Network Rtt + processing delay randomly peaking to 272+ ms for full games
Happens 3-4 times a day (games) I have Ethernet and good pc. Makes game unplayable and impossible. Please help
171 Replies
try uninstalling and reinstalling
(Didn’t work)
Pls help
Turn on all network graphs
And the Valorant stats setting
Ok then?
Bump pls help game is unplayable
Then record or take ss while in range
I’m in class rn but I have a photo from yesterday

The packet loss graph (far left) looked like mountains
But I didn’t capture it
its the internets problem not a problem with the hardware lol
oh okay mb
This looks like a network issue
Win+r, msinfo32, send a photo
Do I need valorant open for this
I got Ethernet at 150 speed idk why this is happening
Okay I get home in 2 hours will do it then
Will you be here
@Saucywan I will be as quick as possible I’m gonna take the train home Instead bus
This issue has made the game unplayable for weeks
It needs fixing
Stop saying bump
Im 30m away from home i will do this
what u wanna see from the pic?

Can you provide the actual values
of all of them?
You can remove anything you find sensitive

Open cmd
Enter: ping -t
Wait a couple of minutes
Then to end it press ctrl + c
Then send me a photo of the summary
would connecting to public dns fix issue?
Are you currently using one?
i dont think so
Do you know how to switch it
i messaged riot support and they said turn my router off and on which i did
then turn off ipv6 which i did
then to switch to a public dns
and then run some commands in command prompt whihc youve already made me do
Please download the lan drivers
What is a lan driver
A network driver
I just download what you sent in the link?
May I ask what it does @Saucywan - apologies I’m not that computer proficient
But yeah it’s very late here I’m going to get some sleep now, I’ll do what you say in the morning
Please still be there to help me tmr bcz I really wanna get this issue fixed
Download this

Your computer has a network interface interface needs software most of the time it’s updated and updating. It will fix network related issues.
I downloaded it
who's your provider and where are you located?
Virgin media
I’m in the UK
I got electric Ethernet tho
probably Virgin Media routing your traffic the long way.
let me take a look
Virgin Media players on average gets 20ms to our london game servers, your issue most likely local to your home. Are sure the Internet service isn't get congested by other traffic while you're playing? like netflix or other streaming traffic?
I’m sure
I get this ping aswell , it’s just the network RTT processing delays + network RTT jitter and packet loss that spikes most of the time
got it, can you DM your IP address so I can try to look into it further?
Uh you want my ip?
Sorry basically I contacted riot support and they asked me to download something called riot developer tool
And then they asked for logs
I sent it to them, and this is what they said
ok they can get those logs to me eventually. we can wait for that process to come through

I have done all of these steps except for switching to the public dns
I’m still getting these issues
Did you actually install it?
Oh okay sure. You want me to send them to you or will they give them to you? If so how
And after that was done, it asked you to restart your computer, correct
you can just go to and copy paste the details to me in a DM (important not to share this here)
What is my IP address? — • What is my IP address? — The best tool to find your own IP address, and information about it.
I just clicked download this morning and left my pc on for it to install, I’m in class right now but I get home in 3 hours
Oh ok
You want the logs right
After it installs what do I do?
Will it fix the issue?
We had some problems in the past with the exact same network related issues and this normally fixed it
But I do not know if riot is having network related issues and that’s why the actual network dev is here
Okay, thank you
Just the table under "What do we know about this IP address?" is enough
But yeah it randomly just spikes, my network Rtt + processing delays, my network Rtt jitter, and my packet loss graphs look like mountains when my Ethernet speeds are showing 150+ while valorant is open
Okay, im not at my pc at this very moment so I think the ip address would be wrong. I get home in 3 hours, will you be available then bro?
What I could do is forward the logs I sent to the riot dev to you from my phone
Via email or dm?
DM is the easiest
I won't be around, but can take a look tmr
You’re an actual riot dev right?
I dropped you a dm
So after the lan driver is installed and I restart my pc, if the issue is ongoing what should I do?
Wait to see if it’s a riot problem
the driver is downloaded
Please show me

do i click install
Oh you just merely downloaded
Extract at first
btw this is safe right?
It came from their website so I hope
That was a joke by the way

after extracting
For this specific one I believe you have to run the file named
doing it rn

this is what it says
thats why i asked if it was safe no disrespect to you
do i go ahead with it?
Yes it is still safe. Just as a quick reminder of what that actually means. All it's saying is that you haven't given us enough of money
Basically if you don't give them $200 a year that will pop up for any software you run
For developers you have to pay that to have that not pop up
^ To be clear I don't mean you have to pay that I mean the developer of the software does
Anyways click on more info and then run anyways
Also if you don't trust me Google will tell you 👍
holy wtdf
it just opened my command thing and started flooding it with some text
it was all in an instant
Well it's working
it closed itself
Let me download it myself to see which one you have to run one sec

Run this
Restart your computer
And you should be good
how do i check if its runnning
a brief window popped up for a millisecond then closed
It should have installed
When it disappeared
Just restarted
From what I can see from the code it literally just uninstalls the old one and installs the new one

Didn’t you say above that this should ask you to reset itself?
For my specific motherboard which is not asus it does ask that
so idfk
Oh ok
Well yeah I restarted my pc
I clicked run on that asus set up thing like 4 times to make sure
I’m going to que now and let u know if I get any problems
Should I check if it’s installed? If so how?
open device manager
And go to network adapters
And show me a photo of them

