"graphics driver" is crashing
my oc is stable and never had this issue till today. didnt change shit on my pc just booted it and crashed 5-6 times per comp game.
43 Replies
will ss error message next time i crash. idk what the crash log path is
nvm seems like everyone has alr been experiencing the same shit
sammmeee i just came to ask and i saw this
i got exactly the same
idk what to do
try this site

if u need link dm
those r all basic troubleshooting methods and ive tried them already
this is happening to me too. im freakin out. val is my whole sad life. omg haaaaalllp
u just gotta wait then till val fixes
it works for some people
not all
so this isnt my computer. its riot?
its not ur pc
its just something thats happening to some people in val
you sure? lol im sorry but... im freakin out lmao
no im sure
its happening to multiple people
and only onm val
their vanguard has issues
thank gawd
Have all of u tried reinstalling their graphics drivers from scratch?
it worked for three people that i gave link
only temp fix tho
I would assume they didn't do a full reinstall
Looks like an issue on nvidia's side
roll back ur driver
that worked for me
Yea definitely a driver issue
roll back?
Roll back to the previous version yes
yea so go to device manager on ur pc and then go to display adapters you'll see ur graphics card name and right click go to properties then you'll see roll back update
it was happening and THEN i updated my graphics card.
Did u guys recently do a driver update?
Through where?
and its still happening. but i updated everything because of this issue that started today
geforce experience
Roll back ur drivers
If that doesn't work then do a clean reinstall and download drivers manually from nvidia's website
download drivers directly from nvidias website.... so i just download and install the game from riots website right? and then...
or just wait till valorant fixes
cause no matter what u try ur gonna have that error
i mean it worked for my friend and 3 others
Its not even val related lol
People without an nvidia card are playing fine probably
they are
i havent seen others report problems
Just reinstall ur graphics drivers people
Stop being lazy
I have an AMD graphics card, same issue, so definitely not an Nvidia problem
how long does this take
Like 20 minutes
Depends on ur internet speed
uninstalling and reinstalling worked for me!
thank you!
Any New Fix?
Tried Reinstalling Windows, Gpu Drivers and Valorant itself
never updated mine since it started happening. was on my other pc and laptop and both were updated to latest at the time and there was no issue. and i did ddu my driver and it did not work. issue2 seems to have resolved itself on the previous val update
Hello Justin!
Can you say which gpu you have installed?
Maybe that can give some clues
issue2 seems to have resolved itself on the previous val update
pc with issues had a 1060 3gb