txt file
hey, i have no idea where to type, but every time i open the riot client on my deskop it creates an automatic txt file like "ardtrc", what is it? i have only seen 2 threads on reddit without a fix.
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I would say just do a clean install of the entire entire game and all of the other components that go along with it
42 Replies
Please show me

From the ValorantTechSupport community on Reddit
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From the ValorantTechSupport community on Reddit: Weird file ardtrc...
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It won’t affect the game in anyway
I have also never heard of this
but problem is
I would say just do a clean install of the entire entire game and all of the other components that go along with it
i don't have Valorant
So then delete the file
I've only seen one thread from Reddit Valorant, which is why I posted it here

if i open
and log in
again respawn

Like I said, just do a clean install
4months without reply
@Saucywan emm
i can't uninstall
just i got restert pc
and still
cant uninstall
Is Vanguard running?
Are you sure?
yes im sure

i can install him again
but i can't delete
riot client/league of legends
Delete what
Close riot client
You wanted me to do a reinstall lol, but I can't even uninstall it
I meant what can’t you uninstall
how it was open after restart computer
@Saucywan thanks for help
but anyway, I want to know why such a txt is created on the desktop, if you see it for the first time then ask someone more familiar with this topic?
I am the most senior member here
As far as I know no one else has had the same issue
In this server*
Then where should I go with this question?
i wrote here bcs i saw only threads from Valorant reddit
So the issue for you is not solved yet?
I can redirect you to riot
has been resolved, but I would like to know the reason
why was this txt file created on the desktop
@Saucywan XD

Most likely it's just a rare glitch in some part of the code, causing the file to be saved on the desktop instead of somewhere else.
Let's assume that the file is created first, then something is supposed to be written into it. That's why the file could be empty, because the game can't find it in it's "correct location".