Its installed
ill lyk
same issues @Saucywan
its mosrly packet loss graph this time spiking
and im tping alot everywhere esp when jumping, but my network rtt + processing delays graph isnt spiking as much as it did, but its still really bad
my network rtt jitter graph is spiking though
bro what is this bs

i cant move

indeed 😭
The only other thing that just being riot is you can try using warp
It's created by cloud flare and it's a pretty cool piece of software — The free app that makes your Internet faster.
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Ensure a stable network connection by minimizing background usage and restarting networking hardware. Optimize router settings, prioritize gaming traffic, and check for firmware updates. Use a wired Ethernet connection, update network drivers, and close unnecessary background processes on the PC. Contact the ISP if issues persist and consider upgrading networking hardware if necessary.
Please read the whole chat before you provide support
Just trying to help, plus I am not doing that. Simply trying to help. But I will.
Done all of this still get this issue
Okay. I’ll install when I get home today
I'm bumping this for myself too.. Soo lmk pls.. Happens a lot nowadays, sometimes it's 60-70 ms network rtt delay and sometimes it jumps around 120-150 ms :Gekko_Wingman_Sad:
port fowarding
might work
What’s this
But isn't port forwarding risky in most cases
these ports are usally normally open
like how port 80 is open by defult
the risk is the same
as without
I get that much.. I never tried tbh, since I can't do it on my hostel wifi (not at home)..
Soo, one thing I'm curious about is, is it okk to use that port forwarding software too then?
Since I can't access wifi isp rn
not sure, however i believe windows as a bult in tool for that
Hmm u mean that windows defender inbound rules one?
Udp tcp
@Saucywan @Jimz its getting worse

not sure
its not abt how big the jitter is but how often it happens
all the time now
what time is it rn?
when did this problem start?
dosnt need to be exact
3 weeks
and you are using virgin media correct?
are you using an internet extender prehaps?
I have Ethernet my cable is plugged into a tp link booster which is plugged into the pc
The lag is terrible
What is that?
have you always used a tp link booster?
Also, have you tried using just Wi-Fi?
Yes, same issue
I could connect my router downstairs directly to my Ethernet upstairs ie to my pc
But it will be costly
Hmm I only know that port open settings in firewall not sure about others windows settings
Maybe I'm missing some other settings ig
So! My router is upstairs in my house, I actually bought flat Cat 5e, it's a little cheaper than Cat6 and ran that along the ceiling to my basement where my PC is! (I rent so didn't want to drill into the floors to run the cable) I think I spent like 15 usd on the cable to do so. Just a word of advice if you're running ethernet, keep the length under 100 meters. After 100 meters you begin to get packet loss.
But if you can run straight up hardwired connection, that will always provide a more stable experience than wifi or a TP link.
Yeah, the guy is coming to install the hard wired connection from my router to the pc tmr
I don’t think the distance from downstairs to my upstairs bedroom is >100m so I should be fine right
i dont know why my experience so far is so bad tho
It could very well be that TP Link? Did this latency start in the last few weeks?
Hi Bringo,
I wonder if yk any good sources to learn about networks etc more in depth.
thanks :aniheart:
What about my issue
There are a couple of really good collections regarding networking for video games that are pretty good and, we've also got some tech blogs on our website and Also there's a couple of videos on the networking that we've made in the past. Some might be league focused but the concepts still apply to Valorant.
GitHub - rumaniel/Awesome-Game-Networking: A Curated List of Game N...
A Curated List of Game Network Programming Resources - rumaniel/Awesome-Game-Networking
Leveling Up Networking for A Multi-Game Future
What does it take to manage a live game like League of Legends or VALORANT? Riot Direct aims to reduce lag and smooth out internet bumps for players across the globe.
Riot Games Support
What Happens When I Press Q | Riot Games Player Support
To get more tech help, tools, and info, visit
Whenever you do anything in League, a miraculous technological journey begins where everything can go horribly wrong. Professor Milk and Riot Player Support present the story of what happens when you press Q.
As for your current issue my friend, I'd continue working with @Jimz he's one of the network engineers and will probably look to see if your ISP has a weird route when packets leave our servers to go back to your computer.
The internet is like a living creature, it changes pretty often.
Hey @Del Bringo @Saucywan
After following the support ticket I made with screenshots like these showing that the issue is ongoing, this is what they said, I don’t fully understand it so could someone explain, or more simply, will hard wiring my Ethernet to my router fix this problem?

U just have to do port forwarding, going to ur wifi router. U can go there typing ur router ip in web browser and enter the passwd Or if u cant maybe ask ur isp to optimize it for u. It depends tbh, most won't do, or allow it tbh, and it's better if u have access to the control of ur wifi through their software or router setting. Thats all I can say, it's just that every router has different process of going through. Soo maybe research it or check ur router model for help
thank you so muchhh :BearHeart:
They are asking you to "port forward". Port forwarding is like opening a door to a house (for example). It lets certain data from outside to come inside. Now let say some data wants to enter the house, but the door is closed. Port forwarding is like opening that door for the certain data so it can pass through/in.
Hard wiring your ethernet cable might fix this problem, id say its worth a try
Get outta here alt
@S_8713 hello sorry for the ping, has the issue been solved yet? And if so what did you do to solve it :aniheart:
it hasnt been solved yet
still getting these issues
after doing this aswell
is this problem constantly or just from time to time?
time to time
would you say it happens on odd hours?
6pm,7pm, 8pm, 9pm
And randomly earlier
atp prob an isp issue
How do I fix
I’ve contacted them
They just say reset router I do it every day
mention that you have already tried that and it didnt help
@Jimz hey sorry for the ping but does virgin media have/use riot direct?
no, we are seeing an average of 21ms for VM customers to London game servers with no sign of any wide spread issue
Dang I sometimes peak 1000 for like 8 seconds randomly