent we don't talk ( I R O N)
I just say hello team when game starts
On buy phase
I never talk on agent select
yeag why would u talk on agent select
and ur in iron anyways they dont even comm during the game
Plz guide me a little
So what am I suppose to do when I feel like dodging next time
I will do that no matter what
Is this chat closed??
@YO!!!!! just because someone insta doesn’t give you the right to dodge
Just play the game?
I personally along w my 2 friends instalock and we carry hard af
U can get outta iron if u have the best aim in the lobby
You don’t even really need a team comp if you can trust ur team
U dont even need a team in iron :/
Not like they do anything
Just go aim duel
Like literally u can climb to immo with music blasting comms off as long as u r an absolute aimer
So in iron
As long as u have better mechanics
Its free
He’s in iron, I’d say his aim is bad
So he def can’t do that
I mean yea but there r so many resources
But regardless
Just do some voltaic
immortal is not just aim 😭
U can climb up to immo with just aim i said
u can prob 1v5 in iron but ur not 1v5ing in immortal
if ur mechanics suck, no you cant
mechanics over aim anyday
Low immo u can
Ik plenty of ppl
U cant climb into high immo with just aim
Cuz low immo doesnt even rly count as immo
It does
it really shouldnt be, it should only be penalized after several times of doing it. especially low elo when theres so many trolls you should be safe to dodge the game if you dont want to play it, knowing youre going to lose anyway
Low immo players legit just ascendants with higher ego :/
Anyways we're getting off topic
But you dont know your going to lose
Just out aim the ppl in iron and u can get out @YO!!!!! no need to dodge
ascendant to immo is prob the hardest rank to promote from ngl, ascendants are just better diamonds but after ascendants is actually good players
Immo to radiant, ive been hardstuck for 2 years :val_KekwSob:
Asc-low immo is not hard
well thats a given
nah gold - plat
bronzes-gold are all the same, plat is just plat, diamonds-ascendant is the same
gold is not the same as anything under
gold-plat is just getting good teammates]
like i saidd theres a lot of trolls in low elo, you either have to suffer through the game and lose 13-0 or just ragequit before the game ends. not much you can do if its a 1v5 or 2v5 low elo or not
golds are low elo
they are NOT allat
they kinda aree
iron sucks, bronze-gold is the same thing
bronze - gold is not
yes it is lmao
ur in iron u rlly dont have a say
ive played in all of those lobbies theyre all the same
im not in iron idk why its not updated
yes it is brotha
but trust me id know ive played all of those lobbies and theyre all the same
ahhhhh personally imo plat and below is all identical, dia-low asc is identical, asc-low immo is identical
plat-diamond is prob top 3 hardest to go from
it also depends on the region
plat steps it up but bronze-gold is basically one rank its easy to get stuck
ive played apac na and eu, skill difference is minor af and the "eu is better or na is better" is all copium
def not
as someone who played in eu for 3 months
its def diff then NA
def is, im immo2 NA and imm3 eu and apac
def is
some regions specialize more in aim, some in gamesense
but its all the same
skill gap is minor af
ngl all diamond-asc are the same
anyways im outta here, gotta hit the kovaaks