secure boot state
How do i even do this i tried everything ok i did the secure boot but there is another one that is secure boot state that it isnt allowing me to secure it i looked at every yt vid i can find but nothin BTW im on laptop lenovo
19 Replies
win+r, msinfo32, send a photo

Go to your bios and show me where you enabled secure boot
i enabled it when we restart the laptop
yes please show me a photo of that of where you think you turned it on
ok hold on

Press restore factory keys
i pressed it it says yes or no
Press yes
pressed it
what do i do after i press on yes?
What is the platform mode?
Save and exit
ok i saved and exited
i cant get into my bios😭
it just goes black
someone help
Make ur own post please.
i did
Ping me there