cant launch val
When i press play on valorant it turns gray like its gonna open and after a few secs it turns red again and nothing happen
216 Replies
restard computer maybe?
i did
does it still do it
same thing happens
try reinstalling riot client if you havent
but has the game worked in the past or not?
it worked earlier today
ill update u later
im busy rn
@unc restarted the game its still same issue
@Saucywan do yk how to help ive restarted my pc and game and uninstalled and reinstalled it
Are you trying to run the game as an administrator
ive tried both normal and admin
Open cmd as admin
and enter
Send a photo

sry for wait i was busy
C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live
Right click Valorant
Uncheck all of the boxes
C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64
Right click VALORANT-Win64-Shipping
Uncheck all of the boxes

@Saucywan u free rn?
Did it work?
still same issue
Open cmd as admin

I did update the command and make sure you entered the correct one ^
Or just rerun it to be safe
hold up

Restart your computer and try again
it aint work
That was a fast restart
C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64
Open the file named
like double click it?

Click OK and then right click it and go to properties
Then security
Then advanced

Press disable inheritance
which i click

Remove all inherited permissions from this object
k now its like this

Click apply
Then ok
^ Then tried doing this again
still this

me have same problem not helped
Please make your own ticket
did no one asnwer me
but i got the same problem like this dude
bruh just chill
Please try launching through riot client
someone answer eventually
still doesnt work 😔
Are you launching riot client as an administrator?
no should i
Are you sure?
You're not accidentally launching it as an administrator?
ye im just double clicking on the shortcut
ill check
you know what the pop up looks like right?
When you try to launch something as administrator
And you get the yes or no question
nothin pop up
Does that pop up when you try to launch riot client?
On your taskbar

In the bottom right
Find the symbol right click it and click exit

should i exit vanguard too
Now try launching Riot client
And see if a popup comes up
it just launches normally
Most likely the game is crashing
Before it can complete its launch
I'm going to have you download a software that lets me see the specific reason why it's crashing
The software is from riot
its ok i trust u
Can u show me a thing first
Can u see the valorant shortcut on ur desktop?
usually i start it from riot tho

Right click on that valorant shortcut
Then properties
Then compatibility
Show a screenshot

btw downloaded
Please launch it as an administrator
Go through the download process
it llike
froze my file explorer
nothin happening
Did it download?
i tried to run as admin on file explorer
Type in riot repair tool
In Windows
And run it as an administrator
nothing happening
should i restart pc
i just realized i have 2

which one
First one
Shouldn't matter rly
launch as admin?
k i did it
now i got logs folder
which one

Provide the entire zip folder
how i do that
You have tried reinstalling the game
Where did you download Val?
the website
VALORANT: Riot Games’ competitive 5v5 character-based tactical shoo...
Riot Games presents VALORANT: a 5v5 character-based tactical FPS where precise gunplay meets unique agent abilities. Learn about VALORANT and its stylish cast
Yes but like to what location
uhh lemme check
how i check
Where is ur riot games folder located?
Is it in C,D,E or somewhere else?
Are you sure about that?

Because some of the files for the game are located on your D drive
Click on this pc and send me a photo
what pc
Up here where it says
This PC

i cant read the chinese my parents set it to chinese 💀

Can you open the d drive
And tell me if there's a folder named build
Show me a photo

win+r, msinfo32, send a photo
From what I can see it looks like Vanguard is crashing

win+r, tpm.msc, send a photo
[2024.04.24-00.27.09:807][670]LogAresClientEvents: Error: Marking Platform Faulted for Reason: VanguardFail

Have you ever gotten the error code van 84?
would that happen when i launch val
or other time
i think no then
theres never an error code
it just doesnt launch
I see
Want me to try something?
After one of these crashes hasn't ever asked you to update?
U r still getting this error right?
uhhh i think once it didnt launch so i restarted pc and then i tried to launch and i had to updat6e
Go to ur valorant folder
Then live
Right click on valorant.exe
Run compatibility troubleshooter
Use recommended settings

Click yes
Program requires additional permissions
k i did it

Click yes
on what
Did this solve your problem
theres no more

ye i did
Now do the same for valorant win64 shipping please
i did it
Right click on valorant win64 shipping
Show ss

The same for valorant.exe please

Uncheck all the boxes
Change settings for all users
i just tried to start val

and this pop up
i cant uncheck them
they grayed out
its unchecked here but still grayed out but its still checked for mine lol

235 😂

my game just screwed
We have seen alot worse
@♱ sleepy ♱ Please run the memory diagnostic
whats that
Tests your memory to make sure it doesn't forget things
how i run it

Use Windows search and type in windows memory diagnostic
admin or normal
Once you open it press restart now
@Saucywan can ya tell me how to uncheck them first?
Become cool
So uh
What we gon do about that
@♱ sleepy ♱ Please tell me when the memory diagnostic is done
@Saucywan its done that took long asf lol
it says no problems tho
its still this when i try to launch val idk if thatll help

Only format will help us 🥹
@♱ sleepy ♱
wym format
I know like 50 ppl have this problem
Format whole windows
From usb
it work for u?
I cant format
I have tons of shit on my pc
I had this issue in Jan. I had to format my pc. now I have it again today
ok but
what is format 😂
Reinstall windows
From zero
naw 😂
too much work
ill prolly figure it out
without format
i tried for 3 weeks. I got a "fix" from Riot i can send to you, u welcome to try it.
sure send it
Let's try doing a clean reinstall of the game, which a more advance reinstall. Please follow every step carefully and in the correct order.
■ Let's clean up the files from the game, and uninstall it:
• Go to your C:\Riot Games folder and delete the Riot Client folder.
• Then enter %localappdata% into the top bar of Windows Explorer and delete the Riot Games folder
• Next, paste %programdata%. Once again, delete the Riot Games folder from there, then empty the Recycle Bin.
• Install Revo Uninstaller and completely remove Riot Vanguard and VALORANT from your PC.
• Also make sure that you don't have an installation of VALORANT on other HDD drives.
• Get CCleaner and clean all the registries and corrupted files from your computer.
■ It is of paramount importance that at this point, you do a clean boot of your PC. This will prevent other apps from interfering with the installation.
■ Then you'll need to re-download the game from here.
• Make sure to install it in the default location on the C:\ drive (we recommend having at least 45 GB of free space before the installation).
• Also, make sure to run the installer with Administrator permissions.
• You will need to restart your PC when prompted to finish reinstalling Riot Vanguard. And you can go back to the clean boot article and do the steps to reset the computer to start normally.
• Before you launch the game for the first time, disable your antivirus and follow this guide on configuring firewalls. These are the filepaths you need to add:
C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live\VALORANT.exe
C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\VALORANT-Win64-Shipping
C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealCEFSubProcess.exe
C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\vgc.exe
C:\Riot Games\Riot Client\RiotClientServices.exe
After you have finished, try launching Valorant and please let me know if you are still getting any errors.
did it work for u?
k ill try it later
This is for a different error
Not the one that they have
i got lost when they mentioned the revo uninstaller thing so i just reformatted my pc
its the same thing I have. My val opens i click play and nothing happens
Yes, but the reason it fixed it for you is because you reinstalled windows
Not because it actually worked
lol i know, I did tell him thats what I got from Riot if he wants to try it. I made it clear I havent tried it cause I got confused so i just reformatted my pc. but before I did that this is what Riot sent to me to try
how u reformat pc
no clue sorry, my brother did mine
format my whole pc just for valorant?
im gonna try a few things tonight still for my game. been trying for the past 8 hours if it still doesnt work im gonna reformat again tomorrow
What error are you getting?
Download the Windows installation media on a USB
Boot to the USB and delete all Drive petitions
nothing. mine is doing the same as #cant run the game video shows. I click play, nothing happens and then it wants me to click play again
I opened my own ticket #Valorant wont launch
Yeah, response times are pretty slow today
We had a lot of the same errors today
was since the update for me
i clicked update and then it all broke
ive tried everything
im boutta give up
Meh imma just look for a way to uncheck the boxes in the morning
Super sleepy rn
maybe riot need to release update?
I haven’t received confirmation that it is a bug
u from riot company?
or just a discord member trying to help us?
i know so many players have this problem
I have contact the devs
But I do not work for riot